News King Morgans walked in the news hall, directing his staff to write the explosive news he had just brought back from Windmill Village.

His face was filled with irrepressible joy and confidence. He shouted to his staff:

"This must be the hottest content recently, you should hurry up and publish it."

Under his supervision, the employees dared not slack off and rushed to finish the manuscript.

They knew very well that news was even more important to Morgans than life!

Soon, an article titled"The Mysterious Windmill Village Boy Who Defeated the Hero Garp" spread all over the world. People all over the world were discussing it fiercely.

At the top of the Red Earth Continent, in the Holy Land of Marijoa, in the Palace of Power, five old men were holding an emergency meeting here. This is the highest power meeting body of the World Government, and only the Five Elders have the authority to hold meetings in this place.

There was silence in the room.

At this time, the five old men looked solemn, as if they were discussing something that made them feel difficult.

After reading the newspaper in his hand, one of the old men in a black suit and a flat hat said in a deep voice:

"Morgans, this guy, actually didn't give the Navy any face at all."

After reading the newspaper, another old man with golden hair also said in a deep voice:

"I really want to get rid of this guy. He is exaggerating the facts. According to the report from the navy, the battle between Garp and Louis was actually not decided. What is Morgans' purpose in arranging the news like this? Is he trying to spread the word that the navy is weak? This is simply a challenge to us!"

After exhaling, he continued:

"However, it is incredible that this boy named Louis has such a strong strength at the age of 18."

The old man then focused his eyes on the portrait of Louis.

Another bald old man with glasses holding the first generation of Kitetsu said in a low voice:

"Yes, and judging from the situation, he is not a Devil Fruit user, and he relies entirely on Haki and Taijutsu to fight with the same strength as Garp. Could this be a deliberate release by Garp to achieve some purpose?"

"I don't think so. Based on my attitude towards Garp, he would never do that. He still knows his limits. As for the young man, CP0 is on his way to investigate."

The bald old man with a mustache said:

"Recently, the East China Sea seems to be in turmoil, and it has a lot to do with Garp. Do you remember the devil fruit that was hijacked by Red Hair?

That fruit was eaten by Garp's grandson Luffy, and he is now famous in the East China Sea. Maybe he will grow into a formidable opponent in the future.


An old man with a goatee had a sullen face and gloomy eyes.

"We have to be vigilant, especially since he ate the devil fruit. In addition, this boy named Louis actually lives in Windmill Village. Is he also a member of the D clan? If so, we have to be on guard."

"Now the boy has been taken to the Navy headquarters. Let's see how the Navy will deal with it, especially Garp's attitude.

He brought this boy here, so we can't interfere.

If this boy doesn't obey the World Government, we can only get rid of him secretly.


"Easier said than done. His strength has reached the level of Garp. It would be difficult to solve him secretly. Moreover, this boy reminded me of a man buried deep in my memory. Do you remember Joy Boy from 800 years ago?!


The five old men frowned, and the Palace of Power fell into silence.

Finally,"Bulu Bulu Bulu"......"The ringing of the Den Den Mushi breaks the silence

"This is CP0. According to our investigation, this boy is Garp's adopted grandson. His name is Monkey.·D·Louis, and he is also a famous barbecue chef in the Kingdom of Goa.

And his barbecue restaurants are all over the big cities in the Kingdom of Goa.

At present, this is the only information that can be investigated. Other information cannot be obtained for the time being.

"The other party's tone was obviously full of surprise and awe.

"Well, you guys continue to follow up on this matter with the Navy and report to us as soon as there is any situation."

""Yes, sir!"

One of the old men hung up the Den Den Mushi.

The Five Elders all looked livid.

"Is he really from the D clan? Should I inform Lord Yim about this?"

"Not for now, let's see how things turn out."

"Let's wait and see, but don't take it lightly. As long as this boy shows any signs of threat, we have no choice but to eliminate him."......

Somewhere in the East China Sea

""Oh, I didn't expect Brother Louis to be so powerful. I have to speed up."

Luffy was excited when he saw the contents of the newspaper. He raised his hands to celebrate. Nami came over excitedly and pulled Luffy's mouth like a rubber band, saying with a smile:

"Luffy, what are you looking at so excitedly? Could it be that there is another treasure somewhere?"

Luffy Haller laughed.

""Nothing, Nami."

However, Nami didn't really believe what Luffy said. This unreliable captain always looked unreliable. Moreover, they had been drifting on the sea for a long time, and the savings and food on the ship had been almost used up.

Now they urgently needed money to improve the food.

Nami ignored Luffy's obstruction, snatched the newspaper, stared at it for a while, and instantly lost.

"Luffy, what's so good about this? You should focus on the problem we need to solve right now, Captain."

After reading for a while, there was nothing that attracted her. Nami looked helpless and handed the newspaper back to Luffy.

Sanji, who was just walking out of the kitchen, quickly ran over to join in the fun. Facing Nami, his eyes turned into love shapes. Seeing Nami's lost look, he instantly became angry and opened his mouth to verbally attack Luffy:

"Hey! Luffy! How can you make Nami-san sad like this? Are you still a man?"


The angry little fist hit Sanji's head, and Nami cursed at Sanji:

""Sanji-kun, stop messing around! Go cook!"

Sanji looked at Nami innocently, but Nami ignored him and went straight to the bedroom.


On the Whitebeard Pirates' ship, the Moby Dick, Whitebeard and the captains of each division were happily drinking to celebrate their victory.

At the banquet, the pirates cheered and jumped for joy.

""Oh, my sons, let's celebrate Ace becoming the captain of the second division."

Whitebeard looked at Ace with expectation, raised his big wine bowl, and toasted with all the members of the Whitebeard Pirates.

Marco, Blackbeard Teach and others also expressed their congratulations.

"Ace, congratulations."

Ace smiled, politely greeted everyone, toasted, then drank it in one gulp and said loudly:

"I, Ace, will never let my father and all my friends down! We will share the hardships and happiness together! We will all be members of the Whitebeard Pirates until we die!"

As Ace finished his speech, the banquet entered its climax.

At this moment, a group of carrier pigeons flew in the sky and delivered a pile of newspapers to the Moby Dick. The pirates took the newspapers and read them carefully.

Whitebeard's eyes condensed, and then he laughed, looking very excited.

"Ah, is a new era coming?!"

Marco, Diamond, Teach and other captains all looked gloomy:

"Can you fight Garp at the age of 18? It's really scary!"

Only Ace smiled and said softly:

"Ah, Brother Louis has become so strong!"

Everyone turned to look at Ace, full of confusion.

Even Whitebeard was full of curiosity, looking at Ace and asked:

"My son, why do you feel so happy?"

"He is my brother." Ace scratched his head, blushed and smiled.

All the captains were shocked, only Whitebeard had a normal expression and laughed:

"In that case, let's consider it a double blessing! Let's all drink to our heart's content!"


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