The time began to go back three seconds ago, after Roya said that, he did not choose to blindly force the fishman Along, because in his eyes, the fishman Aaron is a mortal person, why should he talk so much with a fishman who is about to go to hell, can he have money to talk so much with him? Or do you get rewarded?

Obviously, no matter how much you talk to Fishman Aaron, nothing else will happen.

It will not affect the outcome of the Fishman Aaron Death House!

Luo Ya just slashed again!

Just one more slash!

Just take this whole Aaron Paradise…

Razed to the ground in an instant!

This knife, he cut sideways!

Looking around, the Aaron Paradise, which spread hundreds of meters away, has been slashed and collapsed with a knife!

The cut ground appeared extremely smooth, and there was not a single protruding stone chip at the opening!

This is the control of power to a kind of…

Unbelievably subtle!

Something to do!

It is because of Luo Ya’s knife that the fishman Along, who has been scouring the East China Sea for so many years, including the many fishmen under his command, all died!!

It is estimated that only the fish people who are not in Aaron Paradise can avoid this calamity.

And it is impossible for all the fish people in Aaron Paradise to be there.

After all, today is not a special day.

There will definitely be a few fish that slipped through the net.

But for those who slipped through the net…

Roya didn’t care about them.

They are no longer in the climate.

Not to mention… Helping Nami solve a fishman Along, destroying Aaron Land, and killing so many fishmen is already Roya’s apologies for injuring Nami.

Then again, he took the lives of so many fish-man pirates as an apology without blinking.

Tut…… It seems that my mentality has gradually changed back to the same as when I was young!

I think back then, when Roya was young…

It’s definitely not a good person…

After all, he is a mountain thief!

Looking at the flat gaze of Aaron Paradise, which had been razed to the ground, looking at the corpse of the fish man that was broken in two, he suddenly didn’t know what he was thinking, and only after a long time muttered to himself: “The retirement life that was finally ushered in did not last a few years, and it was destroyed by the world government!” In the following days, I am afraid that I will be restless. ”

Let’s not talk about whether the world government will send people to hunt down themselves, just the 3.5 billion bounty…

It’s enough to make an unknown number of outlaws greedy!

There are no outlaws in their hearts…

There are still quite a lot of them on the sea.

Those special newcomers…

I don’t know how thick the sky is!

Truly…… There are too many newcomers on the sea who don’t know the height of the sky and the thickness of the earth, and there are many who want to challenge the Four Emperors, challenge the Seven Wuhai, challenge the Navy Headquarters not long after going to sea, and even some are even more frustrated and daring, wanting to kill the Draco and make a name for themselves.

As a result, these newcomers have not yet completed their first goal and become a corpse!

If you encounter a whitebeard and redhead, which has a better mentality, it is okay, and it may save a life.

But once you mess with Kaido, Bigmom, and even the Navy headquarters, Draco…

That’s definitely a dead end, there is no other way!

This kind of newcomer is not strong, but it will make people tired, and Roa can already expect it…

In the next three days and two heads, I will meet this kind of newcomer who does not know the height of the sky.

It would be nice if I had a few of my own subordinates…

Then there is no need to do it yourself …

The subordinates can take those troubles…

It’s all out of the door.


At the same time, Nami and Nokigao hurriedly ran towards the side of Aaron Paradise; When the two sisters saw the smoke and dust rising from Aaron Paradise in the distance, they couldn’t help but be stunned.

Nami was okay, she could already faintly guess what had happened to Aaron Land.

However, Nuo Qigao looked confused, and did not know what was happening here.

Why is there so much smoke over there in Aaron Paradise?

Why is there a continuous explosion here?

What happened to this?

The two looked at each other for a moment, and hurriedly continued to run hundreds of meters away, until they felt a little tired, and they finally approached Aaron Paradise, but this was not the same as they remembered.

Because at this time, Aaron Paradise has been razed to the ground! A corpse on the ground!!

All kinds of fish people were actually cut in half!

A pool of blood spilled all over the place!

In the middle of the Aaron Paradise, there is a huge and incomparable ravine!

The width of the ravines is about one or two meters…

The inner wall of the ravines is very smooth and flat…

It’s like being polished!

A huge ravine, at least hundreds of meters away! It’s as if it was man-made!

Noki was stunned…

Nami was stunned…

Although Nami could faintly guess what was happening here, she didn’t expect that Luo Ya’s strength would be more terrifying than she thought!

Previously, on the sea, Luo Ya used a small dinner knife to kill a sea beast!

At that time, she already thought it was very powerful!

But the ravines on the ground that spread for hundreds of meters…

and the razed Aaron Paradise…

What happened to both told Nami…

What Roa showed that day…

Just the tip of the iceberg!

And Nuo Qigao, who has never known what happened, the whole person is in a state of confusion, she looked at the corpse of the fish man in a place stunned, breathing the air with the smell of blood, and couldn’t react for a while, very suspecting that she was dreaming now.

Nokigo really dreamed of destroying the Evil Dragon Pirates, but that was only a dream.

Because she knows very well that the Evil Dragon Pirate Group is a very powerful existence!

Even the nearby naval branch did not dare to provoke them …

Even with this gang of pirates!

It turned out to be such a powerful group of evil dragon pirates…

Unexpectedly…… Actually destroyed by the group?

“I… Is it a dream?? ”

Noki muttered.

Next to her, Nami pursed her lips, and her heart was also greatly shocked and shocked, but she still replied: “No, it’s not a dream!” I said before, that person can definitely do it! ”

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