Pirate Kingship

Chapter 73 Seemingly Doomed Tragedy

The Bay Citizens were not to be outdone.

There was a violent spiritual conflict between a dozen mid-sequence pirates and dozens of low-sequence transcendents.

There was a crisp sound of "crackling" in the air, like frying beans.

Even modern parliaments often throw shoes and spit, so how could a captain's council composed of pirates be respectful and humble?

Unfortunately, no matter in terms of numbers or power level, the side supporting the Bay Citizens was undoubtedly at a disadvantage.

"Why? Our warlord just doesn't care about the Bay Citizens and us free pirates who follow him?

Miss Violet, are you worthy of the Bay Citizens' love for you, the princess?"

Red Beard firmly occupied the moral high ground and continued to output.

Under the questioning, even he himself felt as if he had transformed into the saints enshrined in the church, wielding the moral stick to hit whoever he wanted.

In fact, Red Beard certainly knew why [Children's Guardian] Dennis no longer appeared.

Before he took action, he received a guarantee from the Admiralty of Hastings that the old warlord would never become an obstacle to his promotion.

Including the accidental death of the current warlord;

A huge pirate gang that was one-fifth overstaffed and put great pressure on the port's security;

Thirty silver coins and the elusive weird and evil spirits;

The subsequent Channel Fleet that was galloping thousands of miles away; and the killer sealed in the cabin

All of this was created by him and the York family.

Time: As time entered November, the nights became longer and longer, and the lethality of the weird and evil spirits became greater and greater.

Geographical advantage: The waves in the North Sea gradually formed an isolated island that no one could escape.

The most critical people and: He was completely sure that the last supporter of the Bay People [Children's Guard] was really gone.

Otherwise, there would be no need to wait until now to make trouble. Even if there was still half a breath left, the other party would have to come forward to stabilize people's hearts at the first time of the unrest.

Now Red Beard has already won the victory, and he doesn't even want to wait ten days, and he can't wait to reap the fruits of his victory.

—— Seize the supreme power of [Pirate Code] from the hands of the Bay People, and dig out the great secret treasure that the Bay People have guarded for thousands of years.

If it weren't for the fact that it would take three days for the Strait Fleet to arrive here, he couldn't even wait for a quarter of an hour.

Even though Violet had known the plan of Red Beard and the York Family in advance, she was so angry when she saw Red Beard's shameless face:

'You bastard who is crying thief, why didn't I just blow you up before?

And you accomplices, a group of big pirates, don't you see how long you have been staying at the third level.

You dare not leave the safe haven of the North Sea and go to the unknown sea to take risks, and your minds are full of power and profit.

You are still counting money for Red Beard after being sold.

Sooner or later, I will blow you all up! '

But the current dilemma cannot be solved by simple violence.

Or in other words, the violence she has is not violent enough.

Although the Bay People of the North are the most famous, their population base is there. With the rise of many maritime powers, they have long lost their advantage.

On the other hand, the pioneers of the sea, such as Hastings, Iris, Castile, the Netherlands, and the Rhine Alliance, all have a considerable number of pirates.

They also have their own interests.

This can be seen from the name.

The Bay People call Violet a princess, but other big pirates never admit that this female pirate is the heir of the North Sea Pirate King.

Seeing this situation, Byron also shook his head slightly in his heart:

"Release the evil spirits and weirdness to mess up the situation for the Bay people and avoid the reckoning of the Bay people.

Only by using the excuse of [Overseer] can the chaos be ended. While collecting blood sacrifice elements, it also facilitates early elections.

Red Beard killed two birds with one stone, which is really a good calculation.

If there is no troublemaker like me, the Bay people will not have any room for resistance.

In the voting stage, Red Beard has won by spending money crazily and promising benefits.

Unless you can kill this guy with immortal body during the fight.

But how easy is it?"

The cards held by the two parties are completely different.

What the local Bay people want is the safety of tens of thousands of compatriots on this island, and the great secret treasure they are guarding will not be unexpected, and the ancient prophecy will finally come true.

Red Beard only wants the control of the [Pirate Code] and the puzzle lock of Anchor Bay.

Including the wealth in his hands, he is naturally willing to promise any rights to other members of parliament, and he will not feel sorry at all.

Seeing the indignation of the Bay Citizens, but unable to refute, Red Beard was very happy and did not forget to take advantage of the victory:

"Let's vote, please raise your hands if you agree to early elections."

Red Beard was the first to raise his right hand.

The [Pirate Code], which best represents democracy in this era, responded with a bang.

Rules are rules, and they will not resist the normal election process because of crimes that have not yet occurred.

After a while, the door of the parliament reopened.

A group of members came out with their respective entourages.

"Well, everyone, see you in three days."

Red Beard Edward, who took the lead, was full of smiles and walked with the wind. It was obvious that he had got what he wanted without any surprise.

On the other hand, the free pirates, law enforcement teams, navigators, and sheriffs of the Bay Citizens all looked gloomy.

Unless [Child Guardian] Dennis can be resurrected, the position of [Overseer] will most likely change hands in three days.

The Kingdom Navy and the Church, who had long disliked them, could march in at any time and destroy everything in Anchor Bay.

With the army approaching, it seemed that they were doomed to a great defeat and tragedy.

Only Violet was an exception.

A pair of blue eyes stared at the large group of pirates going away, and she was extremely sure that the "good citizen" who tipped her off was among them.

"After receiving the tip from the 'good citizen of Anchor Bay', I immediately sent a scout bird to the naval port on the coast of Hastings.

Before Red Beard held a meeting to attack, I had roughly confirmed the time of the arrival of the Channel Fleet and had anticipated his plan.

In fact, I am more curious about who the real identity of the good citizen is?

There are only three days left, and it's time to contact him."

Two days passed in a flash.

In the long and cold night, a cloaked figure hurried through the alley.

Suddenly, a cry for help came from the darkness not far away:

"I'm so hungry!"

"Help me, help me!"

As if he had compassion, he walked deeper into the alley without hesitation.

But at the moment he was swallowed by the shadow, he also saw the true face of the thing in the alley.

A group of gelatinous black shadows with only mouths all over their bodies slowly flowed on the ground like asphalt.

One of the mouths belonged to a child, and a pitiful cry for help was still coming out.

It was the [Weird Thousand Throat Shadow] brought to Anchor Bay by the Privateer Alliance.

The moment he stepped into the shadow, it was like a Venus flytrap triggered by an insect, and the gelatinous black shadows flowing on the ground suddenly surrounded him from all sides.


A burst of blazing white flames burned from the black shadow first, and in just a blink of an eye, the weird was completely burned to ashes.

[Gunpowder Formula·Tarsal Phosphorus]

Only four silver coins with one side red and the other side white fell to the ground and were picked up by [Gunpowder Artist] Violet.

"Lucky, it ate one of its kind in advance, allowing me to harvest the tenth and eleventh grotesques at once."

Opened the pocket [Wonderful Item·Traveler's Bag] on his waist, put four octopus silver coins in and shook them.

There were already 24 coins accumulated inside.

The desire of these grotesques for silver coins overcame their fear of a third-level extraordinary person.

Violet took the risk of dying if she failed and took the initiative to join the Black Mass ceremony, using herself as bait.

In less than three days, the evil things in Anchor Bay were almost cleared.

On the other hand, the fearful Red Beard avoided this thing like a snake and scorpion, fearing that he would be marked.

After the [Black Mass] ceremony began, he had already cut off all contact with it.

During the three-day vacuum period, he didn't know that his home had been stolen.

After putting away the full bag of octopus silver coins, Violet reached out and tapped a miniature whale bone amulet stuffed in her ear.

The ultra-small amulet [Whale Song] made with micro-carving technology uses the ear bone of the same whale. When connected to the legal network, it can achieve close-range communication within Anchor Bay.

"Hey, Mr. Good Citizen, I've basically finished my work here. Is yours still not done?"

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