After seeing Bruno's performance, Adolf felt relieved.

It's not that he can't open the door to the seawater, but he knows Bruno's specific ability.

As long as he knows it in advance, he can come up with a countermeasure, or even use a trick against him!

Of course, it would be better and safer if it really can't be developed.

Given the current situation of Fishman Island, steady development is the kingly way.

But you can't let others give in if you want to develop steadily. If you don't show your strength and courage that no one can bully, how can you let others know that you are not easy to mess with?

If you are close to the World Government, they will bully you, and they have been bullying you for hundreds of years! !

"Your Majesty the Sea King, my brother Aaron is back, and he wants to see you." Mrs. Charlie came to the room.

No one except her was allowed to enter Adolf's bedroom. She was steady and sensible, and she didn't even bring her brother in.

"Along! I'm going to see him now. How is your observation Haki training going?" Adolf asked.

"I'm making great progress, but it will take a long time to reach the level of predicting the future." Mrs. Xia Li was embarrassed.

Adolf stood up and hugged her in his arms, and whispered in her ear with heartache and apology, "I'm sorry to make you feel stressed, but Fishman Island does need your strength, and I need you too."

"Well... well! I will continue to work hard." Mrs. Xia Li's heart was moved.

"Stay tonight." Adolf held her face with one hand and looked into her eyes from close range.

"I..." Xia Li's eyes were watery, and she turned her head slightly to avoid her eyes. She couldn't face the hot and eager eyes. She seemed to be invaded, and her heart was also occupied.

But... but...

"Well..." She whispered softly between her nose, and she didn't dislike it.

Adolf smiled and kissed Charlie's forehead. "Then I'll go first."

"Ah~ It's no wonder that His Majesty the Sea King has so many mermaids in his harem~" Violet adjusted her collar with jealousy and helplessness, her skin still with a happy pink.

Adolf smiled at Violet and kissed her forehead. "Contact me after Bruno develops it."

"Yeah~" The so-called jealousy disappeared.

And Adolf left.

"After all, he is the king. No girl in Fishman Island will refuse, right? What's more, she can be treated gently." Charlie stroked his face with joy.

"He is not as gentle as you see at night. He is particularly tough and rough~" Violet blushed.

"I am looking forward to it. It will be like a shark biting its prey~" Mrs. Charlie's cold and beautiful expression also blushed.

Strong, hero, king;

Identity, fame, power, and wealth

When you have these and reach the extreme, you can attract almost all women even if you do nothing.

What's more, it's the people on Fishman Island who really see his style.

"Along! Welcome home, welcome every compatriot who is willing to return." Adolf came to the Dragon King Hall.

"Adolf! No, it should be His Majesty the Sea King!!" All members of Along looked at him excitedly.

"We came back as soon as we saw your newspaper. The former King Neptune was too weak, and there was also the ridiculous ideal of Otohime!"

"But you are different. You let Fishman Island really stand up straight, and we should dominate those inferior races of humans! I am willing to take you, Along and your group to follow you!!"

Along was excited, and the smile on his face could not be wiped away at all.

"Domination? Inferior races?"

"I'm sorry, it may not be what you think."

Adolf shook his head, and Along's smile faded.

"Although I led Fishman Island to resist the World Government, I never regarded other races as inferior races or as slaves."

"Aaron, you are a pure racist. Only those who love their own race very much will hate evil as much as you do and look at those races that have bullied us. I trust people like you very much, even if I entrust my life to you!"

Aaron was moved. The king of Fishman Island, the hero who repelled the navy fleet, could actually entrust his life to him?

What a trust!

"But you should know that every race and every country has good and bad people. We can't regard all his races and countries as evil because of a certain person."

"Even our Fishman Island has a group of fishmen who kidnap mermaids and sell them to human traffickers. Do you know who they are? Why don't you kill these people?"

"They are more hateful than the humans who oppress us!! They let so many people...

How many compatriots have suffered torture that is more painful than death? "

Adolf walked past Aaron and looked at the gang he had brought.

None of them are very strong, and even Aaron may not be as good as a colonel at the Navy Headquarters.

But as long as he is a fishman and loves this race and country, he wants it!

Racism will not betray one's own race or country.

Brainless love may not necessarily be right, because it is too brainless and leads to irrational behavior, but it is definitely not wrong!

It can be said that Aaron is a person worthy of his careful cultivation.

Like Hody Jones, he has brains, leadership skills, and takes things seriously.

This is a talent that Jinbei and Neptune don't have...

"Muro and his gang from Fishman Street! Those scum!!" Aaron thought for a moment and fell silent.

Of course he knows that every race has good people and bad people, but the former Fish-Man Island was not qualified to tell the difference because it did not have the ability to protect its compatriots.

"Now Fish-Man Island is different. We have our own place and we make our voices heard to the world!"

"In addition, I want to rule the entire world, all countries, and replace the world government! Don't just limit your sights to Fish-Man Island, that is too narrow..."

"————!! Replace the world government!" Aaron's pupils shrank.

Others were also shocked. They couldn't even think about the former Fish-Man Island!

"No additional privileges are needed. The advantage of the fish-men in living in the sea is enough to make us proud of all races! They will no longer think that the fish-men are ugly, they will only envy, envy, and long for our blood! Those who can swim freely in this sea Bloodline!"

"In addition, Fishman Street no longer exists. They have all returned to Fishman Island. There will no longer be orphanages like Fishman Street in the future."

"All children are the future of Fish-Man Island, and I will do everything I can to cultivate them! The future belongs to us as well as them."

Adolf clenched his fist and told everyone in an extremely firm tone.

Aaron smiled, his obviously ferocious and terrifying face, and his mouth full of sharp shark teeth, all looked sunny and heart-warming...

Because his heart is no longer filled with killing and revenge.

A person's spirit can be expressed from the inside out, and people can feel it when they see it.

"My compatriots, my king——"

"I have nothing to say. You have solved all the problems in my heart. You have also made me feel the sunshine and see the bright future of Fish-Man Island, an extremely beautiful future!"

"I don't know what to do to achieve all that. All I can do is go through fire and water for you and Fish-Man Island!!"

Aaron knelt down on one knee in front of Adolf. He was completely relieved and convinced.

It is true that he hates humans, but he loves his compatriots even more!

Before they came, they had been prepared to fight the World Government to the death, even if they gave up their last drop of blood without regrets, but that was the determination to take revenge on mankind.

But things are different now. Now he is willing to shed his last drop of blood to help Adolf realize this great ideal!

The people in Fishman Street were born without much culture, and fighting to the death is their most direct expression.

Aaron and the others behind him all knelt down on one knee without hesitation and said, "Your Majesty the Sea King!"

Those who can follow Aaron's group are basically racists. They love this country and race.

"I won't let you down. Come on, I'll take you to the army!"

"Remember to change all your thief habits. This is the army of Fish-Man Island. The soldiers who defend our country must behave like soldiers!"

"Otherwise I won't be polite even to you!!"

Adolf smiled, patted Aaron on the shoulder and walked out

Aaron grinned, "Did you hear that, compatriots? Fishman Street no longer exists. This is also our country and our home!!"

The others all grinned, feeling a feeling of warmth in their hearts like the crashing waves of the waves.

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