The Kingdom of Dontada is located underground in the forest of Greenbit Island. This is a kingdom formed by the dwarfs. Although these dwarfs are short and only a few centimeters tall, they are amazingly strong and very fast.

The goblins in the Dressrosa legend are actually dwarfs. Although they are small, they are ten times stronger than humans.

In fact, not only the dwarfs, but also the long-legged, long-armed, and fish-people races are stronger than pure humans.

These dwarfs are"green managers" and the forest is their best home. Their weakness is innocence and kindness, and they are easy to believe other people's lies, such as Usopp, who later claimed to be a descendant of Nolando, and Princess Mansherry had a strange disease and needed to be isolated.

Liu Qian brought Robin with him, and Capombeji was also with him. Shirahoshi and Mansherry sat on Robin's shoulders and were responsible for showing them the way. The remaining 500 dwarfs were hidden in Capombeji's castle.

Speaking of Capombeji's castle, there are many races living in it. daytime���After Dadresrosa, they just released two giants and asked them to attend the banquet together, and now they have taken in a group of dwarfs.

If Big Mom knew about this, she would be so envious. You know, Big Mom's Ten Thousand Kingdoms has never had giants.

Following Mansherry's guidance, several people talked and laughed all the way, and soon arrived at Greenbit Island. In fact, it was Shirahoshi and Mansherry who were talking, and Robin would occasionally interrupt.

After arriving at Greenbit Island, Capone Bege released the dwarfs in the castle and asked them to go back with Mansherry to reunite with their families first. Liu Qian and the other two were waiting outside the Kingdom of Dontada.

Not long after, Ganjo, the king of the Kingdom of Dontada, who was Mansherry's father, came out in person to greet Liu Qian and the others.

Compared with the dwarfs, Liu Qian was already a giant in their eyes.

With Liu Qian and his size, it was impossible to enter the kingdom, so the two sides had to hold a banquet in the forest of Greenbit.

At the banquet, Liu Qian conveyed to King Ganjo that he wanted to hire the dwarfs to work for him.

After Liu Qian promised to give his people the same working treatment as human crew members and would never enslave them like Doflamingo did,

King Ganjo agreed immediately.

King Ganjo had unconditional trust in the adult who rescued his daughter and more than 500 people. Trusting others easily is also a common problem of the little people.

Like 400 years ago, Rolando had helped them, and they worshipped Rolando as a hero for 400 years. Now Liu Qian's position in their hearts is equivalent to Rolando.

The citizens of the Kingdom of Dondatta heard that the great hero who rescued their people wanted to hire them, and one by one, they rushed to sign up.

In response, Liu Qian said that after finding a suitable station, he would send someone to pick them up, and now they could let them go to the king to sign up first.

Moreover, before that, he would regularly send people to deliver daily necessities to them as their wages.

Later, in order to protect the Kingdom of Dontata from being harassed by outsiders, Liu Qian said that he could plant his flag on Greenbit Island. He believed that as long as any pirate saw this flag, they would not dare to act recklessly on the island.

It must be said that these little people are easier to fool than other races. As long as they are a little bit of favor, they will trust you unconditionally.

Unlike other cadres fooled by Liu Qian, there are a lot of ideals and dreams. To fool them, the energy consumed every time is no less than a duel with Kaido.

At dawn the next day, Liu Qian and Robin returned to Dressrosa, and Mansherry came back with them. Compared with the underground Kingdom of Dontata, as long as no one oppresses them, these little people still like the colorful world outside.

Along with Mansherry, there is also Leo, the captain of the Kingdom of Dontata. This is what Mansherry asked for, because she needs a bodyguard to protect her closely.

King Ganjo, who loves his daughter, immediately sent Captain Leo, the youngest, handsome and powerful warrior in the kingdom, to protect his daughter closely.

In addition to Captain Leo, two fruit users with flying abilities were sent to follow Leo to protect Princess Mansherry.

One of them is Kabu in the form of a rhinoceros beetle from the Bug Bug Fruit, and the other is Bian in the form of a beetle from the Bug Bug Fruit. These two dwarfs are users of the extremely rare animal-type Bug Bug Fruit.

Like Shirahoshi, the four dwarfs all sat on Robin's shoulders. They rushed back to Dressrosa with Liu Qian.

Before leaving, the entire Dontada Kingdom came to see him off, and they were reluctant to let Liu Qian go. They were still thinking about holding a banquet for two more days. After all, when the banquet was held last night, the supplies that Capone Bege took out of the castle were enough for the Dontada Kingdom to use for two months, and there was still some left.

But because there were too many things to do, Liu Qian refused. However, before leaving, Liu Qian asked Capone Bege to leave all the inventory in the castle to the Dontada Kingdom. Just these supplies are enough to support the Dontada Kingdom for three years. There are too many things, not an excuse Liu Qian made, but it is true.

Yesterday, I didn't let Mansherry treat Enel because I wanted to trick her into coming aboard. Now that the goal has been achieved, the first thing I did when I came back today was to let Mansherry treat Enel.

I took Mansherry to Enel's room. Everyone was watching nearby, wanting to see what this little human princess could do to make their captain toss and turn and dream about it.

As Mansherry activated her skills, a few tears fell from her eyes and dripped onto Enel. A soft white light lit up, and the people who were illuminated by the white light felt warm all over.

And Enel, who was lying on the bed, had some small wounds exposed to the outside, which were healing at a speed visible to the naked eye. When the white light completely disappeared, Lance untied the bandages wrapped around Enel.

I only saw that the huge wounds on Enel's chest that were pierced by Kizaru from front to back had all healed, and the injured area was as clean as new, as if he had not been injured at all.

Enel, who was originally barely breathing, began to breathe more vigorously as his wounds healed. But his face was still pale, and there was no sign of waking up.

Seeing that Enel was still unconscious, everyone looked at Mansherry in confusion.

Suddenly being stared at by so many adults, Mansherry said nervously:"He is unconscious because of excessive blood loss. If you want him to wake up immediately, someone must give him a blood transfusion. Otherwise, we can only wait for him to wake up."

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