It is not wrong for a mature force to seize territory. But it is wrong to ignore it after seizing it.

A force that does not develop its territory is at most a larger rebel and will not amount to anything.

If the O'Hara Pirates want to go a long way and walk steadily in the future, the sustainable development of the territory is essential.

This meeting is to discuss the future development plan of the O'Hara Pirates.

Liu Qian knocked on the table:"Everyone, our O'Hara Pirates has developed to the point where it has become one of the largest forces on the sea.

Our territory in the New World is also the largest among the Five Emperors. What are your ideas on how to manage the territory in the future?"

Regarding this question, Capone Bege spoke first:"Captain, I think we can form a gang, cooperate with the kings of the underground world, and run some dark industries."

As a member of the West Sea Mafia family, Capone Bege still uses his old ways to build his territory. Engage in pornography, gambling, drugs, sell some arms, and do some shady business.

"I object. Yixiao disagrees with Capon Becky's suggestion.

"Although our O'Hara Pirates are called pirates, our goal is to overthrow the world government and liberate the entire ocean. If we take the gang route, we might as well collect protection fees directly like other pirates and let the territory fend for itself."

Liu Qian nodded, and he also agreed with Yixiao's idea.

Indeed, if the O'Hara Pirates become a gang, it would be better to just collect protection fees in the original way.

Lafitte couldn't wait to say his suggestion:"Hohoho, Captain, we can set up a bodyguard company to help others escort goods.

With the influence and strength of our O'Hara Pirates in the New World, we don't even need to send people, as long as we allow those merchant ships to fly our flag.

I think in the New World, there is no blind pirate group that dares to touch our O'Hara Pirates' things?

As long as those merchant ships are willing to pay a little protection fee, we will authorize them to fly the flag of our pirate group."

Everyone's eyes lit up when they heard this suggestion.

Yes, with the current reputation and strength of their O'Hara Pirates, in the New World, no pirate group dares to mess with them.

Of course, the other five emperors are an exception. But no businessman would think that he can provoke the five emperors with a pirate flag, right? Such a stubborn existence may not live to the New World.

Liu Qian said to Robin, who was acting as a clerk:"Remember, Lafitte's idea is not bad"

"Does anyone have any other suggestions?"

Cyrus stood up and said,"My lord, I think we can open a gladiatorial arena on the Island of Omniscience. We can prepare huge rewards to attract people from the entire New World to participate in the fights.

I see that the arena in Dressrosa is almost always full, and they can earn a lot of money every day just from tickets. If we also open an arena and hold gladiatorial competitions regularly, I think the income must be considerable."

Cyrus used to be a gladiator, and the methods he could think of were of course related to the arena.

But this suggestion is also good, at least it can attract many outsiders to the Island of Omniscience. If more people come, they will definitely consume, which can drive the economic development of the Ohara Sea.

And compared to the arena in Dressrosa, the arena opened by the Five Emperors will definitely be more attractive.

Yixiao then added,"We can also open a casino around the arena and make money by adjusting the odds. In this way, I believe it will attract more people to participate."

Yixiao, this old gambler, also talks about his old business every three sentences.

In other words, there are really no decent casinos in the O'Hara Sea, because this sea area is really too poor. People who can't even get enough food, how can they have the leisure time to gamble.

Liu Qian also added:"This is possible. We can divide the gladiatorial contest into seasons, compete for the monthly champion every month, and let the champions of these 12 months compete for the annual champion at the end of the year. We can also hold the World Cup of Gladiator Contest every four years, and the monthly champions and annual champions in the past four years will compete for the championship of the World Cup.

We can even divide the competition into teams, such as the East China Sea to form a team, the West Sea to form a team, the South China Sea and the North China Sea, Paradise and the New World can form teams to participate, and even other pirate groups can form teams to participate. We can call this competition the KFC Competition, which will be held once a year.

In this way, there will definitely be many people who love gladiatorial contests to come to our Omniscient Island to consume. We can take the opportunity to make money. What do you think?"

Even Cyrus didn't expect that a gladiatorial contest could be played like this.

What he didn't know was that Liu Qian was even thinking about organizing A-level and B-level leagues when the gladiatorial contest became formal. At that time, countries would participate in individual and team competitions, and he wanted to make the gladiatorial contest a regular sport for the whole people, similar to the Blue Star football game.

Liu Qian even thought about how to manipulate the outcome of the game behind the scenes to make money for the casino. However, this kind of thing must be done secretly, so it is not within the scope of today's meeting.

After all, as the captain of the O'Hara Pirates, he must maintain the positive image of the O'Hara Pirates.

"Everyone, is there anything else? Let me make it clear again that we develop the territory to solve the problem of food and clothing for ordinary people, so those suggestions of murder, arson, kidnapping and robbery should not be mentioned again. You can secretly……"

""Ahem, you understand, right? If you understand, then continue."

As one of the cadres who stayed behind, Vegapunk also participated in this meeting, which was rare.

Normally, Vegapunk was either at the research institute or on the way to the research institute, and rarely participated in other activities. This time, he heard that he was going to make plans for the construction of the territory, and he rarely put aside his most beloved scientific research.

"Captain, I think I can contribute some of my scientific research results. We can build some factories in the territory, produce the facilities that I invented, and sell them to the world. In this way, we can solve the employment problems of many ordinary people and give them a stable income."

Sure enough, scientists think about problems differently from a bunch of pirates. This height is completely different.

After listening to it, a group of people agreed unanimously.

"This can be"

"Yes, the doctor is still smart, no wonder he is called the smartest person in the world"

"I agree"

"I agree."

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