Cracker's hands kept spinning at high speed, and he stabbed at the dark clouds with his armed Haki, and from time to time he fired huge spiral sword energy. Every attack could break up a large piece of dark clouds.

Lafitte always relied on his observation Haki to transform into an element in advance, flexibly avoiding Cracker's attack, and then counterattacked with his staff sword.

Seeing that his brother Cracker was restrained by Lafitte's fruit ability, Smoothie, one of the generals, couldn't stand it.

Smoothie is a superhuman. Squeeze Fruit ability user. This ability can squeeze out the objects she touches to produce juice, and can also use the sword to cut the opponent to squeeze out water.

And can spray out the squeezed water to eliminate a large range of enemies in one breath. She can also squeeze water to strengthen various attacks. She can also squeeze a large amount of water and absorb the squeezed water to make her body huge. It can become as big as a hill, but the speed is not reduced at all.

After transforming into a giant, her huge body can launch a large-scale attack that can attack all enemies in front of her, and can also release the absorbed water as a means of attack.

Clouds are essentially composed of a large amount of water vapor. Without water, clouds are no longer clouds.

If Smoothie fights Lafitte, Lafitte's Cloud-Cloud Fruit will not only be restrained by her, but even if Lafitte succeeds in making it rain, it will become a water dispenser for her to replenish water.

So, seeing that Smoothie was about to intervene in the battle between Lafitte and Cracker, the natural-type pitch fruit ability user, the swordsman Cyrus, stopped her.

Cyrus is also a natural-type ability user. He is a pitch fruit ability user. The thing he is least afraid of is being squeezed dry.

Moreover, as a swordsman, Cyrus's swordsmanship is not worse than Smoothie's at all, and the natural system can be elementalized.

Although Smoothie's strength is slightly higher than Cyrus, after the two fought, Smoothie was suppressed.

After all, Cyrus is a person who can really disregard his own safety for victory.

As soon as the two came up, the two long swords were entangled with each other, and the swords collided with each other, making a tinkling sound, just like playing a percussion music.

However, Smoothie felt very aggrieved. Her squeeze fruit had no effect on Cyrus at all. Not to mention, Cyrus often used the method of exchanging injuries for injuries. Cyrus relied on the ability of the natural fruit. In the battle, if he could use elementalization to avoid it, he would directly avoid it. If he couldn't, he would use armed color to resist it. Anyway, it was a sword for a sword.

When he and Smoothie just fought, he found that his strength was lower than this woman, so he made a decisive decision and adopted this method of fighting that would hurt both sides.

Sure enough, Smoothie couldn't adapt at all. Being suppressed by Cyrus, he could only be forced to defend and could hardly fight back. Because even if he fought back, Cyrus didn't care. The long sword was still cut as it should be cut, and it was still stabbed as it should be stabbed.

It's not that Smoothie hasn't encountered such a desperate opponent before, but that was only when she was at the end of her rope.

But now Cyrus chose to fight desperately, which was beyond Smoothie's expectations. And because the squeeze fruit didn't work on Cyrus, she could only rely on kendo to fight the enemy like her brother Cracker.

Seeing that his brothers and sisters were restrained one after another, the last general of the Big Mom Pirates, Snag, also joined the battlefield.

Snag, holding a large samurai sword, is a strong man of pure physical skills. The one who stopped him was William, the chef of the O'Hara Pirates.

William did not retreat with Robin with his brother Lance, but chose to stay on the battlefield.

William, holding a kitchen knife, is also a strong man of pure physical skills. Because of his profession, he often travels back and forth to various places in the Grand Line to find ingredients. He is strong and has rich combat experience.

At least compared to Snag, who has just become a sword star for a short time, the two are equally strong, but in terms of combat experience, William is better.

William's appearance surprised many people who watched the live broadcast.

After all, William only served as the captain of the logistics squad of the O'Hara Pirates in this flag-raising meeting. And he was positioned as a chef.

Like Lafitte before, it is not surprising that Cyrus has such strength that he can fight back and forth with the generals of the Big Mom Pirates. After all, they are the captains of the combat squad. Without some strength, it is impossible to be the captain. But now a chef can suppress the generals, which is incredible. How strong is the strength of your O'Hara Pirates? Even such a strong man can't get a captain of the combat squad in your O'Hara Pirates?

Seeing that their three generals were stopped by the captain of the O'Hara Pirates, the other 30 ministers looked at each other.

Their cadres are so strong that one-on-one is probably useless. Let's not talk about the morality of the rivers and lakes, let's go together.

Led by Big Mom's eldest son Perospero, they all shouted, and dozens of ministers and ordinary cadres all rushed forward.

The remaining cadres of the O'Hara Pirates saw this and thought, well, they are relying on their numbers to have a group fight.

It doesn't matter, we in the O'Hara Pirates are strong, and each of us can beat ten.

So, under the leadership of Capone Bege, half of the remaining cadres of the O'Hara Pirates rushed over to block the Big Mom Pirates. When the people of the Beasts Pirates saw this situation, we, the Beasts, took over the remaining half.

So, Quinn turned into a half-dragon and launched the first attack.

A strong man like Quinn naturally cannot be allowed to disrupt the original battlefield. The O'Hara Pirates are already at a disadvantage in terms of numbers. If Quinn sneak attacks a few captain-level cadres, they will soon retreat.

It was Waipa who stopped Quinn. Quinn is an ancient animal-type Brachiosaurus-type ability user. Waipa, as an ancient ability user like him, is a pterosaur-type ability user with the ability to fly.

The two fought in the air. Although Waipa's strength was lower than Quinn's, Waipa, who could turn flexibly in the air, still entangled Quinn tightly, not giving him the opportunity to help other battlefields.

In addition to the big boss Quinn, the Beasts Pirates also have many real fighters, among which Dimu and Black Maria are the strongest.

These two people, one is a Triceratops-type ability user, and the other is a Rose of the Ancient Wolf Spider-type ability user. Both are ancient species. Their strength is only slightly inferior to Quinn. Strictly speaking, they are about the same as Waipa. It's just because they can't fly, they are definitely not Waipa's opponents in air combat.

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