The more you know, the more you will be able to fight.

Those who have mastered the realm of cutting iron and can perform flying slashes are considered sword masters, but of course this realm is not worth mentioning for their strength.

But sword masters are also divided into strong and weak, and cutting iron is just the beginning. There is also the realm of cutting off everything in the world and walking out of one's own path, which can be called a great sword master!

And now, he actually saw the shadow of a great sword master in Adolf? ?

"This kid is too outrageous, right? He doesn't even have a sword!" Karp was boastful, and all his thoughts were shown on his face.

"Are you guys working seriously? Don't let him jump into the sea and escape! Sakaski and the other two are still in his hands!"

"Damn it, someone help me get the seastone out of my back!"

Satan Saint was furious. He had no other choice but to get the seastone out quickly and do it himself!

Kapu was too unreliable-

"Such a serious injury. The seastone has completely pierced his spine. You need to have surgery quickly, otherwise you will be paralyzed for life! No, it's a miracle that he can still stand up now!!" The military doctor couldn't believe it!

"What kind of surgery? Hurry up and find a knife to cut the skin, and then pull out the seastone. You don't need to judge!" Satan Saint was annoyed. Is it time for surgery now?

Damn it, every time he moved, he would feel a sharp pain attacking his nerves, which was simply worse than death-

"Oh, and there are those three guys from Sakaski!" Garp finally remembered, and looked at Adolf seriously, "Although I don't want to help the Celestial Dragons, I can't leave you alone now!"

'Fist Bone Impact--'

The top-level domineering fists are entangled, even ten thousand times harder than steel!

A punch in the air, domineering outward, black and gold color like the Milky Way, brilliant, dazzling, and at the same time containing terrifying power-

"Don't talk like you have more people and you can beat me! Not only can you not stop me, I will also kill Vegapunk!"

'Sea King·Sea Impact--'

Adolf clenched his right fist, veins bulged, and punched back, a blue water column blasted out like a substance, surrounded by mist and water vapor, and the color of thunderbolt dark red electric light! !

The moisture of the entire island was invisibly pulled, and even the sea water in the distance was inexplicably surging, stirring up thousands of huge waves!

If the swordsman comprehends the state of mind and artistic conception of cutting iron, and cuts out an unparalleled edge.

Then can't he comprehend the artistic conception of the sea? Even if he doesn't use the method of cutting, he can still be surrounded by water vapor, and every move carries the power of the sea-

Especially after a life-and-death battle with the great swordsman Feigarande Galinsheng, he obtained the talent engraved in his bloodline factor, and learned from others' experience, and gained a deeper understanding!

'Boom! ! ! '

The two attacks seemed to cross time and space, and exploded with the destructive power of a nuclear explosion, and even the entire island was shaken-

On the earth, the second sun rose.

But almost at the same time, the air wave visible to the naked eye exploded, and the air nearby was instantly drained, rushing towards all directions like a river and sea, completely a doomsday storm.

‘Hua La La…’

The island shook, and the impact spread out, causing the sea to raise huge waves hundreds of meters high, rolling into the depths of the sea at an extremely terrifying speed...

At the battle site, a huge depression with a diameter of more than a kilometer was blasted out, and all the rocks and soil were compacted to the extreme.

A thousand meters away, even ten thousand meters away, whether it was rocks and trees, or the originally built research institute, they were all shaken into pieces and blown away! !

Those so-called scientific researchers, and the navy who were stunned by the domineering color?

Every one of them was torn into bloody and fleshy scraps at the moment of impact, and the scene was full of blood splattering everywhere, which was extremely bloody!

However, if they really cared, there wouldn’t be so many people slacking off in the war at the top, and only Akainu would fight hard to get on.

“Cough cough cough cough...”

In the smoke and dust like a nuclear explosion, Adolf coughed, and the soil and rocks collapsed from the embedded human-shaped depression!

"Old Garp is only in his sixties, not that old. Not only is he in peak condition, but he is also healthy. He is tough!!"

"Mermaid boy, this is not the sea, get ready to be beaten--"

Garp rushed out of the smoke like a cannonball, grinning and punching again, not waiting for the smoke to dissipate at all! !


Adolf also swung his fist wrapped in the domineering color!

The two fists collided, and the terrifying energy tore the earth and lifted the smoke.

'Bang! Bang! Bang! ...'

The two completely turned into black shadows and fought madly.

Although it is naturally disadvantageous for sea races to fight on the ground, it also made Adolf excited!

"Come on, fight!!"

"Is this all you have? Garp——"



As a king, he is a rigorous and wise man. He needs to be responsible for everyone on Fishman Island who entrusts their lives to him. This is his inner moral code.

But at the same time, he is also a man who desires power, a strong man with boiling blood flowing in his body! !

'Keng! ''Bang! '

Whether it is observation Haki, armed Haki, or domineering Haki, all are stimulated to the extreme!

Swinging his fists wildly, venting all the boiling power in his body, and even feeling no pain, because the adrenaline is overflowing!

This kind of punching to the flesh, the power felt personally through destruction, is so real!

Completely intoxicated by transcending the limitations of mortal flesh, every move shows the power of shattering mountains and rivers!

At this moment, every cell in his body is excited——

Not only adrenaline, but every cell is telling him: squeeze it hard! Squeeze out the inner strength and the physical strength continuously——


The sky above Punk Hazard Island was covered by heavy dark clouds under the influence of the invisible color of the Overlord, and it was so dark that it seemed as if the sky was about to collapse!!

Dark red lightning flashed from time to time, as if the end of the world was coming——

On the ground, dust rose all over the sky, and the earth continued to crack.

The riddled island collapsed, spreading one after another abyss-like cracks.

Even the mountains were hammered and exploded into countless boulders falling all over the sky, and the whole island seemed to be collapsing!!!

"Old man Garp——Use it! Haven't you eaten?" Adolf looked fierce and resisted the heavy punch from the mouth!

"Hard-mouthed boy! Hahahaha! I caught you——"

'Falling to the bottom of the sea——'

In the sky, Garp stepped on the air and caught up with Adolf who was flying backwards at a faster speed!

The huge palm wrapped with top-level domineering power grabbed his face and threw it towards the earth with all his strength! It turned directly into a meteorite that fell to the earth, and it was followed by dark red lightning!


The rocky earth was as fragile as tofu. A deep well over a thousand meters deep was blasted out, and Adolf was forcibly knocked into the ground a thousand meters underground. The earth continued to shake! !

And next to it, the earth broke into countless rough gravel and shook it into the sky, and the stones on the edge were tilted!

This time the power was completely concentrated on Adolf alone! !

"Sure enough, it's hard to support it without borrowing the power of the sea!" In the huge pit, Adolf's whole body seemed to fall apart.

‘The growth time is too short, and the power of those bloodline factors cannot be fully exerted! ’

‘The overlapping bloodline factors of these strong men cannot raise the growth limit, but take the highest value. But I can use the different strengths of each strong man to improve the upper limit of strength from the side, in a hexagonal way...’

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