Pirate Kingship

Chapter 482: Commander in Chief: Line Tactics VS Boarding Tactics (6100)


A blazing white lightning that spanned hundreds of kilometers crossed the dark sky that had already been overcast, illuminating the figure of the uninvited guest and making the dazzling golden light even brighter.

At this moment, it was the first-level holy relic [the first heavy cruiser, the Golden Deer] belonging to the Sea Hunter Byron Tudor that passed through the vortex and landed on the battlefield!

Behind him were the 30 most elite privateer warships of level 5 and above under the Seventh Fleet and the Pioneer Pilot Colonial Trade Company.

In the puppet show directed by [Puppet King] Louis, the male lead and the male lead finally appeared.

According to common sense, [Sea Hunter] would never let go of the fat sheep of the Treasure Fleet without knowing that [Wild Hunt] had also received the information black box prompt and had no chance to "check intelligence" with this mortal enemy.

Even if he couldn't eat it alone, he had to find an opportunity to take a big bite.

If he didn't come, or came too late, it would definitely be abnormal.

Rather than waiting until this moment, the [Puppet King] Louis, who must be hiding behind the scenes and watching quietly, pulls the silk thread again, moves the dice, controls fate, and makes him passively enter the battle with the Wild Hunt.

It is better to take the initiative to appear when it is most beneficial to his own battle situation.

In the big melee, no one can care about anyone else, so it is a good time to pretend and fish in troubled waters.

At this moment, the Seventh Fleet, with the [Golden Deer] as the lead ship, has formed a rigorous battle line from the beginning, even for the regular army of the kingdom.

And on the command post on the rear deck of the [Golden Deer], in addition to Catherine and a group of pirate officers, there is another Byron.

A straight dark blue navy vice admiral uniform, with a black cloak fluttering behind him, rustling in the sea breeze.

But this time it is no longer a guest appearance by any [Wild Hunt attendant].

Instead, Byron used the secret spell [Blood River] to cultivate an extra incarnation using his own flesh and blood as raw materials and all the transmuted blood in a fourth-level mythical creature.

The appearance and abilities are exactly the same as the real body.

He traveled and settled in it with the "astral body", one of the seven components of his own soul, and could use all the extraordinary abilities of the original body.

He took great pains for this big show.

Theoretically, Byron relied on the life essence of the fourth-level mythical creature [Night Demon Prince], and as long as the materials were sufficient, he could differentiate up to seven such incarnations.

But under normal circumstances, incarnations are usually the standard configuration of the fifth-level [pseudo-god].

His current spiritual level is insufficient, and his ability to process information is limited. If he wants to maintain his peak combat effectiveness, he cannot support a third incarnation for the time being.

Moreover, before a mythical creature truly obtains the immortal ladder and anchors the concept of eternity, too many soul splits will cause a series of serious problems.

Even if Byron successfully cheated with the ability of the immortal species such as Night Demon, he was not prepared to continue to expand the scale before he was promoted to the fifth-level pseudo-god.

Anyway, even if a certain Dark Lord comes, he will still be called an expert for his steadiness.

When [Sea Hunter] Byron saw his mortal enemy [Wild Hunt] Byron who was fighting with the vanguard troops, he pretended to be surprised and cried out:

"Oh no, this time [Wild Hunt] is ahead of us again?!

The treasure fleet is of great significance to a Lighthouse Sequence Extraordinary. He may be promoted suddenly at any time. This benefit must not be snatched away by that [Wild Hunt] first."

Then he also used the ability of Storm Admiral to amplify the sound so that everyone in this sea area could hear clearly:

"The first achievement of plundering the treasure fleet, and Fu Ke All the enemy's wealth belongs to our White Rose Royal Party, and the promotion ceremony witnessed by the [Silver Law] also belongs to us.

Order! All ships of the Seventh Fleet, all gun crews, double-shot, target the Niucheng and its affiliated fleet.

Fire! "

"Wild Hunt" Byron, who was in a fierce battle, also ordered:

"All speed up and eat the vanguard fleet in the shortest time.

We can't let the damn [Sea Hunter] pick the peaches. "

When the two mortal enemies met, there was no situation where the enemies met and were particularly jealous and attacked each other first regardless of everything.

Instead, they chose to attack the treasure fleet first and strive to get the benefits as soon as possible.

Because Byron has been acting and singing double acts all this time.

In the previous offensive and defensive battle of the Hattings Colony, [Sea Hunter] Byron and [Wild Hunt] Byron deliberately fought many times in front of people.

It has long created an illusion for other forces that the two are evenly matched.

And they are both in the Lighthouse Sequence. The feat of looting the treasure fleet and the huge amount of money obtained from it are enough to destroy the original fragile balance between the two.

It is equivalent to two enemies who are fighting desperately, and suddenly find a pistol not far away.

The first reaction must be that they would rather risk being punched by the other party than grab the gun first.

As long as they get the gun, they can kill the other party with one shot!

Therefore, it is more important to take down the treasure fleet earlier than the other party than to continue to fight meaninglessly.

It is the same for both [Sea Hunter] and [Wild Hunt].

After Byron on [Golden Deer] gave the order, the gunner Wyandotte standing on the lower deck roared:

"Order: All ships open fire!"

Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom!

The flames of the cannons were fired, the hot wind was strong, and even the atmosphere was stirred by the ship-borne heavy artillery.

Led by the Golden Deer, the Seventh Fleet, which had undergone collective weapon upgrades, was like an angry dragon, spewing flames at the Treasure Fleet.

In the first round of barrage, the lightest one was a full 18-pound cannon shell, and more were 24-pound, 32-pound, and even 42-pound shells fired by carron cannons.

They drew scorching lines of fire in the sky, crashing down on the "Great Wall of the Sea" of the Treasure Fleet like raindrops.

The iron-colored light barrier, which had been weakened three times, immediately began to flicker and fade, and its power declined rapidly.

At this moment, the Seventh Fleet, which did not fly the military flag but the dragon-headed pirate flag, had fully deployed its formation, keeping pace with the opponent without any tricks or avoidance.

It's just that their side is a single column with full firepower, but the Treasure Fleet still maintains a double column of the "Great Wall on the Sea", and half of its firepower cannot be used.

The line tactics used by the Seventh Fleet are much better than those of the pirates just now.

This group of fleet members are all direct descendants who do not need to be disguised. Whether it is artillery quality, reloading speed, or hit rate, they are all at the top level among the navies of various countries.

It is no exaggeration to say that no one is afraid of the battleship.

On the Treasure Fleet flagship [Cow City], Catalina looked at the crumbling "Great Wall of the Sea", her face was ashen and her teeth were clenching:

"Brother, here comes another scavenging hyena.

[Sea Hunter] and his people can clearly see the Treasure Fleet!

There can be no mistake. How could there be such a coincidence in the world?

Two companies happened to be able to threaten the enemy forces of the treasure fleet, and at the same time they got the news of the information black box, and they came to attack us one after another.

Someone at the top of the kingdom must have deliberately leaked the information in the black box.

He also specially selected these two specific hostile forces, hoping to use their hands to achieve some kind of ulterior secret for himself.

The target is either the treasure escorted by the King's [Green Lady], or the poor knights hosted by Jeanne Don Quixote under the eldest princess Isabella.

Or maybe both.

[Sea Hunter] and [Wild Hunt] are both professional Storm Admirals secretly passed down by the Lancaster Party. After any party wins us first and completes our promotion, there will definitely be a fierce battle.

Until then, the person behind the scenes may really jump out and pick the peach he wants. "

Even though the Dibo brothers and sisters did not stay in the Bantaan Islands for a long time this time, they were familiar with the legendary stories of the two Byrons, and they were not surprised by their choice.

It’s just that the later [Sea Hunters] obviously had a greater appetite, and relying on the regular army in their hands, they targeted the main force of the fleet they led.

"Huh? Ms. Green? The treasure being escorted?"

Byron heard Catalina's analysis from a distance through [Whisper of the Breeze], and couldn't help but admire the sensitivity of the daughter of the shipping king.

In fact, during the time when the raven was monitoring the [驽马鰵鰰].

Byron had already seen the Isaac Knight of the Poor Knights.

It was discovered that under the leadership of Captain Jeanne, who "has always been a lucky E for spearmen and has an E for breasts", he audited Princess Isabella's overseas assets item by item and made market value assessments one by one.

Before departure, an asset assessment report was compiled and sent back to the base camp through private channels.

"There is no doubt that Her Royal Highness Princess Isabella is preparing to take out a mortgage loan of unprecedented size.

By raising money from the world-famous rich man of the Poor Knights, a large amount of money was raised in a short period of time to complete some kind of secret plan that even Jeanne Don Quixote didn't know about.

According to Maslow's hierarchy of needs theory, when you reach the status level of an eldest princess, you can't just use money to spend and enjoy it, right?

The princess is said to be famous throughout the world for her feat of bathing only once when she was born and only planning to bathe again when she gets married. She has even been canonized for this feat.

I really don’t know what she enjoys in this world.

The next thing she pursues is most likely the throne of Castile.

But I have no idea what secrets the equally famous [Green Lady] is hiding and what treasures she is escorting.

But I at least know one thing, what these two families are going to do is not what [Puppet King] Louis wants to see.

The greatest possibility is that the next actions of these two families may threaten the heir Princess Juana supported by the Puppet King.

Now things get interesting. "

As soon as Byron thought about it, [Secret: The Crisis of the Treasure Fleet, Historical Influence 28] the decryption density immediately increased from 38% to 58%.

Looking at this astonishing increase, it is enough to prove that these two pieces of news were probably the puppet king's initiative to leak the secrets, attracting foreign enemies like them.

Continuing to think about it, Byron guessed that the puppet king was just preparing to drive away wolves and devour tigers, and then he would be the ultimate hunter.

As Byron roughly sorted out the cause and effect of the incident, the treasure fleet's counterattack finally arrived.

"Fire, fire!"

The barrage, which was slightly more messy and sparse than that of Byron's side, came in an instant.

Unfortunately, the largest caliber ship-borne heavy artillery in the Treasure Fleet is only the 32-pound cannon equipped by the "Ox City". Other warships and armed merchant ships are equipped with only 18-pound cannon at most.

Even if I searched the entire fleet, I couldn't find any large-caliber carronade that had just become popular but had already made great achievements several times.

This also leads to the fact that the total number of ships on both sides may not be much different, but the barrage density and firepower intensity are very different.

The artillery battle of the Jumbo Fleet was very weak.

The most important thing is that the Seventh Fleet seized the upper wind position as soon as it appeared on the battlefield.

When the sea breeze blew over the hundreds of masts standing in the thirty warships, they were immediately stirred into a chaotic wake by the complex sail and cable system.

The wake of more than 200 meters in length had already completely enveloped the opponent's treasure fleet.

These large galleons, which were tall and looked like a huge sail, immediately received a physical debuff.

This turbulent area of ​​about 200 meters is exactly the effective combat distance of the front-loading smoothbore gun.

When the artillery launched a flat shot with the highest hit rate, the projectile flew 200 meters and fell 2 meters, and flew 400 meters and fell 7 meters, which was close to the total height of the two to three gun decks of the entire warship.

Therefore, such straight-line shooting can only occur within 200 to 400 meters. The smaller the ship, the closer the distance.

Within this range.

The range of the artillery of the treasure fleet in the leeward position was shortened, and the smoke produced by the two sides blocked the view. The belly of the ship below the waterline was exposed to the water and was more likely to be sunk.

After losing mobility, they could only passively take the beating, unable to catch up or escape, and were immediately in trouble.

"Shoot again!"

"Reload, shoot again!"

The pirate-born sailors on the Seventh Fleet ignored the opponent's weak artillery fire, and remained calm even if shells occasionally fell on the ship and caused casualties.

They just followed the usual training manuals and poured rounds of hot barrages on the opposite side with all their strength.

The Treasure Fleet could only rely on the protection of the "Great Wall of the Sea" and launch rounds of counterattacks against the headwind.

At this moment, the naval battle here has become a microcosm of the dispute between the old and new technical routes.

The large Galen with less powerful artillery and shorter range represents the strongest "boarding tactics" in the old era.

The heavy cruiser with more sophisticated artillery and faster speed represents the strongest "line tactics" in the current era.

Before this, this "strongest" was just a boast of themselves.

Who is the best navy among all the countries? It's a good opportunity to have a real fight.

The battle on the sea, the winner is the king!

It's been just five minutes since the two sides started fighting.


With a loud bang, the "Great Wall of the Sea" that had been weakened to the extreme in advance was broken.

Iron-colored light fragments were blown everywhere like corroded rust, and the most fragile sails in the fleet were affected and damaged to varying degrees.

The next moment, a 24-pound heavy shell from the Seventh Fleet happened to fall below the waterline of one of the escort warships, opening a huge hole.

The waves were surging and kept pouring into the cabin.

Even if the sailors desperately shook the water pump and the carpenter rushed over to plug the leak, the ship had to withdraw from the battle sequence.

And this was just the beginning.

After losing the protection of the Great Wall of the Sea, the Treasure Fleet immediately became the naked swimmer with a naked bottom after the tide receded.

It was beaten miserably by the fierce firepower of the Seventh Fleet.

"Today's kill reward is doubled, and the advanced exchange privilege is open.

I will never be stingy with the heroes."

Byron's words gave everyone a shot of chicken blood. If they are not injured, they will not leave the front line. No one can stop them from changing their fate.

"Line tactics" is simply the maritime version of queuing and shooting. It not only tests skills but also courage. It is also a kind of alternative slapping competition.

Only attack and do not defend in a limited time until one side can no longer bear it and withdraws from the battlefield.

When firing at each other, the more powerful Seventh Fleet is like a middleweight boxing champion, but the seemingly taller Treasure Fleet can only be regarded as an ordinary lightweight player.

Especially the 30 32-pound cannons on the lower gun deck of the [Golden Deer] and the 26 42-pound carronades on the upper gun deck, with a total projection mass of 2052 pounds, made the [Niucheng] opposite already doubt whether it was facing a battleship.


Fleet Commander [Giant Killer] Wycliffe turned his head to avoid a 42-pound artillery shell that flew past his ear.

He watched it crush the sail and cable captain who had followed him for many years, but he had no time to stop it, and he couldn't stop it.

His eyes instantly became bloodshot, and he yelled to his sister:

"Caterina, this can't go on.

Use your ability to send the fleet over. Artillery battles are not our strong point. I want to fight them in a boarding battle!"


The Dibo brothers and sisters have realized that in the conventional war mode, the linear tactics that Hastings is good at are indeed very restrained by Castile's large Galen.

But if the equipment and tactics are insufficient, there are extraordinary people to make up for it.

Catalina took out a transparent crystal bottle from the storage of strange objects, which was filled with transparent liquid, and many white crystals were constantly precipitating.

This is exactly a [Second Level Holy Relic Storm Bottle]:

"Originally used as a widely used navigation tool, in addition to alchemical potions, it also contains the spirit dust of storm spirits, which can accurately predict weather changes.

If the liquid is very clear, it means the weather will be fine; if the liquid is hazy, sometimes accompanied by precipitation, then the weather will be cloudy like the solution;

If suspended precipitation and hazy liquid coexist, it means a storm is coming; if there are crystals at the bottom of the cup, it means frost; if there are spiral patterns on the top, it means the wind is going to blow."

After being transformed into a holy relic, it has gained the additional ability to reversely manipulate the weather.

Complementing the core professional ability of Katarina, the fourth-level hero-level [Navigator] [Weather Scepter], it is enough to change the weather conditions on the battlefield in a short time.

She raised the Storm Bottle high above her head, and a rapidly rotating spiral pattern appeared on the top of the bottle.


The wind direction on the side of the Treasure Fleet suddenly deflected, and at the same time, the waves under the fleet were also controlled by Katarina, pushing the hulls towards the Seventh Fleet on the opposite side.

As the [Storm Admiral], Byron felt the change in wind direction at the first time.

He activated the power of [Rain God] Chuck without hesitation, and controlled the atmosphere above the Seventh Fleet with the powerful control of the God's Vision.

The Storm Bottle may be able to control others, but it definitely can't control him.

At the same time, he ordered:

"Fleet against the wind!"

The Seventh Fleet, with a lower and more flexible hull, immediately collectively faced the wind in the upwind direction, and the resulting wake continued to cover the Treasure Fleet.

This made Katarina, who was already using her own extraordinary power to fight against the power of nature, even more exhausted.

This dilemma of not being able to beat and catch up also made them sad to the point of almost vomiting blood.

Seeing the Seventh Fleet moving while continuing to launch artillery fire.

If this continues, the legendary battleship promotion ceremony [Challenge the Impossible] may reap its first achievement today.

——The waves behind the sea push the waves in front, and the waves in front die on the beach.

Even though Byron used the linear tactics well enough, he knew the "ship maneuvering tactics" that would restrain the "linear tactics" in the next version.

As the saying goes: each version has its own god, and each version has its own tricks. Old Garen, today the throne of the strongest battleship finally belongs to me, the heavy cruiser.

In the next hundred years, it will be enough to punch the Nanshan Nursing Home and kick the Beihai Kindergarten.

[Behemoth Nemesis] Wycliffe also realized the difficulty of his opponent and decisively switched tactics.

"Katrina, give up other warships and fleet battles, we will only chase the flagship of the [Sea Hunter]."

At the same time, he waved his hand and threw out a [Hunting Mark] that is standard for the Hunter profession.

The next moment, the two ships were passively approaching each other like two magnets.

Wickliffe showed a cruel smile on his face, and took the opportunity to activate the second ability of the first-level holy relic [First Galleon] [Giant Fear]:

"When the Bull City was born, it was the largest war creation made by humans at that time.

On the battlefield, as long as the size is larger than the opponent, whether it is a sea monster or a ship, all personnel will fall into intense fear, and the combat effectiveness will be greatly reduced. Except for the mid-sequence extraordinary, no one can be exempted."

[Giant Beast Killer] looked at Byron, who was getting closer and clearer on the opposite ship, and laughed wildly:

"Hahaha, little mouse, see where you want to run?

I admit that your line swordsmanship is not bad, but now is my turn. The Castilians will never be the best in the boarding battle. Hmm?"

Laughing and laughing, his expression suddenly froze.

It is normal that the closer the distance is, the bigger the target looks. But why when he looked at it from a distance, the other party's ship was still a small cruiser.

But now it looked higher and higher, and bigger and bigger, until it turned into a 74-gun third-level battleship that was even larger than them.

Apparently Byron found that boarding was inevitable, and immediately activated the extraordinary ability of the battleship form [United as One].

Then with a "bang", the two ships were completely sucked together by the [Hunting Mark].

Click! Click!

Then the [Golden Deer] looked down from a high place, and there was a sound of bolts being pulled.

Then [Giant Beast Killer] saw countless black holes of bolt-action rifle muzzles, and Byron, who looked malicious, leaned out from the side of the ship:

"Sorry, sir, times have changed.

We are invincible when we stand and fight, and we are still invincible when we sit and fight!

The romance of men is to pull the big bolt, come on, teach them how to be a man!"

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