The old man was very angry.

"Brother Along, His Majesty the Sea King has become the Admiral of the Navy and has ignored us completely. Is he going to merge us with the Navy?"

"Obviously, His Majesty the Sea King is also a member of our fishman tribe. Even if they want to merge, we should be the leader..."

Hodi Jones felt disappointed.

All tasks were assigned to him, which made him feel very disappointed, as if he was marginalized.

"Stupid! Don't doubt that adult casually-"

"Do you want everyone to lose confidence in His Majesty the Sea King? We all rely on His Majesty the Sea King to get to where we are today!!"

Along punched Hodi Jones on the head.

"His Majesty the Sea King has become the Admiral of the Navy, and with the momentum of defeating the World Government, it is the best time to take over all the power of the Navy!"

"The entire Navy organization is not just the people at the Navy Headquarters, but also many Navy branches, four sea branches, and more than hundreds of bases outside. If things go wrong, they will take the opportunity to become independent!!!"

"Now we will fully mobilize the Navy organization. If someone disobeys orders, it means that he does not agree with His Majesty the Sea King. He can be quickly resolved, so as to firmly grasp the entire Navy organization, not just an empty title!"

"Idiot! Who has time to care about you at such an important time——"

Aaron cursed.

"I didn't expect this relationship at all!!" Hodi Jones was stunned.

"In addition to this, there is also the problem of the general strength and population of our fish warriors..." Aaron sighed.

"Our fish people are not strong on land, but no one can compare in the sea. As long as the ship is broken, they will be finished." Hodi Jones is very proud of this.

This is the natural advantage of being a marine race, and the reason why they think they are superior.

"Have you ever thought about dying in battle? Patrolling the sea means that you often have to wander around in front of underwater monsters!!"

"Besides, there are also strong pirates, and there will be a lot of casualties in the dying counterattack..."

Aaron's voice sank.

The fishmen in this sea are equivalent to people in the primitive jungle, facing all kinds of ferocious beasts and even poisonous insects and mosquitoes, with no safety guarantee at all.

And the sea beasts are just a snack in front of these giant creatures that violate the scale...

And those pirates with a bounty of over 100 million, which one doesn't have one or two long-range tricks? ?

"This..." Hodi Jones hesitated.

He only thought about what they did, but didn't consider the casualties, especially those that were not related to this matter but might exist.

"You are still young, it is normal that you don't think things through, so you need to trust His Majesty the Sea King even more!"

"That adult will never hurt us!!"

Aaron patted Hodi Jones on the shoulder.

"But His Majesty the Sea King said that as long as we have 5 billion people, we can easily rule the whole world. There is no need to do these complicated things, right?" Hodi Jones said.

"Stupid, can't you count?"

Aaron covered his forehead with one hand and was speechless. Suddenly he found that being born in Fishman Street, let alone counting, literacy is amazing!

He was also very excited when he heard it, but when he thought about it carefully, he found that it was simply nonsense-

"Fishman Island now has a population of 5 million. Do you know how many years it will take for 5 billion people?"

"With a population of 5 million, excluding the old and the young, there are only 2 million women who can give birth! Even if they give birth every year, the number will only increase by 2 million every year!"

[Note: Men cannot give birth to children...]

"After 18 years, the population base will reach 41 million, and this is under the condition that they give birth every year for 18 years."

"After that, every year, half of the 2 million adults will join the birth plan, which means that there will be 1 million more newborns every year. "Until the second 18 years, the population base reaches 200 million, but 36 years have passed!" "Although it is increasing rapidly every year, it is impossible to maintain the prerequisite of 36 years every year-" "At that time, the number of infants will exceed the population by ten times, and the entire fishman tribe must protect these newborns with all their strength, and there is no way to distract themselves from doing other things!" "Once a large-scale war breaks out, a race war with the whole people will cause a large number of deaths!" "This time will only be postponed indefinitely---" 100,000 Baileys per year for adults and 50,000 Baileys per year for children. Aaron has a certain foundation in calculations. [Mathematics master, calculate how many years it will take to expand from 5 million to 5 billion →_→] Why is it 18 years per round? Because if it is not 18 years old,

The book is gone!!!

"Doesn't that mean! 5 billion people becoming the world's rulers is just a slogan of His Majesty the Sea King to encourage people and have the momentum of winning?!" Hodi Jones suddenly reacted at this time! !

"I believe that under the guidance of His Majesty the Sea King, we will definitely be able to realize this great plan!!"

"It's just 5 billion people, that's a long-term plan starting from a hundred years————"

"It can't change our current situation."

Aaron shook his head and said.

[Question: Is there any way to greatly increase the progress of fertility? Please use the methods that are possible in the pirate world. ]

Hodi Jones squatted on the ground for a long time without saying a word, and suddenly stood up and walked out.

"What are you going to do?" Aaron asked.

"Training! His Majesty the Sea King gave us this task, so he must have his intention——"

Hodi Jones said without looking back.

He has decided to give up his brain and completely obey King Adolf's orders!

Even if I can't understand it anymore...

"Fool, you are the man who carried the Celestial Dragons to the execution platform! Even Jinbei didn't get the same treatment as us. His Majesty the Sea King is training us intentionally!"

"Read more books. I feel my brain is not enough recently."

Aaron followed with a smile.

"I know, Brother Aaron!" Hodi Jones nodded heavily.

Although he is smarter, he has not yet planned to seize the entire Fishman Island. His experience and thinking mode are insufficient.

Moreover, even the Five Elders in this world cannot be sure what is in their minds.

Arriving at the camp of the fishmen warriors...

"Assemble! Training--"

"Everyone, train as hard as you can! Haven't you eaten?"

"How can you compete with the navy at this level? How can you fight side by side with His Majesty the Sea King? Everyone, train as hard as you can--"

"Don't be afraid of dying. The golden magic medicine has been prepared here. Even if you are dying, we can save you--"

"As long as you are not dead, then keep training until your muscles break--"

Hody Jones turned into a ruthless instructor! !

In this world, individual muscle strength is stronger than guns and cannons.

In the eyes of a group of warriors with faith, each of them seems to want to sanctify their bodies, and they are really training to death! !

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