Pirate Kingship

Chapter 71 I am the pioneer, the boss goes first

Like everyone else, Byron gave the same negative answer, thinking to himself:

"I'm not his father, if it's really a good thing, can I give it to him?"

It's been less than a hundred years since the Age of Exploration began, and humans still have very limited knowledge of unknown waters.

Each force has a part of the secret routes that others don't know.

Byron's mind is filled with all the precious nautical charts collected by Hastings, and he knows many unknown supply points, ocean routes, pirate ports, hidden mines, secret places, etc.

These precious knowledge, which is at least ten years ahead of ordinary adventurers, is also his greatest wealth.

Now is the time to cash it in.

"As for 'Treasure Island'? Humph, if you have a life to go, you must also have a life to come back.

Guess, why is there more and more gold and silver on Treasure Island?"


Red Beard slammed the table and shouted.

"Shut up, everyone, we'll know if it's true or not once we test it."

Even if he can't read minds, he knows what these bastards are thinking.

He waved his hand, asking everyone to stay away and not get in the way.

He brought the whale oil lamp closer, illuminating every detail on the nautical chart.

He pressed a black ring on his hand on the lower right corner of the nautical chart.

He recited a sentence of judgment: "Fairness and Justice."

[Wonderful Item·Truth Ring]:

"The favorite of the extraordinary people of the Gold Yuan Sequence, it can make loopholes and traps in business agreements nowhere to escape.

Just touch the paper document with the finger wearing the ring, and you can determine whether the other party is true or false."

In formal official transactions, a [Lawyer] of the Tribunal Sequence is usually invited to act as a notary.

The power of [Silver Law] can be directly mobilized to ensure the fairness of the contract.

In the black and gray area where pirates and criminals roam, there is no such condition, and strange items like [Truth Ring] are naturally very popular.

Just like the [Two-Sided Dice] in the hands of the Gunpowder Artist, this kind of thing is not rare in the hands of the big pirates of the middle sequence.

Everyone held their breath, opened their spiritual vision, and watched the justice power from the [Silver Law] roaring in.

Where the ring touched, a black "o" mark like a branding iron was left.

Represents truth and correctness!

"It's 'o' not 'x', this treasure map is actually real?!"

The pirate officers at the scene were in a state of excitement.

The smile on Red Beard's face could no longer be suppressed. He patted Byron's shoulder excitedly and praised him repeatedly:

"Mr. Bill, you did a great job!

You are indeed a firm practitioner of 'loyalty is not absolute, it is absolutely disloyalty'.

When I become the pirate warlord of the North Sea, you will be my chief law enforcement officer.

This position in the legal system is enough for you to be promoted to the second-level professional level, and even touch the threshold of the middle sequence."

Red Beard's style is different from Salman's. The pattern of a big pirate is obviously much larger than that of a small pirate.

Realizing that one pie was not enough for this achievement, he added:

"The two ships that just joined the group last night [Golden Deer] and [White Sands], no, all six free pirate ships that joined yesterday, their wartime dispatch and command rights all belong to you.

I promise you that in the future, wherever my pirate flag is planted, your law enforcement power will be extended there.

Mr. Bill, keep up the good work, I, Red Beard, will never treat my loyal confidant badly!"

No wonder Red Beard is so happy.

Even if the treasure of Treasure Island cannot be cashed in for the time being.

It has a tempting large amount of wealth, a very high legendary degree, and a timeliness that is within reach. There is also an excellent story behind it.

As long as you take this nautical chart to the bank for pledge, or promise to share the secret with other big pirates, you can cash in a large sum of money in a short time.

But he changed his mind and immediately rejected this idea.

"No, no, no, I must keep this good thing for myself. No one can snatch the treasure from me.

Not even the new lord, the York family!

Even if I have to mortgage the property I bought in the capital of Hastings, or even my [Vengeance], I can't let this treasure out."

Huoran turned his head to look at the other pirates in the command room.

The momentum of the middle-sequence extraordinary person was as wanton as an octopus, making it difficult for everyone to breathe.

"This matter ends here. I don't want anyone to leak it out. Do you understand?

Look at yourselves and then look at others.

If you can all share my worries like Mr. Bill, [Vengeance] would have been the pirate king group long ago."

"Yes, Captain!"

They all knew how powerful it was, and they all agreed.

But when they looked at Byron, their eyes were immediately filled with naked envy and jealousy.

"Let this navy take the limelight again."

"Why don't I know navigation knowledge and can't draw navigation charts? Can't I get such a treasure map?"

No one questioned his drawing ability.

You have to know that being a successful pirate captain is not just about picking up a scimitar, killing and looting.

They must also cultivate the skills of a navigator, open up routes, find water sources, and avoid shipwrecks.

Many pirates will never learn these skills in their lifetime.

On warships, mapping and recording navigation logs every day are compulsory courses for officers.

In order to ensure that the Navy has control over each warship, the lieutenants auxiliary to the captain on the ship need to independently record the logbook.

Everything that happens on the ship, big or small, must also be based on the independent "Navigation Log" of the officers at each position.

To a certain extent they can even act as a check on the captain.

But since this thing is for people to see.

Whether they have written down their true feelings, and whether they are upright or not, is a matter of benevolence and wisdom.

Byron didn't care about this, he just needed a reason to bring out the charts in an aboveboard manner.

Moreover, he would give good things to Redbeard, which is in line with his "absolutely loyal" character.

The price was to be completely labeled as diehards by other pirates.

It's the kind of thing that when colleagues speak ill of the captain together, they must never speak to his face!

‘Humph, what a bitch! ’

No one knew that the more they scolded "dog legs", the happier Byron would be.

[Special effects of entry: The better your ability and the more outstanding your achievements, the more valued and recognized you are by your superiors, and the closer you are to the role of 'confidant' in the eyes of others.

When you launch a backstab sneak attack on your superior, the stronger the ability bonus you get.

Moreover, the subordinates suppress the superiors and are not subject to legal punishment within the system!

Even if there is no backstabbing, your superiors will be very "loyal" and passively protect your confidant from disaster, and he will gradually be riddled with bad luck and accidents will happen frequently. 】

Byron and the gunpowder artist's plan was simple.

It is to expand the scope of sacrifice of [Black Mass] and drag down the unaware free pirates and the smug privateering alliance.

Byron was even more ruthless, not only dragging down the Privateering Alliance, but also dragging Edward the Redbeard onto his back to shield him from the knife.

I am the vanguard, and the boss rushes first!

However, thinking about having an immortal boss to ward off disasters, why does it feel a little refreshing for some reason?

Isn't it more durable than the ordinary boss?

The highly toxic bad water in Byron's stomach rolled up and down, but his mouth felt like honey.

"Captain, I just did something trivial.

For the sake of the ‘overall situation’, what does the gain and loss of personal interests matter?

A qualified subordinate should not always think about what he can get from the pirate group, but first think about what he can bring to the pirate group.

Not to mention it is just a treasure map, even if I donate all my wealth, I, Bill, will never frown! "

The impassioned words made the faces of all the pirate officers feel like bitter gourds, but the red beards were all flushed.

I think this confidant is really pleasing to the eye.

"very good!"

Then the red beard waved his hand and mentioned another theme of this meeting besides raising money:

"I have received a communication from my collaborators this morning. The large fleet has set sail from Hattings, and everyone else has made preparations in advance.

First mate, and Mr. Bill, you two will lead the team to attend the captain's meeting with me today.

It’s time to let those Bay residents who still live in the old days know who is the future owner of this land. "

"As you command, Captain."

Byron's lowered eyes flashed.

‘It’s about to begin! ’

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