Three hundred and sixty sword energies flew towards everyone present, including the four pirates standing not far away and watching.

Law, Bege, Hawkins, and Bonnie's eyes flickered.

Have they been discovered?!

Before they could think about it, dozens of sword energies had already arrived in front of the four people.


Luo instantly activated his surgery fruit ability and brought the four of them to a location a few hundred meters away from where they were.

Just when they wanted to relax, they saw that the dozens of sword qi had already rushed towards them.

It seemed that the dozens of sword qi had consciousness and followed them until they hit their bodies.

"No matter what!"

Beji was the first to stand up. For him who had eaten the Fortress Fruit, he could withstand even a heavy punch from the Four Emperors.

What's more, these were just a few dozen sword energies that were not worth mentioning.

"You jump into my fortress immediately."

Indeed, there were already hundreds of his men living in the fortress that Bege transformed into.

But it was enough to accommodate four more people!

Soon, Hawkins, Luo and Bonnie jumped into the huge fortress that Bege transformed into with his body.

Boom! Boom!

Dozens of sword energies hit him, and Bege retreated dozens of steps before he finally stabilized his body.

But he saw a trace of blood flowing out of Bege's mouth.

"What a powerful sword energy!"

Even though it has been tracking them for thousands of meters, its lethality is still comparable to the Four Emperors' heavy blows, or even more powerful and lethal.

At this time, the four had to doubt the man in the blood-red robe.

Who is this person? None of Bege, Luo, Hawkins and Bonnie knew.

But they had already experienced and witnessed the other party's strength.

Before they could move further, dozens of sword energies attacked them.

"There is no other way. We can only join the battle!"

Luo said sternly with a gloomy face.

In this situation, if they don't get rid of the Red Earl, they will surely be doomed, after all, the other party has discovered them.

On the other side, Louis and the others also fought against the strange sword energy of the Red Earl.

Louis, Kizaru and Rayleigh were fine, as they destroyed the sword energy that was rushing towards them with just one strike.

But it was not easy for the group of people including Smoker, Zhan Taowan, etc. If there were less than seven swords, they could still resist.

But at once, more than a dozen of them flew over, rushing towards them from different directions.

They could not resist at all.

With a few bangs... , their bodies were already cut with deep wounds.

Fortunately, Louis had prepared some supplementary flesh in advance, otherwise, it was unknown how long it would take them to recover before they could stand up and continue fighting.

They stood up from the pit again and continued to fight!

In any case, they could at least distract the Red Earl's attention.

Louis became unusually calm at this moment, even though the Red Earl put pressure on them again and again.

At least they were able to resolve it one by one, although all with the help of the supplementary flesh.

Just as both sides were preparing for the next round of battle, Luo and the others appeared.

"The red-dressed man, including us!"

After hearing this sudden remark, the Red Earl noticed Luo's side.

He grinned and said:

"I didn't expect you to come to my door, so I won't be polite. I wanted to secretly suck your blood to replenish my energy."

"Do you think you have a chance of winning against so many people?"

Luo looked at the navy officers standing opposite him and the eye-catching Pluto Rayleigh.

"Don't talk nonsense, just try it and you will know!"

As he said this, the Red Earl had already flashed in front of Luo, and the umbrella sword had already stabbed at Luo's eyebrows.

"ROOM! Exchange!"

The Red Earl stabbed the rock and Luo had already exchanged to a distant position.

And Bege, Hawkins and Bonnie, who were standing aside before, immediately attacked the Red Earl.

Louis, Kizaru and Rayleigh also took this opportunity to use their own special skills to attack the Red Earl.

"A critical punch!"

"Overlord slash!"

"Yasakani no Magatama!"

"Bear Attack!"

"Walking alone in the air!"

"White fog bomb!"

"Kill the rain!"


Dozens of powerful moves collided head-on with the Red Earl, like a roaring dragon!

The power of the dozen powerful moves was so great that even the News King Morgans, who was thousands of meters high in the sky, was forced to rise more than a thousand meters to avoid being hurt by the sudden powerful momentum. The entire Sabaodia Archipelago wailed because of this.

The earth was shaking, and the sea was roaring, like a dragon going out to sea and flooding the Golden Mountain.

The buildings on the Sabaodia Archipelago were shaking left and right, as terrifying as a magnitude 7 earthquake!

Even someone as strong as the Red Earl was moved by it.

Especially the three big moves of Louis, Kizaru and Rayleigh.

At this time, the Red Earl had been surrounded and attacked by them from all directions without dead ends. The Red Earl frowned, still using the 360 sword energies he had just used. This time, not only did he carry a large amount of observation Haki, but as the blood-red sword umbrella was opened, countless poison needles shot out from the edge of the umbrella.

""Death Seven Star Needles!"

This time, the sword energy did not choose to attack the opponent, but was used to resist these powerful moves. What rushed towards the crowd was a thin needle that was difficult to distinguish with the naked eye.

Although the poison in the needle could not kill people, it could definitely make people faint for a short time.

The thin needle was like a cicada silk, and it appeared in front of everyone in a flash of white light.

Except for the three domineering masters, Beiji, who had special abilities, and Hina, who had the ability of the Look Fruit, and the pacifists who blocked the poison needle, the others were hit one by one.

Luo, Hawkins, Bonnie, Big Bear, Zhan Taomaru, Smoker, and Tashigi fainted one by one.

��This time was only thirty seconds.

You can see the power of this poison!

Louis frowned. It seemed that if he didn't get rid of this old devil quickly, the longer the time would be, the more disadvantageous it would be for him.

At this time, Kizaru and Rayleigh also realized this.

They all used their strongest moves, which seemed to consume not only their physical strength but also their lifespan.

They bet all their fates on this strongest move, because once they use this strongest move, they will not be able to use a second powerful move for a long time!

Only a desperate fight!

Despite launching two 360 sword energies, the Red Earl remained calm and didn't take everyone seriously at all.

The two moves he just made didn't seem to consume too much of his physical strength and vitality.

"How about it, do you want to continue?"

The Red Earl's eyes became even more frantic!

Kizaru and Rayleigh were both shocked.

Only Louis slowly opened his eyes, his eyes were full of rage, and he shouted:

"Kill on sight and hearing!"

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