Pirate Kingship

Chapter 13 Law: Hanging! (Please read later)

"Salman is actually a [Gourmet] of the Gold Yuan Sequence?

When I first saw those man-eating sharks that were obviously controlled by some kind of supernatural power, I thought he should be a [Beast Tamer] of the Wilderness Sequence."

Byron certainly has a lot of supernatural knowledge in his stomach, which can meet the prerequisites for promotion in multiple sequences.

But he still lacks experience after all.

Of course, as a young man who has lived in the Food Desert for 17 years, it is understandable.

There are many supernatural sequences and professions, covering most of the social division of labor, and because of different national conditions, the distribution of various professions is extremely uneven.

He doesn't know about other places, but in the food desert Hastings, where the recipes are the thinnest in the world, the profession of [Gourmet] is an absolutely rare species.

[Supernatural of the Gold Yuan Sequence - Gourmet.

Sequence motto: Money speaks, truth is silent!

Prerequisite knowledge: proficient in cooking.

Every supernatural of this sequence needs a huge amount of money to support, and as long as there is enough wealth, they can be promoted quickly.

Most of them have an infinite desire for wealth. 】

The appetite of gourmets far exceeds that of ordinary people. They have been chasing gourmet food throughout their careers and are even known as "gourmet hunters".

Only when their appetite is satisfied and they enjoy the ultimate delicious food can their strength continue to increase.

Byron even suspected that no matter how high the sequence of your [gourmet] is, as long as you dare to come to the territory of Hastings, you will be beaten back to your original form within three days.

Salman's main range of activities is obviously not in the Hastings Sea.

Unlike a first-level [servant] with only passive abilities, as a second-level [professional] [gourmet], he already has the core extraordinary ability: [food supplement]!

Eating different specially cooked foods will gain different temporary gains.

Eating eagle eyes can make you farsighted; eating pig brains can make you think quickly; eating sparrow tongues can use ventriloquism to imitate various sounds

It is undoubtedly a very comprehensive ability.

A high-sequence [gourmet] can even temporarily transform into that creature by eating the flesh and blood of a certain extraordinary creature, and exert the same talent.

At this time, Salman drank the blood-red liquor that was added with unknown things.

The strong smell of alcohol steamed and burned the fat in his body, not only making him violent, but also igniting a blazing fire.

All the sailors on both sides of the enemy screamed and fled in all directions.

This powerful power.

Let Byron, who was dodging with others, think of the core ability of the gourmet [Food Supplement], and he can also choose a food that best suits him as the "staple food".

Not only can you get extraordinary gains in a certain aspect, but the more you eat, the faster your [spirituality] will improve.

But there is an absolute taboo, that is the same kind!

Thinking of this, his heart suddenly jumped.

Combined with the sudden jump to 40% of the solution density, Byron suddenly realized that he seemed to have touched the key part of the [Secret: Unspeakable Secret].

The cook who never survived a month on the ship, the captain who was tortured by gout and looked calm but was actually crazy, the [Gourmet] with an insatiable appetite, and the unknown [Staple Food].

It seemed that there was a line connecting them all.

However, Byron soon had no time to think about any secrets.

Two powerful second-level extraordinary people wandered around the ship, killing each other.

[Fortress Guard] Harold used the standard and impeccable [Military Swordsmanship].

The core ability [Steel Resonance] turned all the steel weapons on his body into his claws.

The scales clanged, emitting cold light, indestructible.

The [Gourmet] Salman, who fell into a violent state, with red eyes and his true [Blood Eyes], attacked with the fierce [Fischer Swordsmanship].

More like a berserker than a gourmet.

Sparks flew and roared.

The only extraordinary person [Blood Eye] was held back, and the pirates, who were at a disadvantage in terms of both personnel numbers and quality, were defeated.

At this time, Byron did not dare to hold back at all, and rushed to the most intense battlefield with his half-sword in hand.

The extremely sharp [Storm Sword Skill] turned into a bloody killing storm. Every time the sword flashed, a navy soldier would inevitably fall to the ground.

To be honest, in the extraordinary system of division of labor and cooperation in this world, every profession has its own weaknesses.

Even high-sequence extraordinary people may be beaten to death, not to mention low-level people like Byron who have not yet taken office.

The nobles and generals who entered the battlefield usually equipped themselves with luxurious [Guardian Knights] and [Guards] teams to form a team that cooperated with each other.

It is undoubtedly a foolish dream to want to influence a naval battle of hundreds of people with the power of one person.

When there were still 3 minutes before the 7-level wind perceived by [Weather Intuition], more than one-third of the hundreds of pirates on the [Man-eating Shark] had fallen.

The surviving pirate officers all had red eyes.

Suddenly, the blood-soaked second mate on the ship saw a figure standing on the stern of the opposite ship [Severe], and was immediately overjoyed:

"Look, the navy is patrolling with a nobleman.

There is no need to wait for the weather to change. As long as we can catch him, the navy must let us go."

As he said this, he called a group of capable marines around him, grabbed the rope and swung back to the warship.

Byron naturally heard his shout and turned his head to look.

He saw the young nobleman who was originally watching the battle leisurely, glanced at the murderous second mate with contempt, and casually said:

"Law: All pirates and pirate acts without their own "Privateer License" are illegal and sentenced to hanging!"

Byron hurriedly shouted:

"Come back quickly, don't fall on the enemy's warship."

Unfortunately, the pirates moved too fast, and there was no brake in the air.

As soon as the voice fell.

All the pirates who had stepped onto the deck of the [Severe] were immediately suspended in the air by invisible ropes.

Even if they pinched their necks hard and kicked their legs constantly, they could not break free.

As the invisible law ropes tightened, everyone's face turned purple, and soon they stuck out their tongues and widened their eyes, and were hanged to death on the spot.


The pirates who noticed this weird scene all shuddered involuntarily.

He was shocked to realize that in addition to Captain Harold, the second-level [Fortress Guard] of the Fortress Sequence, the navy actually hid another extraordinary person.

It was the Inquisition Sequence that Byron was very familiar with - [Lawyer]!

This is the embodiment of royal power.

Sequence motto: Ignorance of the law does not exempt you from responsibility!

The core ability obtained after the second-level [Professional] level is called: [Law Order].

Interpreting the laws in one's own [Royal Iron Law] in person and judging a certain behavior, as long as it is within one's jurisdiction, it can take effect.

Principle: Territorial jurisdiction.

In addition to territory and territorial waters, the jurisdiction also applies to the ships of the country to which they belong, and neither nationals nor foreigners can be exempted!

Although this sea area is no longer the territorial waters of Hastings, the moment the second mate and other pirates stepped onto the warship, their fate was doomed.

The frontal combat power of this profession is about zero, and it is even more impossible to use it to expand territory.

When suppressing the territory under the jurisdiction of one's own [Royal Iron Law], it is incomparably powerful!

As long as the charges are proven, mortals have almost no escape.

Only the same-level supernaturals can barely resist, and high-level supernaturals can be immune.

Just think about it, in a place where the bottom-level supernatural rules are called [Silver Law], what is the status of the Inquisition sequence?

All advanced knowledge is monopolized by the royal family and the nobles, and even ordinary nobles are not qualified to peek.

From this, Byron immediately guessed his identity.

"The York represented by the white rose noble flag on the ship, this is coming for me!"

His sharp eyesight has seen the wanted order of 5,000 gold pounds nailed to the mast, and he is fortunate again that the talent he just awakened is [Cognitive Correction].

The other pirates are almost desperate.

"What kind of huge crime have we committed? Why does the navy use such a terrifying lineup to deal with us? ! !

Did we accidentally kill the prince?"

They don't know that the real despair is still behind.

[Blood Eye] Salman was dragged by the [Fortress Guard], and became thinner as the fat burned.

Ordinary pirates were defeated by the fierce attack of the navy.

In the howling wind, a nimble figure flew from the mast of the cruiser to the main mast of the pirate ship.

Carrying a black-bottomed blood cross flag representing the Kingdom of Hastings on his shoulders, he climbed hard to the top of the mast along the meshed side ropes.

After completely establishing victory on the battlefield, there is no need to wait until the battle is completely over. As long as the flag is planted on the main mast, it is equivalent to obtaining the jurisdiction of this pirate ship from the level of mysticism and navigation rules.

This will also be the last straw that will break the camel's back.

As long as the [Law Mage] Baron Adonis issues another [Law], no one on this ship will be able to escape!

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