【Zero】Half a month after opening, He was usually busy with official duties and couldn't spare time to visit Taotu. But today, she happened to be free, so she came over. As a result, Taotu didn't come back until night fell. How could she not feel distressed?

However, Taotu's next story shocked He even more!

"You said that Carl has at least the strength of a candidate for admiral? And he has awakened the Conqueror's Haki?" He

's expression became extremely interesting.

She never expected that the follower following Sengoku would be so hidden.

"No, I have to report this to my superiors." He thought for a moment and made a decision.

Taotu looked at He's hurriedly leaving back and stuck out her tongue in shame,"Did I... bring trouble to Teacher Karl?"

At this moment, the girl suddenly regretted telling He everything.


The Admiral's Office.

The burly old man with a mountain-shaped hairstyle frowned when he heard He's report. He said in a deep voice,"Zhan Guo, do you know about this?"

Zhan Guo tried to appear calm, pushed up his reflective glasses, and shook his head,"I don't know. I always thought of Carl as a civilian and thought he didn't have the talent for cultivation."

"Is it possible... that he is an undercover agent?" Cyborg's eyes narrowed, revealing a dangerous light.

"Absolutely impossible!" Zhan Guo retorted loudly:"He has followed me for three years, I know him well."

"Know him? But you don't even know that his strength is comparable to that of an admiral."Cyborg scolded coldly. Sengoku paused, then explained:"Carl will definitely not be an undercover! He has worked hard in the past three years and handled many things. Many of the campaigns to encircle and suppress pirates were planned by him. Besides, if he is an undercover, how could he expose his strength?"

Thinking of Carl's contribution to the navy, Sengoku didn't believe that he would be an undercover.

After Sengoku said this, Cyborg also felt that the possibility of Carl being an undercover was very small, otherwise he would not expose his strength so easily.

Cyborg thoughtfully ordered:"In this case, gather the members of [Zero] here, I want to ask in person what happened these days."

Soon, the members of [Zero] gathered.

When they learned from them that Carl had selflessly given the Bull Talisman to Sauro, Cyborg and Sengoku were all moved.

Especially Sauro also repeated Carl's words,

"What's the matter? My duty is to train you. Your strength comes first! For this, I will give everything I can to help you grow up. The future of the navy depends on you!"

So selfless!

So righteous!

Willing to give up everything for the future of the navy!

How could such a person be an undercover!

Zhan Guo suddenly felt a little guilty. He couldn't have any doubts about Carl at all!

Otherwise, it would be unfair to what Carl did!

"Sauro, can you let me see the Bull Talisman you mentioned?"Cyborg dispelled his doubts about Carl and took it seriously, but he was still curious about the Bull Talisman and couldn't help but ask.

Sauro stretched out his hand and took out the Bull Talisman that he had kept carefully and handed it to Cyborg,"Marshal, this is the Bull Talisman that Teacher Carl gave me. When I had it, I felt that the strength of my whole body increased by more than ten times!" The Bull Talisman originally had a stronger amplification effect the stronger the holder was, and Sauro was a giant, so he was born with an advantage.

Swish - the moment Cyborg held the Bull Talisman, his pupils suddenly contracted.

"It's actually true!"

His voice trembled, and an incredible expression appeared on his face.

After feeling it, Zhan Guo couldn't help but sighed:"This kind of amplified power is very similar to the power fruit, but it is not restricted by sea water and seastone! Where did Carl get such a magical thing?"

He was very confused now.

How come Carl, who had been with him day and night, suddenly became mysterious?

Cyborg also fell into deep thought, but couldn't think of the answer. In the end, he suggested:"Why not test the power of the bull talisman. Zhan Guo, you try to fight with Sauro."

Zhan Guo nodded and said,"Okay, let's go to the training ground"


The training ground of the Navy Headquarters was unusually quiet at night. The arrival of Steel Bone, Sengoku and the members of Zero broke the silence.

"General Sengoku, you better be careful."

Sauro, holding the bull talisman, said confidently with his muscles tensed and his fists wrapped with armed color domineering.

Sengoku chuckled, he didn't expect that he was underestimated.

Then a brilliant golden light burst out from Sengoku's body, and the next moment he turned into a giant Buddha several feet tall.

Human-Human Fruit·Big Buddha Form, activated!

"Come on! Let's see how much power you can unleash with the blessing of the Bull Talisman!"

Zhan Guo shouted softly, his feet firmly on the ground, his arms crossed across his chest, ready to resist the attack from Sauro.

Sauro took a deep breath and mobilized all his strength on his arms.

The next second...

Navy Six Styles: Shave, start!


A figure like a cannonball rushed out, passing through the training ground like a hurricane.

Feeling this power, Zhan Guo frowned, and was secretly shocked in his heart,"Oh no."

Then the Buddha's whole body was instantly covered with a layer of armed color domineering.

When the armed color domineering was just wrapped, Sauro's fist had already fallen with a bang, like a meteorite falling from the sky, with magnificent momentum and unstoppable force!


The heavy sound was like thunder in the sky, and the rough and strong sound exploded on the training ground.

The Buddha's figure was out of control and slid backwards, forming a gully of more than ten meters.

The smoke and dust dissipated, and everyone looked at the scene in front of them with fear.

Unexpectedly, with the help of the Bull Talisman, Sauro, who had just reached the strength of a major general, could actually shake the defensive Warring States!

It's incredible!

Steel Bone's eyes flashed, and at this moment, Carl's position in his heart became more important

"cough cough……"

Zhan Guo removed his Buddha form and walked out of the smoke and dust coughing, hiding his trembling arms under his cloak without letting others see anything unusual.

"It is indeed a strong power enhancement. With the Bull Talisman, Sauro's attack power can reach the level of brigadier general, but your overall strength needs to be improved. I believe you will soon reach the strength of general."Zhan Guo encouraged.

But he did not notice that his words made the eyes of the members of [Zero] become hot.

The reward that Carl gave casually can improve the strength from major general to general?

Doesn't it mean that if they perform well, they will also have the opportunity to improve quickly?

"Hmm~ It seems I can’t slack off all the time~" Kizaru smacked his lips, a rare fighting spirit burning in the depths of his eyes. Akainu clenched his fists, and he had already made up his mind to follow Carl’s ideas, so that he could grow quickly and have the strength to defend his justice!

Only Momosagi seemed absent-minded. She was suddenly a little worried about whether Carl would be punished for this.

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