The battle was won, and the battle was won.

"Mermaid Karate·Hundred Waves Collapse Fist——"

"Hey! Is this really a fist? It's clearly pushing the tsunami to hit it——"

Nearly a thousand navy officers' eyes popped out, and their noses were so scared that snot bubbles came out.

In front of them, a giant tsunami 100 meters high stretched for more than ten miles, as if the sea was pouring down, giving people a sense of invincible vastness and power!

And as they kept getting closer, the waves surging from behind were superimposed crazily, getting higher and higher, and the huge waves that seemed to touch the clouds in the sky for hundreds of meters were just like the doomsday tsunami! !

A deep sense of powerlessness and insignificance enveloped them, and no one could muster the strength to resist.

"It's over, we're all dead!"

"This is against the sky, the sea, and the world."

"Is this the Sea King? Mastering the power of the sea?"

The marines stared blankly at the huge waves of the Doomsday Tsunami, and even those who had experienced hundreds of battles fell to the ground exhausted.

"What are you talking about, bastard? Vice Admiral Garp is a hero who chased the Pirate King all over the world. It's just a wave!!" Only marines who have experienced big storms with Garp can withstand such psychological pressure!

The desperate marines looked at Garp, as if looking at the savior, waiting for the moment to tear through the darkness.

"We are the navy, how can we be afraid of big winds and waves?"

"You know, the bigger the wind and waves, the more expensive the fish."

Garp bared his teeth and was full of confidence.

"That's right, what Sea King, he's just a big fish in the sea!"

"Go ahead, Vice Admiral Garp, let him see how powerful we are——"

Everyone clenched their fists and cheered!

'Fist bone impact——'

Take a stance, the top domineering aura of the right hand is wrapped around, a terrifying momentum rises up, nothing can stop it, as if to smash the sky!

As the fist was swung in the air, the bright light passed like the Milky Way, and it also became the hope of salvation that broke through the doomsday, which attracted people's attention. It was so fast that the naked eye could not catch it, but it left a dazzling afterimage on the eye membrane.

The bright light burst out with terrifying power in everyone's eyes——

'Boom boom boom————'

Turbulent waves! The doomsday tsunami, hundreds of meters high and more than ten miles wide, collapsed under the terrifying power like a nuclear explosion, turning into a rainstorm splashing all over the sky.

Even the sea water hundreds of feet deep was instantly pushed away thousands of miles away, revealing the hard seabed rocks, and even the seabed rock layers were cracked.

The fish and shrimps in the sea had already fled, and the slow ones had already turned into minced meat and merged into the sea.

The island was shaken again by the terrifying blow, and it was at risk of collapse at any time!

The rolling energy rushed outwards frantically with the impact, and the affected sea area was also expanding...

On the Punk Hazard Island, the remaining huge waves on both sides were still tens of meters high, smashing a lot of rocks and rolling into the sea, and the entire island was visibly shrinking.

Unfortunately, their vision was not so high, and they could not see the whole picture of Punk Hazard.

"Hahahaha, go and bring the shells!"

"Mermaid boy, if you want to hide in the sea, then I'm going to blow up the fish--"

Garp laughed heroically.

"Oh no, Vice Admiral Garp, our ship was swept away by the waves!!"

"What!! My dog-headed warship--" Garp looked with his eyes popped out.

With such a big wave, how could it not be swept away?

Adolf followed Garp's line of sight and noticed the warship that was like a small boat in the sea.

"Warship? You all have to stay here today! All of you turn into Calabash Brothers to save Grandpa!" He casually sank the warship with a drop of sea water!

"Damn it!" Garp gritted his teeth!

But he did not rush directly into the sea, and fought Adolf in the sea for three hundred rounds.

Mermaids are not good at fighting on the ground, and it is the same way for him, a human, to die in the sea——

"I just like your gnashing teeth and helpless expressions." Adolf raised his hand again.

Originally, this punch was a hundred layers of power like "shaving", which was superimposed in an instant, bursting out with terrifying power.

But after understanding the meaning of Sword Master·Sea, the waves followed it.

But on land, he could only hit the water in the atmosphere. Although his power was strong and his destructive power increased, the sea only responded. The perception of the "Swordsman" was not strong enough to directly turn the land into the sea. That was the realm of the "Supreme Swordsman".

But in the sea, the surging waves responded to his movements, and the vast power followed him, truly bringing the "Great Swordsman" to the extreme -

'Sea King·Wanlang Sinking--'

Adolf stretched out his hand and extended his armed color domineering, holding the sea water as if it were real, turning it into a trident of water.

Inserted in the sea

With a strong effort, it immediately set off a huge wave, as if it really controlled the power of the sea!

As the sea water rolled, it became higher and higher, reaching a thousand meters, and even touching the cumulonimbus clouds, and the sky and the sea completely merged into one!

The width was even more than a hundred miles, which was several times larger than the size of the island itself!

When it swept over, everything was shrouded in shadows——

'————! 'Satan Saint's face was extremely gloomy! !

The storm and heavy rain hit his body, and he was soaked like a drowned chicken, and his body was softened by the sea water.

As one of the Five Elders who controlled the power of the world, the powerlessness and weakness of losing power was simply torture, and he had no sense of security, so he had to wake up from his rage.

At this moment, he felt the insignificance of mortals for a long time, and... fear——

"It seems to be even bigger than before?!"

Karp also felt the pressure, and clenched his fists again and took a stance, with his momentum rising to the extreme——

'Boom——————! ’

As he punched out, the world was silent.

What sea waves, strong winds, and heavy rains, all lost their color.

A huge hole over a thousand meters appeared in the sea waves, and the tsunami was penetrated!

But except for the thousand meters where the hole was punched, the rest of the island was completely hit by the huge waves!

The whole island trembled with the terrifying power. As the saying goes, dripping water wears away stones. When such a huge wave hits, even the rocks are shattered under the huge waves!

This wave alone wiped out three or five meters of the island, and those places that were less than three meters high had disappeared from the sea...

‘Hua La La...’

The wind and waves did not stop, and the heavy rain kept falling. How could the waves subside before the island was completely submerged? ?

The whole sea area was surging with huge waves, and the endless tsunamis were raging like a thousand horses galloping. Each wave was more than a hundred meters high. It was a complete doomsday catastrophe! !

"Too many, isn't there no end in sight?!" One marine after another collapsed, and the veterans said they had never seen anything like this!!

"Everyone, find a way quickly, we won't even have a place to stand if this goes on!" Caesar Kulang held his head in despair.

"Normally, it is impossible to calm the sea waves with human power!" Vegapunk said.

"I'm already doing my best!" Garp continued to pant, bursting with extreme domineering power to stop wave after wave.

But no matter how strong he is, he has been swinging his fists for more than half an hour. Can he desperately use domineering tricks at such a high frequency?


Bogart swung his sword amazingly, the tsunami split in two, and the sea was combed out in the middle.

But even so, it couldn't stop the endless tsunamis in the entire sea area!

The sea water is flowing and endless, but the islands under their feet are not...

Punk Hazard has only this small piece of land under their feet so far, and has been forced into a desperate situation——

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