October 1, 1516, Haiyuan Calendar!

This was originally a very ordinary day, but it became unusual because of one person and one thing.

O'Hara, one of the Five Emperors, held a flag-raising meeting today and officially crowned himself as the emperor of the sea.

The Omniscient Island in the New World O'Hara Sea

Early in the morning, ships from major forces filled the dock of the Omniscient Island.

Some of them were invited by the O'Hara Pirates to watch the ceremony, and more of them came after seeing the news and were ready to hug their thighs.

Fortunately, the O'Hara Pirates had already made preparations and divided the berthing areas for all the guests who came to watch the ceremony according to the size of their forces.

It's not that the O'Hara Pirates are snobbish, but that's the rule of the sea. People with strength will be treated specially wherever they go.

Those forces that received the invitation were welcomed into the reception room by the cadres who were responsible for reception.

This living room was specially built for guests to watch the ceremony. The height of the four walls reached 100 meters. Three of them were glass walls, and one of the doors was also glass.

Those who can enter here are all bigwigs from the New World.

Among them are the captain of the first team of the Whitebeard Pirates, Phoenix Marco.

The vice captain of the Red Hair Pirates, Ben Beckman.

One of the two disasters of the Beasts Pirates, Flame Disaster Jin.

The leader of the four generals of the Big Mom Pirates, Katakuri.

These forces are on par with the O'Hara Pirates. Liu Qian sent Robin, Lafitte, Capone Bege, and William to greet them together.

As for the three major pirate alliances and the three major chambers of commerce, they are all deputies, and the eight kings of the underground world, except for the deputy sent by the Golden Emperor, the other seven are all present in person. They are all greeted by Cyrus, Augustus and others.

The rest of those who come to hug thighs just send some crew members casually, and after they anchor, guide them to the conference square to wait for the ceremony.

The venue of the flag-raising conference was not built next to the Tree of All-Knowing, but near the pier.

It was also specially built for this conference. The purpose is to prevent the guests from arriving in time because it is too far from the pier. Now it is built near the pier, so after the guests get off the boat, it won't take too long to reach the viewing square.

In the center of the square, a high platform was built, and a tall flagpole was erected on the platform.

The top of the flagpole is now empty. The flag will be raised later, that is, the pirate flag of the O'Hara Pirates will be raised to the top of this flagpole.

At the bottom of the flagpole, there is only one seat, which is the captain of the O'Hara Pirates, a special seat.

After the flag is raised, Liu Qian, the captain, will sit in this seat, symbolizing the official coronation, and then all the cadres and crew members will meet the captain under the high platform, and the captain will reward the cadres and crew members.

In the future, all cadre rewards will be carried out here. For example, Big Mom's dessert four generals and Kaido's two disasters were all rewarded in this way.

This conference not only invited many people to watch the ceremony, but also allowed everyone in all venues to record and broadcast live. In this way, not only the New World, but also Paradise and Four Seas can see the content of the conference at the same time.

At 10 o'clock in the morning, the flag-raising meeting was held on time.

Under the leadership of Liu Qian, the O'Hara Pirates all came to the square, and all the cadres lined up, and behind them were the ordinary crew members.

Liu Qian went up to the high platform alone, raised the pirate flag of the O'Hara Pirates, and then turned around and sat in the seat under the flagpole.

During this period, the entire venue was solemn and silent. After Liu Qian sat down, all members of the O'Hara Pirates, led by Vice Captain Robin and cadres, paid homage to Liu Qian.

And shouted in unison:"See you, Captain."

At this point, Liu Qian's personal coronation ceremony was completed.

Next, it is to reward the cadres.

The world of pirates is a world with clear levels. People with strength must have a status beyond others.

Therefore, many pirate groups have graded their crew members. For example, the captain of the Whitebeard Pirates, and the captains of each ship. The four sweet generals and ministers of the Big Mom Pirates, and the two disasters and the real fight of the Beasts Pirates.

The O'Hara Pirates have now officially become the Five Emperors, and they have to do the same as them, giving grades to the crew members and cadres. The stronger the person, the higher the status.

After everyone finished paying homage, Liu Qian slowly stood up from his seat, and the awarding began.

"The son of the devil, Nico Robin, one of the founders of the O'Hara Pirates, and the vice-captain."

Next to Liu Qian's seat, a chair was raised, slightly lower than Liu Qian's. This was the seat of Robin, the vice-captain. Robin walked up to the platform and stood shoulder to shoulder with Liu Qian.

The two of them were a perfect match, a handsome man and a beautiful woman, complementing each other.

The reward continued.

"The devil swordsman, Blind Tiger Yixiao. He is a user of the superhuman gravity fruit ability and can freely control meteorites from outer space. He deserves the name of the devil."

As soon as Liu Qian finished speaking, Yixiao stepped forward, bowed his body slightly, put his right hand on the hilt, and slowly unsheathed the cane knife.

Then everyone felt that the sky was dark, accompanied by a rumbling sound, and a heat came on their faces.

Looking up, a meteorite, as if it had lost gravity, was slowly falling from the sky.

Everyone present was frightened, their eyes were dull, and they tilted their necks, staring straight at the meteorites above their heads, fearing that Yixiao would make a mistake in control and the meteorites would fall and hit them.

When they came to the top of everyone's head, all the meteorites stopped there. It can be seen that Yixiao's control over the power of the fruit has reached the point where he can send and receive at will. To the point.

Everyone was shocked by Yixiao's strength. There were only a few people who could completely take on such a large meteorite falling from the sky. He really deserves to be the first cadre to be rewarded. No wonder he is called the devil.

After everyone finished exclaiming, Yixiao waved his staff and sword, and all the meteorites were impacted into the sea not far away by a repulsive force. The meteorites hit the sea and created huge waves.

This is also one of the reasons why the venue was chosen near the pier, just to facilitate the display of muscles.

Then, a chair rose under the high platform. This was Yixiao's seat. Yixiao smiled and said to the cadres next to him:"I'll go first." After that, he walked to the chair, but did not sit down, but just stood.

Because Liu Qian and Robin had not sat down yet, as subordinates, they naturally could not sit down.

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