Pirate Kingship

Chapter 591 Half of the home court, an unexpected surprise

Byron's [Divine Vision] had already covered dozens of kilometers around him, and any movement could not be hidden from his senses.

But the girl wearing a red hood and shawl, like a false phantom, suddenly appeared there a second before his eyes moved to the edge of the forest.

If there was no blind spot in the Divine Vision, it would have been thought that she had been standing there from beginning to end.

However, the [Ship Log] in Byron's right eye determined at a glance that the other party was a human, and a 100% pure human who had not practiced any [Bloodline Original Codex] and black magic.

Sharing the perception around him, Violet, who also noticed this, frowned and reminded softly:

"It seems that there is a secret realm here, or that this continent is full of world cracks, creating countless secret realms of all sizes.

Normal is unexpected, and unexpected is the norm."

In the Dragon King's Court or the Beast Paradise, although there are many world cracks, most places are relatively safe, and there is no need to abide by any taboos in daily life.

But the Corridor of Truth is different. The terrain is low-lying, and half of the body is soaked in the sea of ​​source. The whole continent is equivalent to a huge secret realm.

Hathaway just mentioned the rules that need to be followed.

Keep secrets, observe precepts, separate the extraordinary from the ordinary people, and most ordinary people in the human kingdom don’t even know that this is an extraordinary world.

As long as you don’t know anything, you won’t encounter inexplicable dangerous things under the rule of "all things return to one", and you may live longer than many extraordinary people.

Some people have given this cognitive boundary a name: "Fool's Boundary"!

It means the cognitive defense line outside the dam of the human mind.

So whether it is the indigenous Black Iron Clan or the immigrants who came here for thousands of years, as long as they are at the bottom, they are proud of ignorance and ashamed of reading. Growing up happily is the highest pursuit.

The illiteracy rate ranks first among the three continents.

After outsiders set foot on this land, all they can do is suppress their curiosity, don’t despise any knowledge, and don’t mention the name of any superior being casually.

Otherwise, if you miss a step and fall into the "rabbit hole", you may fall into the secret realm; the cuckoo bird on the roadside that is too lazy to build a nest may swallow the passerby in one bite to warm its stomach.

If Salant had not escaped from here with the help of the [Whale Hunter], he would have been dead long ago after witnessing the true body of Echidna, the mother of monsters.


Byron retracted his thoughts and smiled:

"This is exactly the main reason why I waited until I was promoted to the fifth level before coming to the Eastern Continent.

I dare not say that there are no taboos now, but if you dare to respond to your own name and come to me without the strength of a demigod, who will eat whom?

When you settle down, you can open the Styx that can dissolve all divinity and help me promote the cohesion of the [Change] priesthood, and order some takeout.

Thinking about those terrifying existences that make ordinary people turn pale sliding into my river one after another, I am a little excited.

It's great to order takeout without paying."

So, he turned his head and said to the officers on his left and right:

"When the Kingdom of Castile colonized the Bantaan Islands, we colonized the Southern Continent, and the Abaddon Cult wanted to colonize Hastings, they all Like this.

At the starting and end points of the three circulation belts, it is very necessary to build a suitable bridgehead for building lighthouses and colonies.

The future whale oil steam warships will require much more logistical supplies than sailing warships. They are powerful, but self-sustaining becomes a weakness.

The establishment of a series of logistical bases on the route and on the east and west coasts should be put on the agenda.

Why not start from here.

Huashan Heavenly Kingdom has enough materials, sufficient manpower, high tower sequence craftsmen, and wild hunting servants who were lighthouse federations in their lifetime, enough to directly build a first-level lighthouse and let our [Golden Law] descend on this land.

Come over and see what exactly this continent is welcoming us. "

The [Golden Deer] continued to move forward, slowly approaching the girl wearing a small red hooded shawl.

Although there is no port here, the place where she stopped is a gentle beach. As long as she pays attention to the rise and fall of the tide to avoid the ship being stranded on the beach during low tide, she can temporarily dock.

Shen Jian also found that not far from here, there was a deep-water bay that was not easy to accumulate silt, and a large deep-water port could be built for warships to dock.

There was also a river in the south that went deep into the inland, which could serve as a water transport hub for transporting supplies.

Although it was still unclear what the mineral situation was like nearby, these basic conditions alone were enough to establish a stable colony.

However, when the [Golden Deer] dropped anchor halfway, several small boats carrying Byron and a group of officers landed on the beach.

Everyone looked up and found that the girl in the red hat seemed to have noticed something unusual in the forest behind her, and a trace of panic appeared on her face.

The little hand waved twice eagerly.

It also made everyone on the boat realize that she didn't seem to be waving inward, asking them to come over, but waving outward, asking them to get away from here quickly.

Then, without waiting for everyone to shout and ask, she hurriedly turned around with a basket and ran into the tall and dense woods.

Perhaps because she ran too fast, a boot that didn't fit her feet was accidentally left in place.

The white sole of the foot left a small footprint on the thick, emerald green carpet-like moss. The red skirt rose and fell, and quickly disappeared.

Then there was another "rustling" sound in the dark forest, as if something was moving at high speed, following the other party and disappearing suddenly.

"What's going on?"

Due to touching the layers of secret realms on the continent, Byron's [divine vision] was blocked by the outer realm of the secret realm, and its effect was greatly reduced. He quickly lost sight of the other party in his field of vision.

The girl in the red hood disappeared as suddenly as she had appeared at the beginning.

Even Xifeng, who came ashore in advance for reconnaissance, was blocked by a virgin forest that looked like a green ocean and could not see where she went.

"Come on, let's follow up and take a look."

Byron took a fancy to this place, so naturally he wouldn't back down because of a little abnormality, and it was also natural that he could use that girl to get in touch with the local human forces.

After taking Violet, Hathaway and the rest of the group to the beach, the Styx River under their feet rolled up and down, sucking the [Golden Deer] behind them into it, and slowly sailed into the Huashan Heavenly Kingdom. The hunting servants built the port in advance.

Carrying a divine kingdom with you, you don't have the trouble of having to take care of everything after someone else divides the troops.

The enemy didn't even know how many ships and divisions he had hidden in St. Byron, and how many matryoshka dolls he had in conjunction with the Golden Deer. No one except the two queens could guess his strength.

If you want to take action with him, you have to think twice.

It was the moment when a group of people completely set foot on the mysterious land of the Corridor of Truth.


A spiritual wind suddenly blew.

But it was [Navigator] Delia who followed Byron, and finally became the only navigator to complete the voyage of the "Second Circulation Zone" alive, and achieved her fourth-level promotion ceremony.

A spiritual chain deep in the soul hooked the fourth layer of the Silver Law, and the aura came with a series of extraordinary abilities.

Delia was finally promoted to a Tier 4 Hero Navigator after falling behind other officers for two months.

The blue light in the whale oil lantern in his hand shines brightly, projecting light projections of ships, whales, jellyfish, compasses, etc., which is enough to look real.

Together they formed a bright river of bright blue light surrounding Delia.

This means that she has obtained the core ability of the fourth level of the navigator [heart mapping].

By lighting up the whale oil lantern in your hand, you can rely on your own spirituality and imagination to distort the light into what you want, and even imitate the corresponding ability.

Swords, guns, machines, animals, and warriors can all be projected from the depths of the mind through imagination.

It can also summon hundreds of spiritual lighthouse sentries to fill the bodies of the light soldiers, acting as heroic guards to protect themselves.

Soon, the beautiful girl with long platinum hair opened her eyes again, raised the lantern in her hand towards Byron and cheered with joy:

"Captain, I was successfully promoted."

The girl sincerely felt that following Byron, the vice president, was the most correct decision she had ever made in her life.

In just one year, the harvest has been far greater than imagined. He has just successfully broken the promotion record for the youngest fourth-level navigator in the Lighthouse Federation.

If you can pass through the Eastern Continent in the future and successfully return along the "Third Circulation Belt" to draw a navigation chart, you will become the first navigator to personally complete the Echidna Triangle Gyre.

As long as others in the future can successfully embark on a new route by relying on the navigation chart of their pioneering team, she will not need to worry about the ceremony of becoming a legend.

Obviously, Hathaway, the little mermaid, is not the only one who has won all the way by relying on "The boss will take care of me, I'm easy to take care of"?

In troubled times, there are many unappreciated talents, but few people can discover and utilize them.

Most of the core team of the founding monarch were rural party members, and the talents needed to rule a country could almost be gathered in a small county.

The key is that the lord you follow can give these team members social practice opportunities that are far superior to others. As long as they have more experience, even the qualifications of ordinary people can crush the national scholars who have not practiced in practice.

Byron smiled and nodded to her:

"Miss Delia, congratulations! Can you show it to everyone?"

"As you command!"

The girl stood at attention and saluted, raised the lantern in her hand, and projected a blue light compass from it. The compass pointer spun and pointed in one direction quickly.

Careers have specializations, and no one knows how to guide the way and find people better than a navigator.

Just when the lights were turned on and everyone was about to enter the woods, the sun in the twilight sky also fell into the sea level in a very short period of time.

Instead, there was a bloody crescent moon.


But this is the normal alternation of day and night in the old continent, but seeing it in the eyes of a group of people made them gasp.

The time when we entered the coastal waters of the Eastern Continent happened to be early July in 1473. The moon was not very bright, and only a thin crescent moon quietly climbed up the treetops.

But it is different from the normal moon in the old continent, and also different from the blood moon in the southern continent that is affected by the Sea of ​​Origin and the Old Gods.

It actually showed a human face wearing a ball mask. It could be seen that it was a very beautiful woman. Her eyes were half-open, half-closed, half-asleep, and her eyes seemed to be rolling slightly.

It seemed like he would wake up at any moment, and something bad would definitely happen.

As a crescent crescent climbed up to the treetops, billions of blood-colored streams of light sprinkled the entire Corridor of Truth with blood streaks all over the sky, dyeing every plant and tree on this continent with a layer of blood.

Occasionally, olive-sized spots of light can be seen falling at the end of the endless blood threads. Once they come into contact with animals, plants, or even stones and water, they will be given strong activity.

Although it is already night and everything should be silent, the forest is full of restless vitality.

The degree of chaos is far more serious than that of the southern continent.

"Don't look directly at the moon. It is not just a moon, but a projection of a powerful old god.

At the beginning and end of the month, the impact is not great. You can only see a side face. If any mortal dares to look at the moon during the full moon and see His face clearly, he will definitely become a madman."

Even though Hathaway had said many precautions in advance, he couldn't help but remind others to be careful again.

Byron almost had a negative contact with the incarnation, the naked [Mother of Monsters], but he was not afraid of a side face of an old god in the sky.

It's just that I feel that this seemingly abstract but still stunningly beautiful female face is very familiar, as if I have seen it somewhere before.

He is not the kind of playboy who will say to a pretty girl: "I think I have seen this girl somewhere before." If he feels familiar, he must have seen her before.

After thinking for a while, his eyes suddenly lit up, and he exclaimed in his heart:

"I remember, that is the ancestor of the Night Demon [Mother of Creation] Lilith!"

His heart moved, and the figure of the goddess he saw when he entered the Blood Source Secret Realm of the Thirst Blood Cult immediately emerged in his mind.

The whole looks like a somewhat disproportionate deformed queen ant.

The lower body is a white and fat translucent belly, and the upper body has a pair of blood-colored bat wings closed, covering the naked female body, and a human face that can be described as "beautiful beyond all description".

After the divinity of those old gods was eaten by the Creator, the remaining corpses were mostly half-human and half-beast, and the [rudder] was handed over to the deep sea. The background color is chaos, no longer self and humanity.

So the style of painting is surprisingly consistent.

At the beginning, Byron had drawn a conclusion from the "master's wife" [Zhi Shen] who had regained her sanity:

"When the old gods regained their human heads and animal bodies, it meant that they had initially achieved a balance between divinity and animality.

They will gradually regain their sanity, regain a clear consciousness, and achieve the miracle of resurrection from the dead."

The Mother of Creation Lilith has restored her perfect human upper body, with only her left eye and left forehead still covered with a layer of insect shell like a bee.

Byron judged that based on the number, quality and frequency of people she would eat in the future and the intensity of the source tide, it might only take a dozen years or even a few years for the world to fully regain sanity like the Mother of Monsters, the Thousand-Faced Snake, and the Jackal God.

At that time, it is easy to imagine what attitude the world will have towards Byron and the "knowledge thieves" who have retained their humanity and have not converted, such as the Bloodthirsty Cult.

In the past, Byron constantly strengthened his anchoring and climbed up desperately. He also used Faust's "Contract between Man and God" to sell his soul to three families: the Mother of Creation, the Worm of Greed, and the God of Sleep.

He also supported [Ms. Leech] and [Doctor Murderer] to establish their own schools, and a considerable part of the reason was to deal with this terrifying existence.

"Although Lilith was born later than the Mother of Monsters, she is a collection of all the negative forces in the world, and the purpose of the Immortal Ladder is higher than that of the Mother of Monsters.

The symbol is the moon opposite to the sun. And as the ancestor of [Night Demon]"

Byron raised his hand and waved it lightly, and a large piece of blood-colored moonlight above his head seemed to be impatient and fell into his palm, condensing into a sparkling dewdrop.

The faint fragrance spread, causing a group of [Midnight Demons] in the team to twitch their noses, and "blood thirst" almost broke out on the spot.

After condensing, the blood-colored moonlight above their heads obviously had an extraordinary attraction to them.

"Gudong, Captain, what is this?"

Bruch, Bazhi and others were the first group of crew members to receive Byron's First Embrace, and they felt it very strongly.

Although it was far inferior to Byron's own [Panacea], it also had a similar taste, and they couldn't help swallowing their saliva.

Byron didn't explain it to them in detail, but just smiled and said:

"It's a good thing. Although our Night Demon and Midnight Demon are outsiders, they can enjoy half of the home advantage.

Everyone abides by the precepts, and pretends not to hear the whispers, and just do what you should do."

When facing the blood moon in the southern continent, the feeling was not very obvious.

But here, Byron bathed in the blood-colored moonlight, he clearly felt the very obvious ability bonus.

Taboos under the Blood Moon:

"On nights ruled by the Blood Moon, Lilith's Night Demons, Beastmen and other clans will receive the Blood Moon's blessing, and their strength, speed and recovery abilities will be collectively increased by 5%.

They will instantly gain home advantage.

Once you let go of your body and mind, and actively let the divine aura mixed in the blood-colored moonlight infect your spirituality, and degenerate to the beastly side, you can permanently increase your strength by 20% to 30%.

Although it is not as exaggerated as being ten times stronger than the Darkening, it can at least enhance the power of an ordinary fifth-level legendary level for Byron, the [Night Demon King], which is already exaggerated enough."

The human title system comes from the Night Demon, and "the vassal of the vassal is not my vassal" is one of the core rules.

Byron does not have to worry that the awakened Lilith will bypass him and affect the Midnight Demon that he first embraced, but if he knows too much and actively invites Lilith's will to descend, no one can save him.

Just take the benefits first.

The people who knew the survival rules of the Corridor of Truth did not ask much, and followed Byron into the forest under the night, and came to the place where the girl had just stood.

Prepared to follow the traces left by the other party.

"Such a strong smell of blood."

But they had just gone a hundred meters deep into the forest of towering trees when they were attracted by a strong smell of blood.

Going around a giant dandelion taller than two people, they saw a figure lying on the ground with a black body blending into the night, with blood flowing all over the ground.

"Huh? It's a Black Iron tribe."

Like a chimpanzee, he was extremely strong, with iron shackles on his hands and neck, and felt like a runaway slave who ran away from nowhere.

If it weren't for the strong smell of blood, even if Byron had the powerful perception of [God's Vision], he would have almost missed him.

In this continent with extremely strong knowledge activity, Byron finally relied on [Ship Log] to confirm that the Black Iron tribe did have racial characteristics: night combat pioneers.

At night, as long as you don't smile, you can passively blend into the night, with a high priority stealth function!

With this talent, it is really difficult to catch slaves who escape at night.

"That's right, this is the southern part of the [Corridor of Truth], and two-thirds of the population are Black Iron.

Other races are minorities.

It's normal to meet a Black Iron slave."

In the information given by Hathaway and Salant, this continent not only has the Skeleton Coast, but also the Pepper Coast, Ivory Coast, Gold Coast, and Slave Coast. The products are extremely rich.

The north and south are separated by the world's largest desert.

Because it is too close to the "World Serpent·Celestial Circulation Belt", there is no spring, summer, autumn, and winter in the southern part of the continent, only dry season and rainy season. When the rainy season comes, all things wake up; when the dry season comes, the grass and trees wither.

Outsiders often have misunderstandings, thinking that the natives are all Black Iron, so it will be very hot here.

In fact, the average temperature of the tropical rainforest is 25-28℃ throughout the year, usually not exceeding 34℃; the average temperature of the tropical savanna climate in the rainy season is 20-30℃, and the average temperature in the dry season is 20-25℃.

Because the entire southern region south of the Great Desert is a plateau.

Most places are 500-1000 meters above sea level. For every 100 meters of altitude increase, the temperature will drop by 0.6℃, so the weather here is not too hot.

On the contrary, because of the abundant sunlight and rich products, the Black Iron Tribe living here can eat enough by gathering alone.

It can be said to be a perfect God-given place!

But the disadvantages are not small. In such a magical land where there is no worry about food and clothing, and no need to worry about extreme cold and heat, how can humans have the motivation to evolve?

Just like the concept of "resource curse" proposed by Byron when he investigated the three countries of the Yongye Peninsula.

The natural conditions in some places are too good, and in the end, only a group of lazy and muddle-headed peoples are raised.

This kind of place is suitable for being a source of raw materials and a dumping ground for goods, but it is not suitable for being a production base. They are not destined for that.

In Byron's words:

"You are different from others. Don't waste your energy on reading or activities that require your brain. Exercise well and improve your immunity. That's the right way."

While thinking, Bruch also checked the body of the escaped slave.

"Captain, it seems that a wolf bit him to death!"

As soon as the voice fell.


A girl's scream suddenly came from the depths of the woods.

Guts, the [Phantom Blade] who served as a scout, and Bruch, the [Iron Wall], instantly exploded into a group of black bats that covered the sky and the sun, and performed the bat transformation technique "Flutter" to pounce into the depths of the forest.

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