Pirate: I Loaded The Game Panel

Chapter 255: Player offline

  Chapter 255 Player offline

   "The version is updated five days later. I am still surfing on the sea without panic."

   "I was happily doing tasks before... I found the forum announcement that the version will be updated soon, time is limited... I am currently doing tasks nervously."

   "Just ten seconds ago, I joined a pirate group... By the way, can the pirate group apply to withdraw from the group? I don’t need the handling fee! The captain doesn’t want—"

   "It feels like I am a bit worse than you. I am not a pirate, but I just passed the recruiting call for the branch naval base... By the way, can the navy accept recruits who are absent for an unknown length of time?"

The   player forum is full of excitement, and all kinds of flowers related to the new version have been thrown out by these sand sculpture players one after another.

  One of the more tragic ones is the players who have just joined the new forces.

  The new identity acquired after all the hard work, but in the future had time to express itself to increase trust, it was directly beaten to the head by the iron fist of the version update.

  And even more sad, it should be the players who are still wandering on the sea and can't find the exact offline location.

  Get on and off the line directly on the ship...

  I can only say that I hope people are okay.

  The forum is full of excitement.

  But in the game, the players who received the prompt still rushed towards the decided offline location without stopping.

  This behavior naturally attracted the attention of the aborigines of the sea.

  The existence of "undead refugees" during the period of the game's open beta is undoubtedly a very strong spiritual shock for the aborigines on the sea.

  Anyone will have a certain rejection attitude towards this group of special "kind" who suddenly appear strange in words and deeds, immortal and immortal.

  There is no doubt that the aboriginal people of the sea are very conflicted with the senses of these "undead refugees".

on the one hand.

  This group of “undead refugees” like to help them do things (tasks) very much, and they usually don’t need any rewards, some trivial rewards, and they can even greatly improve their enthusiasm for work.

   can be on the other hand.

  The aborigines have always felt a little alienated from the existence of "undead refugees", and under normal circumstances they would not take the initiative to contact those undead refugees.

  In the eyes of some aboriginal people who are cautious by nature, players are even regarded as the existence of some special strange creatures, full of unknown and risky, and usually even take the initiative to avoid players.

  However, with the upcoming update of the game version, players have to abandon the tasks in progress and return to the island.

  Such weird actions naturally aroused the awareness of certain forces on the sea.


   Xihai, the headquarters of the Razor Party, Outfit Island.

  The Razor Party has always welcomed this group of "undead refugees".

  For a gangster, no matter how it acts, "strength" is always the most important point.

  The existence of players has undoubtedly greatly improved the combat effectiveness of the Razor Party.

  Because of the "immortality" characteristics of the players, they will always be brave and fearless in the battle. It is simply the most suitable "gangster"!

  As the principal of the Razor Party, Tommy has never understood why the Razor Party is so sought after by these "undead refugees".

  You must know that the number of "undead refugees" in the Razor Party is almost more than the number of "undead refugees" in the rest of the Xihai gang.

  Secretly, in fact, Tommy has always wondered whether the existence of these refugees was affected by the influence of Your Excellency Bai Youling...

  Or this group of immortal refugees, simply the Lord Bai Youling personally summoned from the Huangquan Underworld, after all, they are the ghostly ghosts in the legend...

   was secretly affected by Adrian, but also because it really needed suitable cannon fodder combat power.

  Tommy almost never refuses the undead refugees who join the Razor Party.

  However, in recent days, a large number of undead members of the refugees have rushed back to Outfit Island from all over the West China Sea and returned to the gang.

  This is a kind of behavior without warning. Even if you ask them, you can't get the results. You can only hear some gibberish words that don't follow the preface (the system automatically blocks it).

  This phenomenon has caused Tommy's great attention.

  You guys, do you want to overthrow the boss and stand on your own?

  "Have you found out the specific cause?"

  In the main building of the Razor Party Center, in the top-level meeting room, Tommy asked the people in hand.

  As the leader of the Razor Party, although Tommy recognizes the strength and bloodliness of the undead refugees, he does not trust their loyalty.

  Tommy’s self-organized team is also carefully selected from the original gang members, and there are no players.

"No, BOSS. The specific reason for the return of the undead refugees in large numbers is still not found, and no results can be obtained from interrogation. Today, the number of'undead refugees' on Outfit Island is close to 2,000, and they are still there. It’s growing."

  Because of the awe of Adrian, Tommy has always used the title of "BOSS" in the Razor Party instead of "GODFATHER".

  Tommy’s mind counts for a few moments.

   "In other words, most of the undead refugees who joined our Razor Party have returned to the island?"

   "That's right!" The subordinate said respectfully, "Boss, this is not a good sign."

"Although the vast majority of undead refugees are very good cannon fodder, and their recognition of gangs is also very high, there is no shortage of some saboteurs. Almost every once in a while, there will be a refugee sabotage incident, which will affect the safety of the island. create a threat."

"The two thousand undead refugees are not much worse than the number of armies in some small kingdoms! Each of them is as powerful as some elite gangs. If one is not handled properly, it may cause a lot of our gangs. Impact."

  This confidant confided in anxiously a bunch of words.

  It is naturally impossible for him to know that the players have returned to Outfit Island on a large scale because they are about to face a version update and have to find a suitable and safe offline location.

  "One Piece" is different from other games. There are no such concepts as "game main city" and "absolute safety zone" in this game.

  To ensure account security during the version update, players can only find as safe places as possible.

  Outfit Island, as the base camp of the Razor Party, is naturally trusted by gang players.

   "Boss, you have to guard against this situation now..."

"I know your consideration too." Tommy said in a deep voice, "From now on, the undead refugees will be forbidden on Outfit Island, and two days later, the members of the island's'undead refugees' will be divided and dispatched to nearby places. On the islands, let them be responsible for the safety and security of the affiliated islands."

  As one of the top gangsters in the West China Sea, the Razor Party naturally cannot have only one Outfit Island. It also has a large area, including dozens of islands in the surrounding waters.

  However, he hasn’t waited for Tommy’s order.

  The players who returned to Outfit Island went offline one by one after joking goodbye to each other.

   Soon, all the "undead refugees" on the island disappeared.

  Not only on Outfit Island, the same scene happens at the same time on the islands where all players exist within the four seas.

  Thousands of "undead refugees", just as they were when they first arrived, disappeared in a short time.

  Far away on the fisherman island, Adrian, who was holding two **** of warm and creamy autumn milk tea in his arms, suddenly stopped his movements and opened the panel.

  New tips come into view.

  【1.0 version update open】

  【Data saving...Save finished】

  【Forum closed】

  [The exact update time of version 2.0 is unknown, please be patient]

   Adrian tried to log in to the official forum account, but found that the login entrance had become gray and could not be accessed, just like when the internal beta had not been opened.

   "Unknown update time, let's see what changes will happen next time."

   "I miss when I cut leeks..."

    Thank you "Jeremy", "Watching Rain on Mars", and "Jiang Jinwang" for the reward of 100 starting coins/book coins.

     Thank you "AingDengyinghuo" for the reward of 404 starting currency... a good number.

     Thank you "Twenty-Four Word Proverbs" for the reward of 1500 starting coins.

     I hate sticky rainy days. . .



  (End of this chapter)

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