Pirate: I can draw all things in the dimension

Chapter 73 Magic Crystal, strategic shift!


A sharp whistling sound came in an instant, Ron turned his head suddenly, his red eyes shrank and his magatama trembled.

Twist your waist, spin and swing your arms!

The whistling ten hands accurately struck a black cannonball, and the shell shattered and burst into violent flames.


Brutal flames raged along with the shock wave, and when the smoke filled the air, Ron rolled on the ground like a top.

The ear-piercing screams showed no sign of stopping, and dense shells roared from the direction of the bay.

"What a coincidence, I thought you ran away! It's a good thing you made some noise, otherwise I wouldn't know where you are!"

Mendes on the warship shouted excitedly, completely ignoring Smoker who was also within the bombardment range.

His eyes filled with greed, anger, and murderous intent were fixed on the figure speeding through the gunfire.

"Blow it up! Blow it up for me!"

Mendes's voice echoed in front of the bay, and the warship gun emplacement not far away from the bay continued to spray fire!

Boom-boom-boom. Continuous explosions could be heard.

Ron dodged awkwardly in the gunfire, and the golden patterns wrapped around his skin resisted the shock wave and flames of the explosion.

The arrow-avoiding protection was continuously used, and the strong wind deflected the lasing iron fragments.

‘Made, don’t you even care about your colleagues? ’

Ron caught a glimpse in the smoke, and when his Sharingan shrank, he saw the excited naval officer in the lead.

Almost at the same time, white smoke gathered in the smoke.

Smoker is not dead!

Ron felt hard and made a decision immediately.

The walking boots spurted out ice air and turned into a phantom that swept towards the warship!

"Stay here! Bai Man!"

In the smoke and fire, Smoker's face was resolute and resolute, and he stretched out his hand with blood flowing from the corner of his mouth and a pale face.

A smoky arm suddenly rushed out, extending in a spiral manner and curling up to Ron, a hundred meters away.

But what greeted him was the impact of the sea stone from the top of Jushou.

The smoky arm suddenly collapsed back to its original shape, but the palm that was forced to withdraw from the natural elemental form was tightly held tightly.

The retracting smoke even dragged Ron back to Smoker.

"Gamble with your life!?"

Royce's eyes tightened and he immediately let go.

In the corner of his eye, Smoker's figure was instantly submerged by gunfire, and the roaring explosion set off air waves.

In the midst of the smoke and dust,

Ron, who was flying along the air waves, jumped up without looking back, and the silver blade fell diagonally into the bay.

The water splashed and was immediately frozen by the cold icy air.

Ron stepped on the ice steps and jumped onto the sea surface, his red eyes staring at the officer on the warship.

That look at each other,

Mendes seemed to have fallen into an ice cellar, and murderous intent as cold as a knife rushed towards his face.

He had no time to think too much about why people with demonic abilities could move in the sea. The dead souls shouted loudly: "Kill him! Quick! Don't let him get close!"

However, the muzzle rotation speed of the warship's artillery obviously cannot keep up with the enemy's movement speed.

Everyone could only watch the fierce god coming across the sea!

"Prepare! Cluster shooting!"

Mendes shouted hoarsely, reluctantly gathering his men and launched a volley.

However - it doesn't work!

Sparks burst out from the body of the fierce god who came across the sea, and the flat warhead was instantly thrown into the sea.

one hundred meters,

fifty meters,

ten meters,


Silver light falling blade!

Ron used his strength to leap high into the sky, using his hand as a knife to turn into a 'shooting star' and fall!


The iron fist smashed down the deck,

The deck at the side of the warship suddenly sunk into a big pit.

In the spiderweb-like pit,

Ron knelt down on one knee, and the seawater on his body was frozen into ice thorns by the ice vapor, which mixed with the sudden blooming air wave ring and roared out.

The surrounding navy soldiers screamed and flew away, with dense blood holes appearing on their bodies.

In that scream and cry,

Ron's figure disappeared like a ghost, and his big hand wrapped with golden patterns flew into the air and strangled Mendes' throat as he kept retreating.

Then Mendes was pushed up, and the two figures were close to each other, rushing forward crazily.


The armor on the fortress turret trembled violently, and the sound of steel whining and bones breaking was mind-numbing.

Ron straightened up, grabbed Mendes' neck with one hand and lifted him up to protect him.

The navy's rat-throwing weapons did not dare to move rashly for a while. The black muzzles of their guns and rocket launchers were all aimed at the enemy but they did not dare to attack at all.

It is true that Mendes seized power, but how could he seize power without the status of a naval officer!

He is also a commander!

Killing the enemy below is a taboo for the Navy!

"Don't move, he will die if you move him."

Ron controlled the strength with one hand to ensure that he would not strangle the naval officer, while his red eyes turned to look at the bay.

A line of smoke was coming quickly, but it was Smoker who refused to let go.

"The dog-skin plaster is really admirable and annoying at the same time."

Ron shook his head and opened the dimensional roulette with his backhand.

{Chips balance: 8 million}

‘I hope it can come out, otherwise we will have to fight to the death. ’

Ron's thoughts were racing and he switched the dimensional roulette to the advanced VIP roulette.

The 1 million beli wheel starts spinning.

The first time was a set of 4 bottles of life potion. One bottle was opened on the spot and poured into his mouth. He was also seriously injured in the shelling just now.

He put the remaining 3 bottles into his pocket.

The second time was 2 bottles of invisibility potion.

Ron was stunned. It seemed like there was a turn for the better, but it wasn't the best.

At this time, Smoker, who was covered in blood, staggered onto the warship. He left his ten hands in the shelling area and did not dare to bring them over.

He stared at Ron: "Let him go, you have no way to go."

"No way out? That's not necessarily the case. You have to ask the officer who colluded with the pirates first if he is willing to sacrifice for justice."

Ron's eyes were cold, and he relaxed his grip slightly, allowing Mendes to speak out.

"I don't want to! I'll let you go, please spare me!"

Mendes shouted excitedly, completely unable to see the momentum he had when he just yelled, "Give me a blast."

He even began to regret why he took the risk to gain credit, and blamed Smoker for arriving early and causing him to miss the mark.

Finally, he shouted: "Smog! This is a matter for the 16th branch. The navy does not allow cross-branch law enforcement. I order you to leave here immediately!"

"It was you who asked me for help first, Mendes."

Smoker glared at Mond with disgust and anger, and at the same time his heart sank slightly because of his enemy's words.

What does it mean to collude with pirates?

Not words? !

"What are you still doing? Stop him and move away from me. Do you want me to die?"

Mendes cursed, turned to talk to Ron, but was extremely flattering: "You have a lot, so you just treat me like a fart, right?"

"Really, it's not impossible. But you have to tell this gentleman, what's going on with Branch 16 and Aaron?"

Ron sneered and held a blue palm-sized crystal in his hand.

A light screen prompt popped up, instantly confirming that this was the magic crystal.


Mendes looked pale and did not dare to speak.

Ron's eyes turned cold, he pinched Mendes' hand and exerted force, causing his neck bones to creak instantly.

"Wait! I said, I said!"

Mendes' soul was so haunted that he didn't want to speak later.


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