Pirate: I Loaded The Game Panel

Chapter 312: Sliding shovel trick?

  Chapter 312 Sliding shovel trick?

  Faced this stormy offensive.

   Adrian did not give in or dodge in the slightest.

  His eyes condensed slightly, and a surging momentum emerged from his body, and his clothes went automatically without wind, and the speed of the demon sword and ghost toru further accelerated.


  The demon sword ghost slashed out a huge and thick pale white cylindrical shock wave, wrapped in an extremely violent aura of destruction, and directly bombarded Xiu Kit's body from a very close distance.


  The black fluffy hair cage, which seems to be extremely strong and solid, only supports it for a short period of time, and there is a burst of sour crunching noises.

   Obviously the destructive power of the prestige has exceeded the limit that the hair cage can withstand!

In the shocking eyes of Xiu Kitt, the black hair cage broke open and turned into pieces of black fragments. The prestige shock wave bombarded his extremely tight "iron body" without any barriers. superior!

  Under the mighty power of the prestige, Xiu Kitt was like a thin mantis resisting the front of the wheel. He was directly bombarded and flew far away, smashed through several layers of walls, and flew directly out of the hall of delusional images.

  Boom boom——

The   Weiguo Shockwave carried Xiu Kitt directly on a bustling Happy Street, and exploded an ugly giant destruction trace. The buildings along the way were completely destroyed, as if the ground was washed by a typhoon!

  The rabbit rises and falls between the flocks.

Adrian came first, not only directly broke through the double defense of Xiu Kitt's proud fruit + iron, but also made the opponent's aggressive sword dance without any effect, and directly defeated itself without attacking. !

  Stepping on the moon step, Stutsi, who dances lightly in the air, is not as relaxed as her posture, but the corners of her mouth are slightly bitter.

  ‘Sure enough! This fellow Bai Youling is here to destroy Happy Street! ’

  ‘And the navy’s intelligence is indeed correct! This monster actually mastered Charlotte Lingling's terrifying moves! ’

  Stussi glanced at the traces of destruction bombarded by the prestige shock wave with great fear.

  As the Queen of Happy Street, one of the six kings of the dark world, and also a frozen beauty who does not know the specific age, Stutsi’s strength is indeed not weak!

  But the problem is that Stutsi’s is not weak, and it needs to be divided!

  For Bai Youling, a terrifying monster standing at the top of the sea, before the other party is not serious, she can still delay one or two by relying on six attainments.

  But once the opponent gets serious, even if he doesn't let go, Stutsi can't bear it at all!

  If you continue to fight, I am afraid that you will end up like Xiu Kitt, and be easily defeated!

  Stuxi made a decisive decision and kicked out the blurry afterimage again with his slender legs.

  Land feet!

  The dense air slash, once again mixed with the armed domineering sent out, moved towards Adrian's attack.

  However, Stushi did this not to fight against the white ghost, but just to delay the opponent for a while.

  Monthly step!

  Stuxi stepped on the air, and his figure jumped more than ten meters high again, and ran to the place outside Happy Street at a high speed along the path of destruction just launched by the prestigious shock wave!

  At this moment, the Queen of Happy Street has already made a vicious plan to ignore all the industries on Happy Street and abandon it on the spot!

   "Do you want to leave like this?"

   The slightly familiar young voice rang in Stutsi’s ears, causing her hairs to stand on top of her body and cold sweat on her forehead.

   "Unfortunately, the speed is too slow~"

  Stussi’s figure just stopped in the air, before he had time to raise his beautiful legs and kick Adrian a few feet.

  An illusory ghost glowing with a light blue gleam, without knowing it, has penetrated her body.

  Negative ghost!

  Stuxi was like a bird with broken wings, suddenly losing all his strength and rebellious will, and simply fell to the ground below.

  At this time, the Queen of Happy Street's mind was muddled, only the rootless and boundless negative thoughts were left, and she wanted to kneel and confess on the spot.

   "Sir Stutsi!"

   "My Queen!"

   Seeing that the supreme queen of Happy Street was subdued by a single trick, the CP agents who were present instantly panicked.

  The original order they received was only to form an encirclement net, but they did not expect that the immediate boss who came to collect the net was directly defeated!

  But the CP agents are CP agents after all. As the most elite force under the government of the world, in the face of this situation, they did not directly flee from the trees, and even prepared to organize a collective counterattack.



  The CP agent who mastered advanced physical skills kicked out his feet repeatedly, and a series of half-moon air slashes attacked the enemy.

  Some of the weaker CP agents also raised their weapon muskets in their hands, and the bullets were swayed at the enemy like a torrential rain.

  However, these attacks hit Adrian without making any waves.

Too lazy to entangle with these low-level agents, Adrian's eyes condensed, and the pale white spiritual pressure suddenly surging out of his body like a deep sea, and the mighty mental impact directly crushed everyone present. people.

  Under this heavy pressure like a mountain and abyss, the CP agents present rolled their eyes and fell to the ground like cutting wheat, unable to get up again.

  A moment ago.

  Xiu Kitt, who had just survived the shockwave of the prestige, was in a mess, and everywhere with blood dripping injuries, he crawled out of the ruins in the distance.

  Although he looked miserable on the outside, in fact, Xiu Kitt had bright eyes and did not lose much combat effectiveness.

  Tough guy who specializes in finishing iron blocks, the vitality is so strong!

  Xiu Kitt stretched out his hands, and a large amount of fluff emerged from his body, looping like a towing rope on the surrounding building load-bearing pillars.

   Immediately, Xiu Kit pulled up the fluffy rope with both arms, treating it as a spring string, and treating himself as a projectile, and the whole person rushed towards the white ghost like an arrow from the string.

  The battle is not over yet!


  Before arriving at the first scene, Xiu Kitt had just flew halfway, and he saw Stushi who was about to escape but was directly captured by the white ghost.

   Immediately afterwards, the surging spiritual pressure was directly pressed on his body!

  The original straight flight path suddenly seemed to be broken under the heavy pressure of the spiritual pressure, forming an exaggerated angle.

  Xiu Kitt was therefore forced to blast directly into the ruined surface.

  Looking at Xiu Kitt who was shoveling almost all the way, sliding not far in front of him.

   Adrian's expression is a bit weird.

  Sure enough, people and their physique cannot be considered together.

  Sliding shovel is this "peerless big trick".

  Used in the hands of the 80th-level character, it is full of awe-inspiring performance!

    Thank you very much for the reward of 100 starting coins from "Yebai_ Anonymous"! !

     is the fourth, and the fifth is after twelve o'clock.



  (End of this chapter)

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