Pirate: I Loaded The Game Panel

Chapter 269: Straw hat kid! Go to sea! (fog)

  Chapter 269 Straw Hat Boy! Go to sea! (fog)

  West Sea, border of the Kingdom of Gryffin, Brive Village.

  This is a quiet and peaceful small village, close to the sea, with fat cattle and sheep, lush vegetation, and the residents get along very harmoniously every day.

  On this day, all the residents of the village gathered here on the pier of the village, and there was a lot of discussion.

  A fat man with a short stature and a lead-gray cloth cap muttered softly.

   "It's terrible. There will be a pirate in our village. It's a shame..."

  Hearing this, the fat lady in a long pink dress next to her grabbed the man’s ears.

   "So that's why you gave the old fishing boat to this kid?"

   "Uncle Cadogan! Thank you for your little fishing boat!"

  Above the sea, the short-haired boy wearing a yellow straw hat spread his hands, with an enthusiastic smile on his face, and thanked the pudgy man whose ears were caught.

  But the next moment.

  The straw hat boy's smile suddenly narrowed, he made a grimace and said in a weird low voice.

   "Or, thank you very much, Sir Cadogan!"

  As soon as the words came out, the surrounding villagers suddenly burst into laughter.

  Cadogan is a celebrity in the village.

  Although the villagers admire his bravery, after all, a short and fat man like him even dares to challenge a big wild boar alone.

  However, everyone also feels funny and interesting about some almost absurd ideas and remarks that Cadogan occasionally pops up.

  One of the most famous things Cadogan has done is that after a certain drunkenness, he publicly declared that he was the noble knight of the Gryffin Kingdom.

  Of course, Cadogan will never admit to this embarrassment!

   "You bad boy!"

  Cadogan was blushing, yelling loudly, despite not being caught by his wife’s ears.

   "Return my fishing boat to me!"

  The straw hat boy responded jokingly with a smile.

   "It's late! Sir Cadogan, I am going to take away your precious ship as a pirate!"

  The other villagers burst into laughter again.

  Kadogan, who had been tricked twice in a row, finally stopped talking, blushing, and retreated to the back of the crowd.

   "Everyone, then I will set off right now!"

  Waves goodbye to the villagers.

  The straw hat boy steered the small fishing boat and slowly drove away from the peaceful and peaceful village of Brive.

  Under the blue sky, white seagulls hovered and called, and the fishing boat drifted towards an unknown destination.

  The sea is calm and the waves are calm, and the faint sunlight shines on the body, giving people a warm, lazy and comfortable feeling.

   "Today is really a good day to go to sea!"

   "There are so many weird things that happened in Xihai some time ago, it's not very lucky to think about it!"

   "Even the Warring States Period of Buddha has been dispatched. What a great newcomer to the pirate!"

  It's obviously only the first day of going to sea. The straw hat boy's tone is like a senior sailor who has been hanging around on the sea for many years.

  He lay on his back on the deck lazily, with Erlang's legs tilted up. While the straw hat brim blocked the sunlight above his head, he also covered the tips of his hair and eyes, allowing the breeze to send the fishing boat in an unknown direction.

at this time.

  Suddenly rolling waves appeared on the smooth and calm sea surface.

  A group of splashes slowly rises from the surface of the sea, waiting for the sea to fall, revealing the true appearance of the group of splashes.

   is just the part exposed on the sea, like a giant sea snake magnified dozens of times.

  Grey-brown rough skin, crisscrossed sharp fangs, coupled with the pair of scarlet eyes that were chosen and devoured, the whole body was filled with the breath of primitive and tyrannical beasts.

   "The King of Offshore?"

  The straw hat boy rolled up from the deck, fixed the straw hat on his head, and looked enthusiastically at the small sea king who appeared in front of him.

  In a tone of surprise, there are also some surprises.


  The king of the sea, with a huge body, saw the straw hat kid in front of him. He was not afraid of its deterrent power. He suddenly opened his blood basin and let out a high-pitched roar at the prey.

  The splashing saliva mixed with the fishy odor and spread on the surrounding sea.

  "This is a new dress made by Miss McGonagall specially for me. If it gets soiled on the first day, it will disappoint her good intentions!"

  The straw hat boy yanked out his saber around his waist, and then made several air slashes, stopping all the saliva that the king of the sea sprayed in front of him.

  The unabated air slash continued to fly backwards, instantly leaving several **** wounds with deep bones on the king of the sea.


The intense pain irritated the king of the sea with painful neighs. Its originally scarlet eyes were as thick and dripping as blood, as if the straw hat boy in front of him would be drenched in the next second. Swallowed into the abdomen.

   "Just use you to verify my official going to sea!"

  The straw hat boy tapped his toes, his figure suddenly jumped into the sky, his eyes raised his saber in excitement, and he struck a powerful slash towards the king of the sea below.

   "God avoid!"

  This fierce flying slash, straight across the neck of the king of the sea.

  Like a hot knife cutting butter, the flying slashes pass through the tough skin, firm muscles and rigid bones without any barriers.

   A knife fell, this cruel and cruel king of the sea, instantly separated his body and head!

  The huge head of a huge beast fell on the surface of the sea, knocking out a shocking wave, and the splashing sea water drops intensively falling like raindrops.

  The remaining half of the beast's body, as if not feeling the departure of its head, was still churning and rolling in the sea, churning the originally calm sea.

  The straw hat boy fell back on the small fishing boat that was shaken by the waves, with a brilliant smile on his mouth.

   "It's really a sea-going ceremony worth celebrating with a sumptuous banquet!"

   "Buggy! Look! I'm going to sea too!"

   "I will definitely find a strong partner who is as trustworthy as you!"

   "I want to complete One Piece——"

  The straw hat kid raised his arms and was about to make his vow of life toward the deserted sea.

   "Boy, what king do you say you want to be?"

  Adrian slowly descended from the sky, looking at the small sampan inexplicably.

  At this moment, all his attention was focused on the straw hat boy on the fishing boat!

  Yellow straw hat, bright red hair, wearing white and green striped round neck and short sleeves, the lower body is a pair of brown cropped trousers printed with patterns, and flip-flops.

  This is clearly...

  The second generation of Straw Hat Boy!

  The future emperor of the sea! !

  Redhead Shanks! ! !

"Who are you?"

  Looking at the stranger who suddenly appeared in front of him, Shanks' pupils contracted slightly, and he retracted his hands in embarrassment, and at the same time pretended to inadvertently touch the saber on his waist.

   "It doesn't matter who I am."

   Adrian's expression remained unchanged, but his tone was indifferent.

   "The important thing is."

   "If you dare to draw a knife, you will die."

    Thank you "Book Friends 20210131123344909" for the reward of 114 starting currency.



  (End of this chapter)

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