The world is in chaos, and the world is in chaos.

Around the world, in front of the projection of Den Den Mushi...

Countless people swallowed nervously, looking at the scene in front of them in horror.

"Gulp... 100,000 fishmen, are they going to go to war with the World Government?"

"Adolf led the fishmen to defeat the Navy's fleet! All three admirals were captured alive!"

"That was on the bottom of the sea. The World Government is afraid of repeating the same mistake, right?"


"Sea King Adolf is really a complete lunatic! Didn't you read the newspaper a few days ago? Almost even one of the Five Elders was captured alive and executed. That is the highest power in the world——"

"Fishman Island is finished, all the fishmen will be killed! Doesn't he consider Fishman Island? ? ? Such a cruel king is too terrible! "

"I've been told to read more newspapers. He's crazy for Fishman Island and his people!"

"That's right. Fishman Island was oppressed and enslaved. He stood up for his people and didn't hesitate to punch the World Government. How much love for his people is this? ! He must be loved by his people..."


"Your Majesty the Sea King is the faith of all of us! If it weren't for His Majesty the Sea King, we might have been caught in one fell swoop. How can we not love such a king? ? "

In front of the projection of the Den Den Mushi, the fishman warrior said proudly.

"Your West Sea is too far from Mary Joaquim, you don't know the cruelty of the Celestial Dragons. Wherever they pass, everyone must kneel down, otherwise they will be shot. They can kill whoever they want and do whatever they want. This is your daughter, right? If the Celestial Dragons take a fancy to her, she will be taken away."

"Doesn't that mean our family will also become nobles?"

"You think it's better than looking beautiful! Do you think the Celestial Dragons will fall in love with your daughter? She will only be tortured to death! And then thrown away mercilessly! At best, she is just a toy!!!" said the fishman warrior disdainfully.

"There are no Celestial Dragons here, but isn't our king like this? He has done evil and harmed countless people. We also need people like Adolf to stand up and lead us!"

"Shh, keep your voice down! Aren't you afraid of being heard by the King's Army?"


"Our king only knows how to exploit. If he is rushed to the garbage area, it will be over. I heard that the King's Guards are catching people and selling them in the garbage area. No one knows when they will be finished!"

"Aren't they human traffickers? Damn it! We also need a king like Adolf!!"

"He can lead the people to resist injustice and protect the citizens. He is really a good king..."

In front of the two hundred projection Den Den Mushi, each one was surrounded by a sea of ​​people, and some people even used small projection Den Den Mushi to connect the signal and open more image projection screens.

They started various topics around this incident.

In the team, the mermaid soldiers with better appearance also explained to them the good things about Adolf.

Spraying with the Five Elders Den Den Mushi is not only fun, but also expresses the justice of their behavior!

At the same time, the Celestial Dragons were labeled as evil, cruel, and callous.

Attack the city with killing and attack the heart with words, and you can conquer the world——

Of course, there are also people who say: The fishmen should be slaves of the Celestial Dragons, because they are the world's nobles!

The fishmen army resisted the urge to take action, and said: Shouldn't you also be slaves to your king and nobles? Your whole family should become slaves? Men are slaves and women are prostitutes, for generations? ?

Let everyone wake up——

If they should be slaves when they are born, wouldn't their sons also be slaves? Daughters are prostitutes? For generations to come? ! !

In this way, the seeds of overthrowing injustice were left in their hearts.

They were looking forward to the appearance of a savior like Adolf to rescue them from the king's control, and the image of this savior was in the video in front of them——


New World·Dressrosa Island...

"Adolf... actually dared to execute the Celestial Dragons, is he crazy?" King Riku looked at the video in disbelief, it had only been a short time since he did such a big thing!

"Sister..." Scarlett was worried and missed

"Mom, that bad guy!!" Rebecca was angry.

"————Don't mention it!" King Riku was instantly frightened and sweated all over, and hurriedly looked around.

He found that the discussion around him was fierce, and some even said that although he was kind, he was too weak and could not compare to Adolf who protected the people. Although it was not nice to hear

, but none of this matters anymore...

Cyrus was also startled, and Scarlett even covered Rebecca's mouth, holding her in her arms and nervously saying "Shh! Don't say it!"

"But mom!" 6-year-old Rebecca missed her aunt.

"It's okay, he can challenge the World Government for the sake of his people, he must not be a bad guy, he will treat my aunt well." Scarlett whispered to comfort.

To be honest, after reading those newspapers and knowing that Adolf was punching the World Government for his people, she admired him in her heart.

"Yeah" Little Rebecca looked at the image again.

After her sister was taken away, they paid special attention to every issue of Adolf's newspaper.

Then it was scary, what was written? It was more outrageous each time!

They really wanted to ask Violet about her recent situation, but it was too dangerous to contact him now...

"What is this kid doing? Isn't there a high-end combat force besides him? Forget it, I don't know who will be there from the World Government!" Kaido frowned.

"Well, well, well... the World Government should send out the Knights of God, right? Can these soldiers stop them? If they lose, there will be no tea party or birthday party." Charlotte Linlin was a little worried.

"Marko sent a message that these fishmen soldiers seem to have awakened the Conqueror Haki? 100,000 Conqueror Haki?" Whitebeard was a little skeptical.

"Sea King Adolf, the sea can't be in chaos now! At least wait ten years..." Red Hair Shanks looked at the projection solemnly.

"100,000 fishmen troops, a very strong force! If everyone in the entire Fishman Island is really scattered all over the world, even the World Government will be helpless!!"

Monkey D. Dragon was sweating profusely, because he couldn't think of any way to crack it.

Around the world, most people are paying attention to this major event that affects the world pattern...

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