Pirate Kingship

Chapter 64 Human-faced whale lice, physical exorcism (first order required)


Thunder exploded, and the 32-pound Caron gun, which had a caliber equivalent to the main gun of a second-class battleship, also sprayed furious flames at the same time.

The shotgun barrel filled with 500 small iron balls exploded in the air, and the strong kinetic energy enveloped them into a deadly metal storm.

In a 100-meter short-range artillery attack, shotguns don't have to consider the hit rate at all. They can sweep through everything even with their eyes closed.

The first to suffer were the six whale lice in the air, which were much slower than conventional artillery shells.

Most of them were torn into broken flesh and blood tissue that glowed with blue fluorescent body fluids in mid-air, and were scattered into the sea like rags.

Only one of them was lucky enough to escape the blazing metal storm and hit the deck of the Golden Deer with a "slap".

It fell right at Byron's feet.


With a piercing sound, it instantly bounced into the air, its twelve hook-like limbs spread out, and it was about to hug Byron's face.

There was no need for Byron to take action. [Guardian Knight] Bruch, who was always guarding him, took a step forward and swung his sword to chop the heavy old man in half.

It also used its own body to demonstrate to all the pirates who were new to Fisher's Sword Cutting Technique why leaping into the air and giving up dodge during close combat was the stupidest move.

Of course, if you know how to use your left foot to spiral into the sky with your right instep, that's a different story.

Bruch used the tip of his sword to stir up the insect corpses on the ground, and couldn't help but frown:

“Captain, this thing is really a whale louse.

But the body shape is a bit too big, right? There's a green-black human face growing out of the flat back? There are still traces of spirits on his body. "

Especially in his [Spiritual Vision], there was a ferocious human soul inside the parasite that was slowly dissipating.

At this time, Gus, who was huddled on the mast, also pointed at the [Rainbow] opposite which was loading ammunition again and exclaimed:

"Captain, look at the pirates opposite. There is a whale louse with a human face lying on the back of each of their heads.

The guy with blood-colored silver coins as eyes has a particularly big whale louse on the back of his head! "

The normal whale louse is a marine parasite that cannot swim, with a body length of only 0.8 cm to 2 cm. Strictly speaking, it is a type of shrimp.

However, it has a flat body, a degenerated tail, and hook-shaped ends of its limb segments, which are often attached to the epidermis of cetacean hosts.

Sometimes the number of lice on a single baleen whale can reach 100,000!

But these whale lice are different.

Not only is it as big as a human face, it also occupies the heads of a group of pirates, seeming to completely control their minds.

After entering within three meters, Byron's [Logbook] also read the history of this whale louse.

"[Weird Human-Faced Whale Lice]: A combination of a drowned person in the sea and a whale louse hugging each other for warmth.

It can only survive for a long time by parasitic on the body surface of other creatures. It loves all kinds of large whales the most, followed by humans with abundant brains.

They came from an accidental incident of the [Black Mass] sacrilegious ritual.

The good news is that this weird thing can't swim and can only spread from host to host through personal contact. Be careful of side fights.

Taboo: Don’t let it see your face! "

The essences of grotesques and evil spirits are similar, but one tends to be alien and the other appears more like a human.

They will all kill people according to certain rules just like the [spirits behind them].

At the top of this category of existence are those immortal and indestructible [cursed spirits].

As for the human-faced whale louse here, there is no doubt that it is a social weirdness.

The original goal of [Black Mass] is to attract one monster each, and the privateer captain's plan is to attract up to two or three.

[Rainbow] unfortunately encountered a large number of [Human-Faced Whale Lice] parasitic on a dying whale, and not only failed to seal the leader of the group into the body of the sacrifice.

All the crew members on the ship were also infected with human-faced whale lice.

Subsequently, whale lice that can't swim just drive their boats and wait for opportunities to ambush and kill other boats and humans in order to parasitize their companions who have not received their bodies.

[The logbook] provides limited information, and Byron naturally doesn't know what happened last night.

However, it can also be inferred from the existing intelligence that the privateers that left the port yesterday were probably not doing anything good.

Especially the two silver coins in the leader's eye sockets made him look particularly familiar.

This time.

Seeing that his "artillery" attack was ineffective, the sacrifice leader let out a sharp insect noise from the back of his head.

A lot of [Human-Faced Whale Lice] immediately poured out of the cabin, but the attack just now obviously caused them heavy losses.

Most of them are missing arms and legs and they look really miserable.

But the total number is still considerable. If someone with trypophobia takes a look, they will be scared to death.

At this time, the two ships were traveling side by side from west to east. The "Golden Deer" firmly occupied the upper wind of the north, and the "Rainbow" fell to the leeward of the south.

The helmsman on the [Rainbow] suddenly turned the left rudder and slammed into the [Golden Deer].

The efficiency of firing with artillery is too low. They prefer to engage in boarding battles and directly swamp their opponents with numbers, just like they swamped the Rainbow at the beginning.

"Qianfeng! Sail to windward and break away from the battle line!"

While giving the order, Byron turned the steering wheel in his hand in the direction of the wind.

He already knew that whale lice could not swim and could only move with the help of their host, so of course he could not let such a weird thing hit him.

As long as the two pirate ships did not come into direct contact, they would die as many as they came with the help of artillery.

As the [Golden Deer] re-entered the "port side tack-near windward sailing" state.

The fully sailed [Rainbow] immediately fell into the wake created by the former, and its maneuverability was greatly reduced, and it was once again left far behind.

The angry chirping of the parasites came one after another, but they could not catch up with the other party no matter what.

They could only withstand the fierce artillery fire and vent their anger by continuously launching whale lice of the same kind onto the deck of the [Golden Deer].

"Eight Fingers, take your marines!"

Hearing Byron's order, the latter immediately understood.

He took out a small silver wine flask from his waist bag and drank a big gulp of the [Blood Brew·Heroic Crazy Water] in it.

The twenty carefully selected pirates behind him followed suit.


Their skin was dyed blood red, and the mighty heat rose up, even forming a thick white mist above their heads.

They followed Byron's order again, untied the pirate's turban and covered their entire heads, leaving only their two eyes exposed.

Let the [Human-faced Whale Louse] not see their faces, breaking this bizarre killing condition.

Then three or five people rushed up in groups with boarding axes, and chopped the whale lice that jumped up into pieces frantically.

"Not bad, it looks a bit good."

Byron nodded with satisfaction. It was convenient to initially train a group of capable subordinates, at least it could save him the energy to deal with miscellaneous soldiers.

Although this group of marines had to endure the weakness of a whole day after 15 minutes of real warriors, it was completely worth it.

According to his plan, this period of time should be enough for the two ships to maintain an effective range of 100 meters, and find a way to kill these parasites that were like dog skin plasters.

The method is simple and direct.

"Ammunition explodes, physics exorcise evil spirits!"

Although Byron did not have the extraordinary means of a gunpowder artist, it was not impossible to do it purely by relying on science.

He immediately summoned all the gunners on the ship, pointed to the hull tilted against the wind, and explained his plan to them:

"The gunpowder magazine of an armed merchant ship is usually placed in the bottom cabin under the forecastle.

If there is a most dangerous and powerful burning bomb that just penetrates the gunpowder magazine, it is possible to create the most gorgeous explosion at sea!"

He glanced at each gunner in front of him with an eager look of encouragement.

"Although the other party's ship tilted in the near-wind state, exposing the part below the waterline, we happen to have a 32-pound cannon that can penetrate the hull.

But detonating the gunpowder magazine also tests the gunner's skills and luck.

Given your gunnery skills, you can fire about ten times in 15 minutes, and there are ten opportunities to try.

No matter which gun group can complete this task.

I can directly reward him with a bottle of [Angel's Kiss] comparable to [Spiritual Awakening Potion]!"

Precept Nine: As long as you accumulate merits, you can obtain resources, extraordinary knowledge and promotion ceremonies.

And the resources among them just represent the possibility of spiritual awakening, which is also what they need most at present.

Realizing that their captain is really not joking, all the gunners widened their eyes, and their subjective initiative was fully mobilized.

Gently rubbing their hands, vowing to get that cup of blood brew.

But Byron changed the subject at this time and added a condition:

"We don't have much chance. If we fail within 15 minutes, we can only leave the artillery range and give up this chance to exorcise the evil spirit.

The failed artillery group will be deprived of the right to distribute the spoils in the next year and undertake all the cleaning work on the open deck.

The right to exchange merits will also be extended for three months.

Think carefully before making a decision.

Now tell me, who is willing to try to take on this task?"

The smart sailors have realized that the captain is not only trying to deal with the enemy ships, but also to train the crew in relatively safe conditions.

But the gains and losses between rewards and punishments immediately made some gunners back off.

Just when most people were hesitant.

"Captain, let me do it!"

The one who spoke decisively was not the old sea dog among the free pirates, but the young native slave Wyandot (Chapter 47).

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