In order to complete the performance given by the Navy Logistics Department, Louis took great pains.

After obtaining the Chinese honey sauce technique, Louis immediately used it, and then added the Chinese honey sauce to the golden barbecue. Using the unique Chinese barbecue technique, the fragrant meat aroma filled the entire cafeteria.

At that time, even the head chef who made all kinds of delicacies couldn't help but come over and take a piece of grilled shark fin to eat, saying it was delicious.

Of course, the colleagues in the cafeteria were also greedy, and they came over to take a few pieces and put them in their mouths. The more they chewed, the more fragrant they were, and they couldn't help but want a few more pieces.

But they were all stopped by Louis one by one. There was only so much barbecue. According to their way of eating, he was afraid that his KPI for this month would be gone.

Louis knocked on the pot and shouted slogans, just like a street juggler setting up a street stall. This was his occupational disease.

Before crossing, Louis had this habit, and this was also a truth he had summed up over the years: street business can be shouted out.

Just like when you pass by a hair salon, the lady boss suddenly shouts:

"Hey, handsome guy, come on."

There are a thousand Hamlets among a thousand readers, and there is always one person who will pay.

Although you won't come back, there will always be someone who will come back, and the probability of doing business is high.

The same is true for selling barbecue.

Perhaps it was moved by Louis's crisp roar, or perhaps it was attracted by the aroma of barbecue in the air, the line in front of Louis' window was getting longer and longer.

Looking at the few people standing in front of the window next door, the aunt in charge of that window started to chat with Louis:

"Young man, stop shouting. If you continue to shout, you will lose all my business.

Louis, who respects the elderly and loves the young, naturally nodded and smiled:

"Haah, sorry, I'm used to yelling. Just stop yelling."

The old lady rolled her eyes and ignored Louis.......

The pots started to bang again, slogans started to be shouted again, and they were having a great time. Maybe they were just used to it, just like the speed of a car that can't be stopped.

The aunt was speechless. This boy, she couldn't get over him.

""Can you please add more meat, chef? We've been training more this afternoon, so I need to replenish my body."

A younger navy soldier said gently, holding his stomach and handing over the cutlery.

Louis looked the navy soldier up and down and asked calmly:

"Do I look that old?"

The sailor immediately changed his address:

"Sorry for the trouble, little brother."

Louis stared at the navy soldier again, and even knocked on the grill with the tongs, and argued:

"I am eighteen years old, I can call you brother, but you still call me little brother, I feel embarrassed."

The navy soldier covered his stomach, his face flushed with anxiety, and smiled bitterly:

"Well, can't I call you my brother? Please help me get some meat, I'm hungry."

Louis looked at the navy soldier again, smiled and said:


The navy soldier shook his head and said anxiously:

"Please hurry up, brother! I beg you, I have to catch up with the emergency training."

"Look, what did I say just now? Didn't I tell you not to call me brother? Why are you calling me brother again?"

Louis stopped eating the meat and started arguing again.

"Stop yelling, stop yelling, hurry up, okay?"The navy soldier blushed anxiously.

Looking at the navy soldier's expression, Louis didn't want to continue teasing, and smiled and said:

"This meat of mine is very nutritious."

The navy soldier nodded repeatedly and said:

""Okay, then help me add more meat."

The two of them talked back and forth, which delayed a lot of time.

As a result, the navy soldiers at the back of the queue couldn't wait and ran to the cook. The cook was immediately happy, and she even threw a wink at Louis and laughed softly:

"Thanks a lot, young man."

"Come back to my room and I will reward you something." With an expression that said you know what I mean.

Louis' hands began to tremble.

The naval soldier watched the pieces of meat slide down from the spoon with his eyes almost popping out, and he almost reached out to catch the pieces of meat.

Well, I met another stingy chef. But the meat was so fragrant that it wouldn't be a big deal even if some of it was taken. After all, it was delicious, and the chef said it was very nourishing, so he would come again next time.

After the naval soldier left in a hurry, the others behind him followed.

Louis would argue with every naval soldier and talk to them. Not to mention, once the argument started, the meat in the pot seemed to grow by itself, and it could not be finished.

Although these naval soldiers stared at him one by one, as if they wanted to beat him up, they did not dare to mess around. Louis' strong body was not enough.

Just because he was a chef , he was not good at cooking. Master, who has the power to distribute food, these marines dare not do anything to him.

How many meat spoons are there and how badly their hands shake is all up to the chef, Louis. He has a firm control over these marines.

Although these marines were full of contempt for Louis's behavior while waiting for their meals, from the moment they put the golden barbecued meat into their mouths, all they could think of was the delicious and tender barbecued meat, and they completely forgot that Louis shook their hands.

It's simply a love-hate relationship.

But after Louis said this, the speed of distributing meat slowed down. When all the meat was distributed to the marines at the aunt's side, Louis had only distributed half of them. The other half of the marines were waiting at the back and wanted to leave, but when they saw the people at the front of the line praising the meat one bite at a time, they were drooling and consciously lined up.

【Ding! Congratulations to the host for selling a 500-beli barbecued shark fin. Gain 1 talent point】

【Ding! Congratulations to the host for selling a 500-Bailey grilled scallop. Gain 1 talent point】......

Ding ding ding......

As for why there was an extra order, Louis was also curious. Logically, the meal tickets within the navy were all issued free of charge to the navy soldiers by the Navy Logistics Department. They used the meal tickets to exchange for food, which should be considered a free act.

But the system still gave him extra order. He ignored it for now. Since the system didn't say anything, he was too lazy to ask.

Louis counted silently in his mind until he counted to 350, then he stopped.

Because in front of him, a naval officer in a cloak suddenly appeared.

Before officially working in this cafeteria, according to Louis's understanding, this cafeteria was specially prepared for naval soldiers, and the naval officers were in another cafeteria.

He looked up, first the rose-red professional suit came into view, and then up were the tall and proud double peaks.

Louis paused for a while, then looked up, rose-red lips, delicate face, light pink middle-parted long hair, sassy and cool.

She put her hands on her chest and said coldly:

"Are you Louis?"

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