Pirate: I Loaded The Game Panel

Chapter 260: 【Uncrowned Godfather】

  Chapter 260【Uncrowned Godfather】

   Adrian's heart moved slightly, and each of the mini ghosts swayed illusory white light tails, quickly covering the battlefield.

  With a muffled sound, countless gang members exploded in their chests, instantly losing their breath of life, and fell to the ground.

  In a short period of time, people turned on their backs and suffered heavy losses.


  The tall and thin man who had just identified the other party roared, and at the same time he ran away quickly, hiding behind the nearby wall, thinking it would be able to block the attacks of the white ghosts.

  But the next moment, a few semi-imaginary white ghosts went straight through the wall, exploding several blood flowers on his body, and blood gushing out.

  The tall and thin man suddenly screamed, and forced to use his long-hidden fruit ability.

   Accompanied by a roar of hiss, yellow-brown bristles emerged from the skin of the tall and thin man, his ears instantly turned into screaming beast ears, covered with black markings, and his body suddenly swelled for several points.

  Looking from a distance, this tall and thin man instantly transformed into a leopard head walking upright!

  Animal series, cat fruit, leopard form!

   "Those who are still able to fight back immediately!"

  The leopard raised his head to the sky and roared, with a menacing aura, he rushed towards the white ghost and tried to counterattack!

   Adrian raised his brows, and he never thought he would encounter another familiar fruit ability.

  This fruit will become a member of CP9 Rob Luchi in twenty years, and it will shine in the Seven Waters City chapter.

  Unfortunately, it's just a very ordinary animal system, not even an ancient species...

Adrian lifted his finger slightly, and dozens of semi-imaginary mini ghosts flew out, turning into white streamers that could not be perceived at all, penetrating directly into the body of this man who seemed to want to fight back, killing him. on the spot!

  Until the moment of death, the leopard's head still had horror on his face, and he couldn't figure out why he, who had burst out to his full strength, could not survive in the hands of this legend of the West Sea, and he could not even manage one and a half strokes...

   Adrian kept standing still, constantly manipulating the mini ghost to launch attacks.

  Invaded the rest of the gang forces on Outfit Island, and was immediately overwhelmed by endless ghosts, dead and wounded.

   Adrian is not bloodthirsty.

  The level difference between these ordinary gang members and him is too big. Under such a level gap, almost everyone has only a mandatory 1 point of experience, and he is too lazy to make up the knife.

  If you are unlucky and the mini-ghost penetrates your heart, you can only consider yourself unlucky.

   But for those gang leaders who are accidentally discovered, or small bosses who give orders, they will not be treated as well. As long as they are identified, they will immediately wither and give them their hearts.

  Finally, these gang members who had lost their leader began to hesitate to move forward, not daring to get closer.

  Even people with no vision can see that dealing with enemies of this level is completely queuing to death, and death is meaningless.

  These gang members are finally scared.

  Adrian snapped his fingers and once again released the last wave of mini-ghost star fire.

  The mini ghost that jumped out of the void again became the last straw that crushed the camel.

  The mentality of these gang members completely collapsed, yelling, and running away.

  Some people with relatively weak bearing capacity directly sat on the ground, with a blank expression on their faces, and a blank mind in their minds. They even forgot to escape, seeming to be waiting for death in place.

  At this time.

  The members of the Razor Party headed by Tommy Shelby walked out of the main building of the center. They were all bloodshot in their eyes. Obviously, after a few days of war, both physically and mentally, they were under a considerable load.

   "Your Excellency! I'm very sorry! Excuse me!"

  Tommy walked up to Adrian, lowered his head, tone of panic.

   Adrian looked calm, "It's okay, it's not your fault."

  The Razor Party attracts a large number of players to join, which is both an advantage and a disadvantage.

  When the players are online, Tommy can naturally rely on these ‘undead refugees’ to conquer the city and grab territory.

  However, players are directly offline due to the unexpected version update. Even if they actively inform the aboriginals of the sea, the information will be automatically blocked by the system, which is regarded as nonsense.

  Under such circumstances, the completely unexpected Razor Party was caught off guard and was greatly weakened.

   will be attacked by other forces, which is also understandable.

all in all.

  Tommy may be wrong, but the fault is that he did not pay attention to the chain impact brought by players offline, and the rest is okay.

  Being able to lead the Razor Party, which has weakened more than half of its strength, and struggling to support Adrian from the paradise to the West Sea, Tommy’s own abilities are already excellent!

   "This group of people will be handled by you."

   Adrian waved his hand, walked aside, and gave up the center of the court to Tommy.

   In the face of these other members of the forces who dared to invade Outfit Island, Tommy would not have the slightest kindness.

  The opponent's coach was killed, and the middle and high-level bosses were also eliminated. This group of vindictive gang members is just a mob!

  The sound of gunfire sounded again.

  The one who has the absolute advantage this time is the Razor Party again.

   Just then, Adrian’s panel came to a prompt.

   is not an experience reminder for killing personnel, but a legendary reward!

  【You have destroyed a series of leaders of the West Sea gang, including the Gambino family, the Lukai family, the Kolo family... etc., and you gain 1 point of legend! 】

  【Xihai legend: uncrowned godfather-no warning, no bluffing, no room left. 】

  "Long-lost fable is obtained, but..."

   "Really a very brief introduction to the legend. In comparison, the only thing that can be compared with this is the previous ‘mysterious King of the West Sea’, right?"

  Adrian slid up the list of legends, and suddenly found that there was another legend he had forgotten.

  【World Legend: O’Hara Demon Slayer Order-The Demon Slayer Order is the largest military threat action authorized by the world government to establish a naval headquarters to launch an indiscriminate and devastating attack on the area where the signal is sent! You encountered the Demon Slaying Order on the O'Hara Island in the West Sea and faced the difficulties. In the end, you successfully defeated two lieutenants of the navy headquarters and several naval warships. Although the small island of O’Hara is still destroyed by the fire of the killing demon, your powerful performance will still be recognized in the hearts of the world! 】

  "It's another world-level legendary reminder. This should be rewarded after completing O'Hara's quest... Why was it ignored before?"

  Adrian was a little puzzled.

  The gunfire stopped, and Tommy walked to Adrian again.

  "Your Excellency, some of the surrounding affiliated islands are still being attacked by other gang forces. I need to rush over there."

   "Go!" Adrian waved his hand.

  At the same time, a scarlet light flashed in his eyes.

  "It's best for three days-no, don't come back to Outfit Island within five days. Remember to deport all civilians on the island as well."

   "Your Excellency?" Tommy wondered.

   "Oh, it was an unexpected scene~ It turned out that the big pirate who offered a reward of more than one billion Baileys was secretly still an unknown gang boss~"

  Adrian raised his eyebrows and looked at the ‘yellow flash’ that fell from the sky.

   "Rhubarb, are you working with pay again?"

   Thank you "Por Tong No Brewing" for the reward of 100 starting coins.

     is this legendary [Devil Killing Order], I'll just say how I always felt that I missed something...



  (End of this chapter)

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