Instantly, the masked man in white was grabbed by the head by Louis and swung back and forth wildly on the deck.

The excess power obtained from the meat supplement just now finally had a place to vent.

Worthy of being braised squid, Louis combined this move with barbecue methods. If nothing else, just swinging it back and forth was enough to make the masked man in white dizzy.

The masked man foamed at the mouth and rolled his eyes.

He also struggled hard, but Louis's physical skills were too strong, and no matter how he struggled, it was useless.

Boom boom boom......

The sound of flesh hitting the deck resounded throughout the sea.

As Louis swung wildly from side to side, the No. 143 warship also shook violently, and the other two CP0 members standing on the deck could only watch their boss being brutally abused by Louis.

From observing the duel between Louis and Hawkeye before, they already knew that they were no match for Louis.

Going up like this would be no different from sending a head.

The reason they dared to come was because they had the support of the Five Elders behind them, and they also expected that Louis would not go against the World Government, so naturally he would not embarrass them. What

's more, the Navy is originally under the World Government, so Louis naturally had no reason to attack them.

Who would have thought that Louis would give such a ridiculous reason, no one could have imagined it.

The two CP0 members showed panic on their faces and shouted:

"Please stop, you are going against the World Government by doing this, the Five Elders will never let you go!"

After shaking his hand several times, Louis finally let go, stopped the action, took a deep breath, and said with a smile:

"Who will not let me go?"

He looked at the other two CP0s with a fierce look.

Just the look alone could make the two CP0 members take several steps back.

However, one of the CP0s still hesitated and said:

"Five Elder Stars!"

With a snort, Louis patted the dust off his clothes and continued:

"Who said I want to go against the World Government?"

Louis looked at the other two CP0 members.

At this time, the CPO leader was unconscious and vomiting blood. If it weren't for the armed color domineering attached to his whole body, he would probably have died now.

Then, Louis chuckled and said:

"I just beat up your leader, I didn't say I was going to go against the World Government.

He talked too much nonsense, I couldn't stand it, so I beat him up, what's the matter?


A CP0 looked at the leader who was covered in wounds and dying on the deck, and said grimly:

"You will pay a heavy price for your actions!"

Louis said sternly, with his hands behind his back.

"Then, do you want to try the braised squid too?"

They seemed to be frightened by Louis's scary eyes, and said hesitantly:

"Just wait, the Five Elders will never let you go!"

Shaking his head, Louis felt that each of the CP0 members was more talkative than the other, and they were simply chatterboxes. How was this different from the CP0 in the original One Piece world? Aren't they all taciturn?

Why did they all become chatterboxes when they came to him?

He didn't want to talk nonsense with them anymore. Now that the power of the new moves had been tested, there was nothing else for CP0 to do.

As for joining the world government organization CP0, it was an impossible thing for Louis. But he didn't refuse explicitly, mainly because the Five Elders were unfathomable in their strength, and their power and means were also quite insidious and vicious.

If he made it clear, he might not be able to do barbecue in peace in the future.

"Now, you can get out of here!"

Louis said with a sidelong look.

The two CP0s standing on the deck were stunned at first. They didn't expect Louis to let them go.

But since Louis didn't put them to death now, they had to seize this opportunity to take the leader and escape, lest Louis change his mind after a long time.

Every CP0 member is a master of the six styles, and their use of shaving techniques is not inferior to Louis at all.

In a flash, the other two CP0s took the dying man and used the moon step to escape to the sky a hundred meters away, and their backs became smaller and smaller.

To fight a small CP0 member, Louis didn't need the armed color domineering and knowledge at all. With his domineering appearance, Chunchun can crush CP0 with his powerful physical skills.

It was really boring. Fortunately, after trying out new moves with CP0, he planned to come up with a few more barbecue-related moves in private. After all, one punch was too monotonous.

Louis would feel greasy if he used the same moves too many times, just like eating delicious food. If you eat it too many times, it will no longer taste delicious.

There was only one thing that Louis couldn't figure out. In the past, whenever he encountered an enemy, the system's passive skills would be triggered and he would get a random gift package.

But now with the arrival of CP0, the system did not issue a random gift package.

Louis asked the system in his heart:

"Tongzi, what's wrong with you today? Don't be lazy. Why don't you give me the random gift pack?"

【Sorry host, this system has not detected that the host is in a dangerous state, so it is unable to issue a random gift package. 】

No dangerous state detected?

Could it be that CP0 is not a threat to him? With curiosity, Louis continued to ask:

"What is this scenario?"

【The system can only detect dangerous conditions for people who are equal to the host's current strength, or stronger than the host. As for people who are weaker than the host, there is naturally no danger. 】

I see, but Louis immediately discovered the bug in this detection of the system. What if he encounters a group of people who are weaker than himself? Three cobblers are better than Zhuge Liang. No matter how powerful Louis is, if he encounters a group of such people, not to mention other things, the physical consumption alone will tire him to death. After that, even if the remaining people make up for it, he will not be able to defeat them.

Regarding this situation, Louis asked the system again.

【The system will only compare you with the person with the highest combat power in the group. If his combat power is higher than or equal to yours, it will detect a dangerous state. If it is lower than yours, it will not, and there will be no random gift pack. 】

Well, in this case, Louis has nothing to say. Facing this situation, there is a mantra: if you can't beat them, join them. If you can't join them, run away.

Of the thirty-six strategies, running away is the best strategy. Let me go and come back soon.

Maybe this is the principle of execution when something happens.

Louis looked at Colonel Hina and a group of naval soldiers who admired him, and smiled:

"It's okay, probably no one will come to cause trouble again."

At this time, all the navy cheered, calling Vice Admiral Louis brave and invincible, and the morale was high.

Facing two strong men in a row, he was still in an overwhelming advantage in the end. This strength is completely at the level of an admiral.

However, Hina frowned and looked at Louis, worriedly:

"If you offend CP0 right now, the Navy may have trouble reporting to the World Government."

"It's okay, just take it one step at a time. Life is a long journey, and nothing can go as planned. Besides, I didn't explicitly refuse, so they can't find a reason to target me."

Louis chuckled and slowly walked to the grill to grill the meat.

It's a matter of countering the moves, and as long as the strength is strong enough, he will not be afraid of the storm. Even if it's a celestial dragon, what's so scary about it?

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