Pirate: I Loaded The Game Panel

Chapter 354: Forced in-cough, intervene

  Chapter 354 Force Interruption-Cough, Intervene


  The scorching smell of material burning came from between the mouth and nose. Shuangyue Niu Wan knelt on one knee on the ground of the ghost island, and the heavy breathing sound like a bellows came out from his throat.

  Relieve for a while.


   With a crisp sound, the empress daimyo Ling used his violently trembling right hand to hold the hilt of the samurai sword and stubbornly supported it from the ground.

  He looked up at the sky, and in his left eye, there was a dazzling light that never gave up.

  Essence Beast Azure Dragon slowly poked his head out of the surging clouds, staring at the three great swordsmen of the country below.

  I don’t know when, the other two big names have already walked behind Shuangyue Niu Wan.

  Since the great change in the country of Wano, the three daimyos have been defeated by Kaido one after another, and plunged into the ghost island ‘Tian’ cave, without any treatment or supplies for nearly half a month.

  Even the only food was given to the young girl "Yamato" who seems to have inherited Oda's legacy!

  At this moment, these three great swordsmen are in fact close to the limit state of exhaustion.

  Just experienced the sudden breath of the blue dragon, the other two samurai daimyo's state seemed very reluctant, almost to the point of faltering.

  The Shuangyue Niu Wan, drawn from the sky by the Eudemon Azure Dragon, looked like the one in the best condition at this time!

   "Shuangyue Niu Wan..."

  Eudemons Qinglong's voice is low, but the sound is like Hong Zhong Dalu.

  "Is this the last answer you gave?"

  Except for the Kaiguangyue clan, among the five major families of the Hezhi Kingdom, only the Shuangyue clan can enter the eyes of Kaido, especially the Linghou clan.

  Ling's next line of the Frost Moon clan, generations of swordsmen have come forth, and their ancestors have been legendary figures such as "Dragon Swordsman Frost Moon Dragon Horse", and achieved the legendary achievement of flying swords and dragons in the sky of Hezhi.

  At present, among the three great swordsmen, Kaido wants to earn his subordinates, and only the name of Queen Ling is the only one!

   Judging from Kaido's eyes, even though Shuangyue Niumaru is far inferior to that of Guangyue Mitian, it can still be regarded as one of the best swordsmen in the country.

  And if Shuangyue Niu Maru is willing to surrender, it will be of great benefit to the overall strength of the beasts and pirates, or to the rule of the country.

   "Even if we fight our lives, our samurai will never bow our heads and surrender!"

Shuangyue Niumaru forcibly resisted his fatigue, danced the two knives in his hands, and made a sharp piercing sound. The dark armed color wrapped around it with domineering, and once again turned it into a'black knife', and the faint pink color like cherry blossoms appeared around the blade. .

  Step on! tread!

  Stepped out in a few steps, and Shuangyue Niu Maru rose to the sky again, and the other two samurai daimyo followed closely behind.

  The three great swordsmen, with the help of the long and winding dragon body of the Eudemon Azure Dragon, moved continuously in the sky, and gradually approached the cross wound on the abdomen where Kaido was cut by Mitsuyuki Mitian half a month ago.

  Even if it is a desperate fight, it will never give up the chance to win!

  The three great names are very clear in their hearts. In their current state, it is a wishful thinking to break through the tough and unmatched dragon scales on the body of the Eudemon Blue Dragon.

  The slash of Shuangyue Niu Wan just now proved this point.

  Mita's cut with the "Taoyuan Ten Punches" was the only opportunity for the three of them to win!

  Kaido was also vaguely aware of the thoughts of these three great swordsmen.

  The Eudemon Blue Dragon turned around in the air, and the dragon kiss aimed at the position of the three great swordsmen, once again condensed a group of hot dragon's breath, which was released without hesitation.


  The scorching flames rushed to the front of the three great swordsmen in the blink of an eye, and the dazzling fire light rendered the faces of the three people into orange and yellow interwoven colors.

   "Second Sword Stream·Ying Deng Lou!"

  Shuangyue Niu Wan clenched his teeth, held the knife in both hands, raised it high, and made a flying slash from top to bottom facing the hot dragon's breath.

The radiant half-moon slash, carrying the unmatched momentum of destroying the front and breaking the strong, split the dragon's breath from it in two, and the three great swordsmen swiftly passed through the gap of red and yellow sparks. pass.

  However, as the distance narrowed, the dragon's breath accuracy and accuracy of the Eudemon Azure Dragon improved again.

  When the flames breathed through the sky again, the three great swordsmen finally couldn't dodge, and the powerful impact and destructive power of the high temperature dragon's breath rushed to the ground of the ghost island together.

  The other two samurai daimyo, who were already in poor condition, completely lost the power to resist. They were washed away by the mighty heat, and they flew down like meteorites.

   "I can't..."

  Shuangyue Niu Wan frowned her eyebrows tightly, dripping blood between her mouth and nose, and her hands holding the handle of the'Black Knife' became harder.

   "The Frostmoon Warrior can't lose to the enemy so easily!"

  An invisible force supported the Shuangyue Niu Wan, and he burst out with a burst of muscles and bones from all over his body, condensing his whole body strength, and brazenly facing the scorching dragon's breath, he turned upside down.

   With arms crossed, two ‘black knives’ crossed together, Shuangyue Niu Wan agitated.

  Behind him, the illusory appearance of a vicious sea monster faintly appeared. It has the head and sturdy body of a cow, but its lower body is covered with an octopus-like tentacle tail, which is like a "ghost" in myths and legends!

  "Frost Moon Two Swordsmanship · Upanishad · Cow Ghost!"

Shuangyue Niumaru's figure quickly shuttled in the air, like a meteor flying lightning. While passing by the Eudemon Azure Dragon, he swung the katana with sharp eyes and hands, and made more than a dozen stabs in a short span of time. The sword strike successfully hit the crisscross wound in the abdomen of the Eudemon Azure Dragon.


The'black knife' wrapped around the high-level armed color domineering [Flowing Sakura], slashed through the deep wound hit by the domineering color, and instantly cut the thick blood scab that has not been fully healed, and the hot dragon blood poured out like a waterfall. A light rain was sprinkled.


  Essence Beast Qinglong raised his head and let out a shocking exclamation, his voice was full of pain and tyranny.

  Unexpectedly, in Hezhi domestic, after Guangyue Mitian, this Shuangyue Niu Maru wounded him again!

  Kaido's eyes were red, completely transformed into beastly vertical pupils, and his desire to subdue Shuangyue Niu Wan was completely extinguished.

   Accompanied by the dragon chant that pierced the sky just now, a thick black cloud quickly gathered in the sky, and silver snake-like lightning shuttled back and forth among the black clouds, making a rumbling sound.

   Immediately afterwards, the cyan dragon swam around, coiled up in mid-air, and made a high-speed rotating motion, setting off a terrifying hurricane like a natural disaster, cutting squares.

   "Tornado bad wind!"

  The ground of the ghost island, which had been burnt into a sea of ​​fire by the continuous high temperature and dragon's breath, became fragmented again after experiencing this natural disaster and violent wind.

  Shuangyue Niuwan's body, like a duckweed without roots, was cut to pieces by the bad tornado, revealing a large number of fine and deep wounds, a steady stream of blood gushing out of it, instantly staining him into a blood man.

   "The future in twenty years..."

  Shuangyue Niumaru glanced at the direction of the ghost island with a little nostalgia, his vision seemed to be able to penetrate the rock wall to see the eight-year-old girl who was deep in the cave.

   "It seems that I can't see it anymore..."


  Shuangyue Niu Maru, who was seriously injured and exhausted, fell heavily on the ground of the ghost island. The two ordinary quality samurai swords, after withstanding the fierce battle just now, also completed their mission, and broke apart every inch.

  Kaido retreated into the shape of a dragon and returned to the ground of the ghost island in the form of a human.

  With the terrifying recovery speed of the Eudemons, the wound that was pierced by the Shuangyue Niu Pill a moment ago has actually begun to scab to stop the bleeding.

   "Samurai, you have chosen a wrong route."


  An interjecting voice that shouldn't belong here suddenly sounded.

   "I think His Royal Highness Shuangyue Niumaru has shown the true ‘Samurai Spirit’ very well."

  The voice blasted into his ears, and Kaido's pupils instantly tightened to a point.

   seems to be a general stress response.

  The governor of the pirate group of beasts suddenly showed a large number of blue dragon scales all over his body, covering his arms, shoulders and back. At the same time, a pair of long and curved dragon horns were drilled between his forehead.

  Kaido, the beast, was shocked by this sentence and directly entered the strongest "dragon form"!

  Adrian couldn’t help but slapped his lips. It’s too cute, isn’t this reaction a bit too radical?

  As for?

   "White Ghost!"

  The little dragon man raised the giant black mace in his hand and pointed at the stranger who suddenly appeared on the battlefield.

   "Why did you come to Wano Country again?"

   "Of course... I just want to confirm your current instrument level!"

  The demon sword and ghost came out through the sheath, and violently collided with the mace, and a loud noise broke out in an instant.

   But this time, it was evenly divided!

   "Not weak!"

   Adrian grinned.

   Thank you very much for the reward of 100 starting coins from "Charner" and "Twilight or Xiwei"! !



  (End of this chapter)

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