Rocks was seen with flames all over his body, and the injuries on his body began to recover gradually. He even floated in the air.

His domineering aura was entangled, and at the same time, it radiated out.

Seeing this, Saint Satan was a little uneasy. At the moment, Rocks had been beaten to awaken the fruit.

Of course, this guy may have lost his mind.

But his fighting power has really increased.

Then, the crazy Rocks rushed towards Saint Satan with flames.

…… at the same time——

"Are you sure it's here?"

Xiao Chen asked Xixi Weirui, and saw a large mound of earth covered with snow in front of him.

The mound was large, but still not as big as a mountain.

""Yes, this is it. I saw those guys bringing our people here."

Xixi Weirui nodded fiercely.

He was very sure that this was the place where the navy captured their people.

As for the reason, it was because he was smart and hid himself, and was not discovered by the navy.

So he followed the navy's soldiers to come here.

"Since this is the place, you should know how to get in, right?"

Xiao Chen looked at the big mound of earth. There was no entrance at all.

Not even a fly could fly in.

"Uh... it seems to be that tree. I think they opened the door after a while."

Xixi Weirui pointed to a huge tree.

Following Xixi Weirui's hand, Xiao Chen also walked towards it.

When he got to the tree, Xiao Chen swung out a fishing rod.

""Crack!" The tree broke in half.

As the tree fell, the earthen mound began to vibrate, and a door mechanically appeared on the top of the mound.

"Wow, it's a sliding cover!"

Looking at the mechanical door on the mound, Xiao Chen sighed.

The more he looked at it, the more evil it looked. It reminded Xiao Chen of the explosion of his ancestral tomb.

He even smiled.

"Xiao, what's wrong?"

Seeing Xiao Chen smiling, Lilia couldn't help but ask.

Then she saw Xiao Chen shaking his head in response

"It's okay, I just thought of you at night... Hehe"

Of course, this was also a joke from Xiao Chen.

Hearing this, Lilia's face turned red. She even hit Xiao Chen's improper head hard.

"You should be quiet, there are still people here."

Lilia's voice became softer and softer.

Xiao Chen hugged her tightly.


Just at this moment, a cough was heard.

Xixi Weirui looked at Xiao Chen and Lilia with embarrassment.

Damn it, as a single dog for more than 300 years, how could he be worthy of eating the dog food of these two guys!

Turning around, Xiao Chen wanted to kill Xixi Weirui with a fishing rod and disturb his love with Lilia.

But after thinking about it, he decided to forget it.

After all, this guy is his financial sponsor now.

If he is really killed by a fishing rod, who can he ask for the treasure! He had to give up at the moment.

"Let's go down and take a look."

Then Xiao Chen led Lilia towards the door.

"Well, I won't go. I'll be a burden if I go... What are you doing!"

Before Xixi Weirui could finish his words, he saw Xiao Chen throw out a fishing rod and hook him.

Then he jumped towards the door.


When you get down, you'll see high-grade marble brick walls.

In front of you is a spacious tunnel.

"I didn't expect it to be quite spacious here."

With emotion, Xiao Chen walked over.

The system had already told him just now.

This is indeed where the Changsheng people are imprisoned.

But it will take some effort to find them.

As for the reason, there are many small fish in the navy, and there are also two powerful guys.

After knowing this, Xiao Chen can be said to be even more excited.

Some high strength.

How high can it be?

He can be said to be very crazy now. He gets a lot of experience points every day. He has even upgraded all the upgrades.

At present, he can be said to be completely invincible in this pirate world.

Even the sky can poke a hole with a little effort.

Simply knowing that these two powerful people have appeared.

Of course, this invincible guy with no opponents has to go and meet them.

And to see what rewards the system can give him after the invincible self completes this task.

Of course, he also ate all the devil fruits he caught before.

It is also a full-level existence


When they walked in, they suddenly came to a huge experimental base.

Inside was a sea of naval scum.

The moment they saw Xiao Chen and his group, they also began to be alert.

"Someone is invading! People, be on guard!"

Just a moment later, I saw these naval scum rushing forward without caring about the danger.

Of course, they didn't see Xiao Chen carefully.

If they had seen him carefully, they would have dropped their guns and started to run away.

""Baby, I leave it to you."

Xiao Chen said to Lilia beside him.

Then Lilia nodded slightly and stepped forward.

"Xiao, leave it to me."

"Well, go ahead, just treat it as a practice."

The reason why Xiao Chen didn't take action was because Lilia hadn't fought in the past few days. As a result, her strength had declined.

To be honest, Xiao Chen felt that he didn't need to take action against these naval scum. In fact, these scum couldn't even get close to him.

There was no point in him fighting.

There was no experience of fighting, and no pleasure of punching flesh.

"Are you sure you want her to deal with these people alone?"

At this moment, Xixi Weirui asked Xiao Chen.

He was mainly concerned about Lilia, a girl, and was afraid that she would not be able to defeat so many navy soldiers.

Although Lilia was a pirate, he was somewhat skeptical that she would win with so many navy soldiers.

"Don't worry, just watch."

Xiao Chen waved his hand speechlessly. These naval fry were just warm-ups for Lilia.

Although Xiao Chen felt that her strength had declined, it was still easy to deal with these fry.

"But! So many people……"

Before Xixi Weirui could finish his words, a cold wind blew up. He paused for a second.

The ground instantly turned into solid ice.

Ice cones covered the ground behind Lilia and attacked the navy.

In a moment, the navy minnows were chopped in half like firewood.

"Is this... so strong?"

Looking at Lilia standing on the ice in front of him, Xixi Weirui's jaw was about to dislocate.

Lilia was like a queen walking out of the ice and snow, and she was in charge of life and death.

Under her ice, the naval fry were as easy to cut as melons and vegetables.

This was simply the first time Xixi Weirui had seen an instant kill battle in all his years.

In addition to shock, it was still shock.

The strength shown by Lilia at the moment proved the hope that their people could be rescued.

He also glanced at Xiao Chen beside him.

The dawn of hope was getting brighter and brighter.

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