In fact, Lotodas was an extremely vicious pirate, and Carl had no intention of forgiving him.

Mainly because of this incident, he suddenly thought of the problem with Akainu. For the sake of absolute justice, he gave up too many things. He was like a cold machine. Carl didn't like this about him.

Suppressing the thoughts in his mind, he looked down at Dibal and asked expressionlessly:"Have you seen Admiral Bruno recently?"

Speaking of which, the main purpose of coming to Gus Island was to investigate the disappearance of Bruno. The heavy fruits and magma fruits were completely unexpected gains.

Dibal's forehead was covered with cold sweat, and he kept begging for mercy:"Please let me go! If you can let me go, I am willing to give you all my treasures! I……"

Before he finished speaking, he was rudely interrupted by Karl.

"I ask you questions and you answer them. If you say one more word, you will die!"

The cold words struck Dibal's heart. He trembled all over and dared not speak. He just nodded.

"Have you seen Bruno?"

Dibal tried to recall, and finally nodded affirmatively,"I seem to have heard that the admiral was near Guerrero Island many days ago, but I can't remember the exact date."

"Then what happened?"When Karl heard this, he immediately felt that something was going to happen.

"Later... a powerful guy came to Gus Island. That guy was like a monster, as big as a mountain, and carrying a huge mace on his back." Dibal tried to recall,"After he heard that an admiral appeared nearby, he rushed out excitedly, and it seemed that he was going to cause trouble for the admiral of the navy."

Body as big as a mountain?


""Could it be Kaido?"

Carl's eyes changed.

At this time, Kaido has joined the Rocks Pirates for several years, and his strength has become extremely terrifying. He is no longer a rookie.

"No, even if it was Kaido... Buono is a general after all, and even if Kaido can't be defeated, he still has a chance to retreat!"

While thinking in his mind, Carl continued to ask:"What happened next? Did that guy come back?"

Dibal's face turned pale, and his voice began to tremble as if he thought of something that frightened him.

"Later, Rocks arrived! That guy is a member of Rocks' crew!"


It's Rocks as expected!

Carl's eyes narrowed slightly, and his face darkened instantly.

From these traces, it was enough to determine that the original guess was basically correct: it was indeed related to the Rocks Pirates.

Buno encountered Kaido first, and then Rocks arrived, or Rocks encountered Buno before Kaido. Anyway, no matter which situation, Buno would not be alive facing Rocks.

Rocks is so powerful that he is almost invincible!

Even Whitebeard, John, Wang Zhi, Silver Axe and others chose to surrender, how could ordinary admirals be the opponent's opponent?

"Things are finally settled... The battle of God Valley is getting closer and closer!"

Suddenly, Carl felt a sense of urgency.

His main goal now is to increase his strength.

However, he was unable to stop Rocks.

Even though the entire navy and the world government knew about the commotion created by Rocks, they chose to wait and see, and did not want to provoke that madman Rocks. Just as Carl was silently digesting the news, the battle on the field was left with only the final swordsman duel.

Mole VS Moby.

The bursting slashes intertwined, and the mole held the hilt tightly with both hands... His body slid backwards, leaving a long mark on the ground.

Compared with the pirate with a bounty of 500 million, the mole's strength is indeed not enough.

"Boss, I'll go help him."Sauro was about to go forward to support when he saw this.

Carl suddenly waved his hand to stop him,"No need, the Mole has just obtained the Heavy Fruit, so this is a good opportunity to hone himself."

He had full confidence that even if the Mole was defeated, he could quickly rescue him.

Sauro nodded and watched the battle on the field.

The Mole had just been repelled, and the observation Haki he unfolded captured the breath of Moby approaching quickly again. He was immediately shocked, and a long-flowing power in his body was stimulated.

Heavy Fruit.

Gravity field!


A strong gravity enveloped the front of the Mole, instantly increasing the gravity by more than ten times, and even the space appeared to be sinking.

Moby, who was originally rushing forward, suddenly slowed down, and his body was pressed to the ground. He frowned and said,"A devil fruit ability user?"

The mole did not answer, but tried to familiarize himself with the power of the heavy fruit.

The next second, a heavy breath wrapped around the sword, and as the blade danced, it formed a sharp slash, passing through the ground and slashing towards Moby.

Wherever it went, the ground collapsed uncontrollably, leaving a trace.

"Playing tricks!"

Moby sneered coldly, and also raised the sharp blade in his hand and swung it.

When the mole attacked just now, the gravity field surrounding him had dissipated.


The two slashes with different energies collided in the air and shattered into dots of light and shadows, like flying fireflies, scattered in the air.

Moby was slightly surprised.

He had the upper hand just now, but now the opponent could actually perform a slash that was equally powerful as his?

"Mole, release the power of the fruit with all your strength, and feel it."Carl suddenly spoke.

His words gave the Mole great confidence. With a low roar, a strong gravity wave emanated from his body.

Crack, crack, crack -

Moby suddenly felt his whole body enveloped in super gravity again, as if drowning in a swamp, which made him extremely depressed.

The ground under his feet could not withstand the gravity field imposed by the Mole, and collapsed with a loud bang, forming a round pit deep in the ground.

Standing in it, Moby gritted his teeth and gradually adapted to the influence of the gravity field.

His eyes suddenly turned cold, and he suddenly drew his knife.

""Tian Xiang Zhan!"

The slash was like a sword-drawing technique, powerful and swift.

Even the gravity field surrounding him had no effect on the crescent slash.

The mole narrowed his eyes slightly, and his hands tightly grasped the hilt of the knife. The gravity wrapped around the blade suddenly increased, and a more powerful slash slowly took shape.

"Gravity Hunting!"

The slash was swung out!

Like the fangs of a beast, it let out a ferocious roar.


The two slashes collided and once again dissipated in the air at the same time.

Moby broke free from the gravity field and swung his sword to kill the mole.

The mole's eyes flashed with excitement, and he raised his sword to fight.

Ding Ding Dang Dang - the two swords collided, making a harsh and crisp sound of iron and stone interlacing.

As the fight progressed, the mole became more proficient in using the power of the Heavy Fruit, and from time to time he used the gravity field to cover Moby and interrupt the opponent's offensive rhythm.

In particular, attaching the gravity field to the sword body and integrating it into the slash can increase the power of the attack to a higher level!

"Is this the heavy fruit?"

Mole murmured in a low voice, his eyes burning as he fought more and more bravely!

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