"Report to Colonel Hina, the 153rd Marine Branch is ready to receive your orders at any time!"

A man who also wore a cloak of justice and looked a bit older saluted Hina.

Then, he glanced at Louis standing next to Hina and asked Hina, whispering:

"Who is this?"

"I forgot to introduce you, this is the new vice admiral of the navy, you can call him Vice Admiral Louis. From now on, the cafeteria of the East China Sea 153 Branch will be managed by Vice Admiral Louis."

Hina said in a serious tone, and then introduced the man in front of Louis:

"This is the new commander of the 153rd Branch, Lieutenant Colonel Lipa, whom I told you about on the ship.

The man nodded in understanding and saluted Louis.

When he looked at Louis carefully, his face showed surprise.

"Lieutenant General Louis? Is he the boy from Windmill Village who shocked the whole world?"

Louis nodded and replied:

"It is below"

"Is that the boy from Windmill Village who fought against Vice Admiral Garp?"

At first glance, Louis exuded the youthful vigor, and coupled with the previous incident that shocked the world, Lieutenant Colonel Ripa could naturally guess who Louis was.

""Yes." Louis replied calmly.

Seeing Louis nod, Lipa immediately straightened her back and saluted Louis again, saying in awe:

"You are the hero of our 153rd branch. On behalf of all the navy, I would like to express my gratitude to you."


Louis scratched his forehead with his index finger, wondering how he could become the hero of the 153rd branch.

This was only his first day at the 153rd branch, right?

He asked:

"Where does the term hero come from?"

"You helped us solve a big problem, the bandit king Shange, he is a difficult guy for us."

Bandit king Shange?

Louis was thoughtful, feeling as if he had seen him somewhere before, but the impression was not very deep.

Lipa reacted quickly, and seeing that Louis could not remember, he told the story:

"Maybe you have forgotten that this happened ten years ago. In any case, it was all thanks to you. I was the one who dealt with Sange, but my strength was not enough.

If you hadn't defeated Sange, I'm afraid Sange would have become even more arrogant now."

Louis just recalled the man he had beaten ten years ago, Sig's younger brother Sange, but Louis couldn't remember the specific details. He only recalled that he took this man to the navy and got his first pot of gold.

Now think about it, thanks to Sange, if it weren't for him, Louis' barbecue restaurant would not have occupied the entire barbecue market of the Kingdom of Goa in just seven or eight years.

"It's just a small matter, don't take it personally."Louis waved his hand and said indifferently.

Lipa was a little embarrassed. What did he mean by don't take it personally?

In the entire East China Sea, there was only one person who could have a bounty of 10 million Baileys. Even the strongest fighters in the 153rd branch could not do anything to him. Otherwise, there wouldn't be such a high bounty.

The three of them didn't talk for long before Lipa took Colonel Hinai and Louis to the place where Axeman Monka was being held.

The 153rd branch accounted for the smallest share of the entire naval expenditure.

After all, powerful pirates would not stay in the East China Sea. Almost all the big pirates went to the Grand Line, so naturally the navy's funding was much less.

With less funding, the infrastructure of the naval base would naturally not be much better.

The detention center of the 153rd branch is an extremely simple wooden house. The wooden house covers an area of less than 300 square meters. The walls of the wooden house are fixed with two layers of wooden piles. Although it looks quite sturdy, the wooden house is not fireproof at all.

For a naval officer prisoner like Kamon who has deep roots here before, if he bribes the person in charge of guarding the detention center, it would be too easy for him to escape.

The person in charge can simply set fire to the wooden cell and secretly let Monka go. If he is held accountable afterwards, the responsibility can be attributed to the fire.

By letting Monka go in this way, as long as he is not discovered, he does not have to bear any negligence responsibility.

Fortunately, Lipa is upright and meticulous, and he arranged his confidants to be in charge of the guard.

Otherwise, relying on Monka's power, he would have escaped from the detention center long ago.

Monka is quite cunning. Not only Repent, according to Louis's understanding of this character's life before he crossed over.

If he hadn't crossed over to the pirate world, causing a butterfly effect and disrupting the timeline of the entire pirate world.

The person responsible for detaining Monka and taking him to the Navy Headquarters for interrogation this time was Garp himself.

At that time, Monka took advantage of Garp's inattention and slashed Garp and successfully escaped.

For this reason, Monka was also nicknamed the Axe King by a group of fans. Although he was defeated by Luffy, he was the man who could injure the legendary navy Garp and escape under Garp's eyes without any injury.

The man who could compete with the Pirate King Roger, but Monka, who was only a colonel, was able to injure him. Who else is the Axe King?

Louis still didn't care, and then arranged for several navy officers to transfer Monka to the No. 143 warship.

But Monka said with a smug look on his face:

"There is no one available in the navy now, huh."

Monka looked at Louis with a sidelong glance and said with a wicked smile:

"The navy today actually wants to use a little kid as a lieutenant admiral. I really don't know what they are thinking."

Louis ignored him. He was still stubborn even when he was about to die. According to the navy's military regulations, abusing power to extort civilians would definitely be a death sentence.

Whatever Monka said, he only cared about the construction of the 153rd branch cafeteria.

Monka then provoked:

"Boy, if it doesn't work, just let me out and let me be the lieutenant general."

Before Colonel Hina could speak, Lipa cursed first:

"Don't be so presumptuous. Don't you think you are such a person? How dare you talk to the lieutenant general like that? How can you point fingers at Lieutenant General Louis?!"

Monka didn't care and continued to challenge:

"It's not your turn to speak here, Lipa! A mere lieutenant colonel shouldn't interrupt us senior officers! Don't you have any manners at all?!"

Lipa glared and said:


Hinata interrupted the quarrel between the two, glared at Monka, and said sternly:

"Wait until you go back to be tried."

After saying that, he ordered someone to take Monka to the 143rd warship to avoid being upset.

Soon, the three entered the office of the 153rd branch to discuss the reconstruction of the base cafeteria of the 153rd branch.

Lipa cooperated very well and gave the reconstruction of the base cafeteria of the 153rd branch to Louis.

After all, Louis was a lieutenant general, and he was only a lieutenant colonel. Although Lipa was nominally the commander of the 153rd branch, his rank was several levels lower than Louis's, not to mention that Louis had strong strength and connections.

Lipa naturally did not dare to have any objections to what Louis wanted to do and how to renovate the cafeteria.

Although Louis He asked Lipa for his opinion many times, but the huge gap made it impossible for Lipa to give any opinion. Even if he had any opinion, he didn't dare to raise it. In the next few days, Louis made drastic renovations to the cafeteria of Base 153. In a few days, the cafeteria was built, and the name remained the same: Dadan's Restaurant.

There were naturally a wide variety of barbecues.

As for the ingredients, Louis continued to use the fixed ingredient supplier in Donghai. The bandits he recruited in Windmill Village are now engaged in the Donghai food industry.

And Louis is the largest shareholder of this Donghai food supplier!

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