
With this loud noise, Luffy's entire figure sank into the ground.

The tiny beams of light in the sky finally disappeared, but all the crew members of the Straw Hat Pirates were still tense!

Their captain, Luffy, the strongest fighter of the Straw Hat Pirates, was so vulnerable that he was kicked away by the naval officer in the sky!

Zoro, who was still lying on the ground at this time, finally woke up with Chopper's emergency bandage.

But seeing that his captain Luffy was defeated by Kizaru, he wanted to stand up and fight with Luffy!

However, the pain all over his body forced him to lie on the ground.

Seeing this, Nami and Usopp gritted their teeth and launched their long-awaited attacks respectively.

"Must-kill Firebird Star!"

""Heaven strike with thunder!"

A huge fire bird carrying blazing flames flew straight towards Kizaru, and then, from the dark clouds that had been accumulated in the sky, a thunderbolt fell rapidly, and its speed was exactly the same as Kizaru. The firebird hit Kizaru's body, and the thunderbolt fell fiercely on Kizaru's head.

But even so, Kizaru still floated in the air like nothing happened, and the ground mines and firebird bullets missed one by one, hitting the ground and exploding in the air respectively.

Kizaru pouted and smiled:

"I am a user of the Nature Devil Fruit, and your petty tricks can't hurt me at all."

The Straw Hat Pirates were all panicked.

Before in Rogue Town, they had experienced the power of the Nature Devil Fruit, just like Smokey and Crocodile, and they had no way to hit them. Before, they relied on the effect of sea water to beat Crocodile.

But now there is no sea water and seastone here, and their current physical attacks are completely ineffective against Kizaru! Are they just waiting to die?

All the Straw Hat Pirates were terrified.

Before the Straw Hat Pirates could react, Kizaru appeared on the big pit created by Luffy at the speed of light.

Sanji, Franky and other Straw Hat Pirates rushed towards Kizaru.

No matter what, they had to rescue their captain.!

The Straw Hat Pirates' move was in vain after all.

Kizaru looked at them, his observation Haki was not to be trifled with, before everyone came close, he appeared behind them at the speed of light, and then with a whirlwind kick, the Straw Hat Pirates members who had just run over fell to the ground, unable to stand up for a long time.

Now, only Nami, Usopp and Robin are conscious and in combat mode.

However, Kizaru was not interested in these three people, he did not even look at Nami, Usopp and Robin, and flashed directly to the big pit where Luffy was. When the Ame-no-Musukomo sword came out, there was murderous intent in his eyes, it seemed that Kizaru wanted to execute Luffy on the spot!

Nami, Usopp and Robin were immediately terrified.

"don't want!"

Robin was about to activate the ability of the Hana-Hana Fruit to rescue Luffy from the pit, but it was too late.

Their speed was obviously much slower than the speed of light, and they could not react at all.

Seeing that Kizaru's Murasaki sword had been fully formed, a slender laser sword appeared, and the yellow light was extremely dazzling with a biting cold light.

A trace of hostility flashed in Kizaru's eyes, and then he was ready to stab the depths of the pit with the Murasaki sword.

At this moment, Kizaru's Murasaki sword had already sunk into the ground, and when it was less than three feet away from piercing Luffy's body, a figure suddenly flashed in the sky.

Even Kizaru, who had a strong sense of observation, was unable to detect the other party's existence in time.

The figure was wearing a white cloak, and he had wisps of beautiful silver hair. Even though the whole person looked a little old, his eyes were still bright and energetic.

The body was still quite agile, almost as fast as flying!

In an instant, a strong breath filled the lawless area!

That was the domineering color domineering activated by Rayleigh, which was extremely oppressive.

Facing this once The second figure of the Roger Pirates, the yellow ape couldn't help but raised his brows.

I did not expect that Rayley had knew it on the island of Framma. He didn't come anyway. In the moment, Rayley appeared in front of the yellow ape. As soon as the knife was pulled out, it was blocked under the sky. After Luffy rescued from the pit , after transferring Luffy and Sauron to a safe area, Joba quickly launched the rescue of his captain.

"The sword is still sharp, Rayleigh!"

Even Kizaru, who was never serious, started to take it seriously. With cold eyes and a serious face, he said:

"At this age, he still has such speed and physical strength. I really admire Kizaru!"

"You are not bad, Borsalino!"

Rayleigh did not take it lightly. Kizaru is one of the three admirals of the navy and can be considered a strong man.

At present, Kizaru is younger than him, so naturally he is much stronger than Rayleigh in physical skills.

Whether it is physical skills or reaction speed, Kizaru is now better than Rayleigh.

Rayleigh can only make a quick decision, and it is best not to turn the fight between the two into a fierce battle between the two sides.

Of course, Kizaru did not want to fight with Rayleigh like this. After all, his current target is those pirate supernovas, not this old pirate.

What's more, if he fights with Rayleigh, even if he wins Rayleigh in the end, he will at least be injured, and may even be seriously injured.

The opponent is a domineering master who does not rely on the ability of the devil fruit at all

"Rayleigh, why did you stop me from killing Straw Hat Luffy?"Kizaru asked with a pout.

In his opinion, Rayleigh's move had no basis at all.

"This is my personal matter, Borsalino. If you want to know the reason, you can investigate it yourself!"

The two of them said, and stopped fighting at the same time.

"Yo, yo, that's interesting. He can get the second in command of Roger's pirate group to help. It seems that this boy named Luffy is not simple!"

Rayleigh just smiled lightly.

"I'm here, don't take him away."

As soon as these words came out, a spark of fighting collided between the two.

But before the two of them could get their fighting desires burning, an extremely weird laughter echoed throughout the lawless area!

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