Pirate Kingship

Chapter 351 News about new members and the Pirate King

"Sir, please open the window. There is a letter from Miss Delia."

Hearing the courier tilting his head and spitting out a string of childlike sounds, Byron quickly opened the window and let the seagulls flap their wings and fly into the room.

Seeing the number on a copper ring on its foot, he nodded to it friendly:

"Mr. 9526, are you delivering the letter to Delia again this time? Thank you for your hard work."

The seagull messenger bowed somewhat comically like a human, and handed the satchel he was carrying to Byron:

"Yes, Your Excellency, here is one of her personal letters, and the other is important information that she sent to you as a liaison on behalf of the Federation.

By the way, as usual, the Union's postal service is free for MPs. "

These seagull messengers have been tamed and developed by [Animal Tamers], and the best among them can not only speak, but even have an IQ as high as that of a seven or eight-year-old child.

Even the stupidest kind, after receiving the on-the-job training of the "newsboy", will at least say: "Hello!" "A copy of five copper furls." "Please give me money to buy a newspaper!"

At present, due to the underdeveloped papermaking technology on the mainland, the price of paper remains high. In addition, it needs to be transported by sea and air, so a copy of "Lighthouse Weekly" is not cheap.

A newspaper can buy five standard fur bread, which is not something that the common people can afford.

Anyway, the low literacy rate makes it impossible for them to use this thing.

It is worth mentioning that the Pioneer Pilot Colonial Trading Company has already begun inspecting sugarcane plantations and sugar mills under his instructions, preparing to purchase large quantities of sugarcane bagasse and start an "industrial papermaking" project.

Advanced papermaking technology is of great significance to the spread of knowledge.

By analogy, if we put it into the future, it will be an industrial pearl equivalent to the level of photolithography machines.

Now, just after the dark millennium when the church blocked knowledge and suppressed scholars, the demand for knowledge and books from all walks of life is unlimited.

Only sufficient paper and low enough learning costs can meet the requirements for the spread of civilization and the explosion of science and technology.

All subsequent technological and cultural developments were based on this small knowledge medium.

If Byron had accomplished this, he would not need to be recognized by the church or the pope, and the [Silver Law] would have to personally give him the title of "Sage".

The large number of artists in Feilengcui also want everyone to remember him.

Byron took a stake in the church and prepared to take advantage of the turmoil in the future to launch a backstab plan. It seemed to be a wild plan, but in fact it was designed to attack seven inches.

A group of cardinals and saints wanted to rely on the "Gospel of the Kingdom" and the blood of eternal life to obtain eternal life and become angels on earth, but Byron refused to let them get what they wanted!

Immediately, he personally took out the two letters from his satchel.

The first was from Delia, a reply to Byron.

"Mr. Captain, if you really don't mind my little flaw that has nothing to do with the mission.

I am willing to accept your invitation to serve as the [Navigator] and [Prophet] of the Golden Deer.

I don't care how much the loot is distributed, I just hope that one day I will have the opportunity to go to the end of the world to see it. "

She was concise and to the point, and accepted Byron's job invitation to her.

On an elite expedition ship exploring the unknown, the fullest crew usually includes:

"Captains, craftsmen, adventurers, hunters, gourmets, navigators, animal trainers, singers, navigators, naturalists, doctors, prophets, and combat professions are the absolute backbone and standard."

Byron has the professional ability of [Storm Admiral], the logbook [Echoes of History] and the [Compass of Desire], so he can be the best captain and navigator, as well as a naturalist and doctor.

For some other key positions, many core members who have studied both forbidden knowledge and the ladder of glory can almost fill it part-time.

At least it won't cause a fatal shortcoming to the pirate ship.

But the most critical lighthouse sequence [Navigator] is too rare.

The [Golden Deer] lacks a navigator who is at least second level and trustworthy in order to be competent for the exploration mission in the "Snake of the World: Celestial Circulation Zone".

This kind of occupation with weak combat effectiveness has almost no individuals taking up the job, and it is usually specially trained by the big forces.

There were also a few of the Lancastrians who fled to the Bantaan Islands, and the [Flaming Rose] who followed Violet here.

But Byron was not very satisfied after the inspection.

He has confidence in himself and his logbook, and sooner or later he will be able to reach the first echelon, or even surpass the first echelon's exploration progress, and lead the age of navigation.

Facing an overseas world full of dangers, evil spirits, monsters, relatives of the old gods, and even the children of the old gods, only the first-class, or at least the first-class potential [Navigator] can be competent.

And if it can lead the entire human race to explore the unknown world, it will be an excellent opportunity for every [Navigator] to grow in strength.

He hopes that this crucial candidate can go to the end with their team to complete the "Echidna Triangle Gyre" and even a complete exploration of the world.

It’s about the lives of all crew members. It’s better to be short-lived than wasteful!

After careful consideration, he turned his attention to the Lighthouse Federation, a huge organization with many top Lighthouse Sequence Transcendents.

Finally, he chose the liaison officer who had served him several times and was also the most familiar Miss Delia.

Not only is he gifted, he awakened on his own at the age of fifteen, and reached the limit of the second level at the age of eighteen. He also learned the corresponding taboo knowledge "Divination" and can replace the position of the prophet.

Two posts only require one salary, which is of course very cost-effective.

Although there are some minor side effects, they are harmless.

Of course, all this is due to Byron's love for talent, and has nothing to do with the [Ship Log] accidentally discovering that she has a father who is the vice president of the Lighthouse Federation.

Nothing to do!

Byron wrote a reply letter casually, agreed with Delia on the time to board the ship, and handed it to the messenger, and did not forget the most important thing-feeding the seagulls.

"Some fries?"

Take out a bag of fries as a snack from the snakeskin bag and hand it to it.

This 9526 does not like to eat fish like its peers, but has a special liking for fries. Every time he is fed, he will be very happy and very active when working.

"On the hour. Senator, as everyone is saying, you are such a nice guy."

Seagull took the fries and put them in his bag, but said with some regret:

"But this may be the last time I send you a letter.

Some of our messengers who have reached the level of extraordinary creatures will soon be sent to the 'celestial circulation belt' to establish a new postal network.

To build infrastructure for the subsequent major changes at sea.

You can see another Lighthouse Weekly that will be published urgently tomorrow, and you will know that something big is about to happen here.

Sir, goodbye!"

After saying that, he saluted again like a human being, flapped his wings and flew away.

"Big event? Emergency additional issue?"

Byron's premonition in his heart became stronger and stronger. He opened the envelope anxiously, and Violet also came to his side.

There was only a newspaper that had not been issued yet.

He could receive first-hand information on the progress of the adventure team under the Hastings system.

But his understanding of the exploration progress of other countries, large forces, and private adventurers was far less than that of the Lighthouse Federation.

Once the Federation encounters valuable intelligence, it will also inform all internal members in advance so that they can react faster than others.

When the newspaper was opened, the bold front-page headline was:

"Shocking! The fifth-level pirate king, one of the strongest in the Bantaan Islands, [Ocean Throne] Barbarossa Hayreddin actually did such a thing?!"


Because of Violet's presence, he didn't let his beautiful common language burst out.

But he also cursed the editor's ancestors in his heart, and hurriedly continued to look down.

"Humanity is about to usher in a great extraordinary energy revolution"

"[Ocean Throne] Barbarossa Hayreddin took the initiative to report a world-shaking discovery to the Lighthouse Union.

He claimed that a large gathering place of Mei's Leviathan whales was found in a certain area of ​​water south of the 'celestial circulation belt', which is a natural and perfect whaling ground."

"The reporter of the Lighthouse Union urgently interviewed Mr. Thomas Severi, the president of the Continental Craftsmen's Union and the fifth-level legendary master craftsman.

Mr. Severi confirmed that the whale oil in the body of Mei's Leviathan whales carries a high concentration of source material.

It can be used as the best fuel (for boiling water), or as pure energy to drive rituals, rituals, alchemical machinery, and various taboo knowledge, or to drive heavy equipment.

This whale was first discovered by Melville, a whaler captain of the Wild Sequence [Monster Hunter] profession, on the edge of the Echidna Triangle.

It's a pity that the living environment of Mei's Leviathan whales is too dangerous for humans, and the number of captures has always been too small for decades.

Until now In the past, it was because the whaling ships could not penetrate the sea of ​​monsters, and it was difficult to form large-scale whale capture and whale oil production, let alone form related industries. "

"Now that a large whale farm has been discovered in the southern hemisphere, it is very likely to be more valuable than spices for the entire human civilization.

It means unlimited renewable energy!

It is enough to set off a whale oil power revolution."

"This news has been confirmed to be true by the high-sequence fifth-level [Prophet] divination.

Ladies and gentlemen, please cheer for another great discovery of mankind's conquest of the unknown world.

Of course, don't forget to prepare the whaling ship and prepare to welcome another feast that can rival the spice trade! "

"In addition, it is said that some adventurers in the first and second echelons have responded to the call of the Pirate King and headed for the coordinates.

There should be relevant news coming in the near future. "

What was printed on the newspaper was actually the core of the secret transaction between the two pirate kings in the mouth of [Blue Hair] Barbarossa Helding - the whale oil power revolution!


After reading this newspaper that will be published tomorrow, the two people's mood was difficult to calm down for a long time.

They can fully imagine what kind of storm will be set off in the entire Bantaan Islands and even the Silver Continent after tomorrow.

There are many smart people in this world.

Not only Byron and Violet, many people can see the value of whale oil, and a few well-informed action-oriented people may have boarded the ship and set sail at this time.

Can find special products with higher value than spices in the New World, distance, cost, loss, danger... No matter what obstacles will no longer be obstacles.

Even if fireballs and sharp knives rain down from the sky, they will never stop the colonists from coming one after another.

After tomorrow, no one will care about how the Crown War in the indigenous territory is different from the past, and who the new god [Lord of Heaven] is.

Instead, they will once again rush into the unknown ocean on a large scale, ushering in death or sudden wealth!

"But why does [Ocean Throne] want to disclose the secret of the whale oil-powered revolution at this juncture?"

Byron and Violet looked at each other and saw the doubt in each other's eyes at the same time.

Violet bit her cherry-colored lower lip and analyzed silently:

"It has been many years since my father handed over the news of the 'whale oil power revolution' and the whaling grounds, along with a torn nautical chart, to the [Ocean Throne], who is also a pirate king.

For so many years, this pirate king has never leaked the news, but left the business of the pirate kingdom to his younger brother, Blue Haired Hailding, and has been quietly exploring with the sea monster army.

It is obvious that he is planning to eat alone."

Byron nodded and agreed:

"Indeed, the whaling grounds are there and there is no way to escape.

As long as he can achieve resource monopoly from the source, he can make all countries that crave whale oil, a new energy source, rely on him.

[Ocean Throne] was originally from the Star-Moon Empire on the west coast. With whale oil firmly in his hands, he can transform himself into In this world, he is the richest man in the world with a piece of cloth on his head.

But now that the major adventure ships are pressing on the New World step by step, and new news is coming back every day.

Why did he suddenly announce the news, and also attached a specific location that is one step closer than the original nautical chart, so that others can have a share.

It can't be that he suddenly found his conscience, right? "

After analyzing this, the two people's faces were stern at the same time:

"There is only one answer!

That is, there is a difficult situation that even he can't handle.

He is not announcing good news to the world, but sending a signal to all maritime powers, adventure ships, and colonists.

Although there are many words on the newspaper, if you look closely, the gaps between the words are clearly filled with "There is danger, brothers, come on!" "

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