
“My dear brother, I have been waiting for you here for a long time, and we have breakfast together,” Doflamingo looked at the newly arrived Corazon with a smile on his face in the gathering place of the Doflamingo family early the next morning.

“Well,” Corazon’s face was still as cold as ever, and it could be said that there was no slightest look.

Everything is as usual.

“I know that what happened before was indeed wrong with me, and I am guilty of this, but I am your own brother after all,”

The corners of his mouth rose slightly, and Doflamingo looked at Corazon with a smile on his face and apologized.

“Hmph,” Corazon shook his head disdainfully, as if he hadn’t completely let go of the matter in his heart.

“My dear brother, what request can you make in full? I’m your own brother, mine is yours, you name it,”

In the face of Corazon’s light snort, Doflamingo can be said to have no irritation, and he looked at Corazon with a smile.

Because of the misunderstanding of Corazon’s strength213, Doflamingo truly believed that Corazon could not be a spy for the Navy.

After all, even the Four Emperors would not send a strong man of Corazon’s level to be a spy, and Corazon is also a legendary spell warrior.

The spell warrior who was enough to defeat the Four Emperors.

“There’s only one thing I want to know, but I don’t think you’re going to tell me the answer,” Corazon shook his head, with a hint of regret in his words.

“Oh, what is it that makes you so curious? And I’m pretty sure I won’t say it.”

Doflamingo, who heard Corazon’s words, looked at Corazon with a smile on his face.

“The biggest secret you know, are you willing to share this with me?” The corners of his mouth rose slightly, and Corazon said this directly.

“You want (BACG) to know my biggest secret,” Doflamingo, who was still smiling before, could be said to have changed his face in an instant, becoming extremely livid.

You must know that it is his biggest secret, he is high above the Draco’s biggest secret.

This can also be said to be Doflamingo’s hole card, because he can be a veyron.

“Yes, this is the matter, are you willing to share this secret with me?” Corazon looked at Doflamingo with a smile, after all, this matter can be said to be the thing he wants to get the most.

The biggest secret that Doflamingo has, what is the reason for the human threat?

This is also the foundation of Corazon’s future, because only by controlling this secret can he truly survive on this and the sea.

He is not for the navy, not for anyone, he is for himself.

“My dear brother, you should know that this is my biggest secret, just as I didn’t ask you why you became a rabbit charm warrior, would you like to share this secret with me?”

The corners of his mouth rose slightly, and Doflamingo looked at Corazon with a smile on his face, his meaning was obvious, and if you want to share my secret, you must come up with your own secret.

“You want to be a spell warrior,” Corazon looked at Doflamingo.

“That’s right, powerful spell warriors, this is a great power that no one wants to have, would you like to tell me how you became a spell warrior?”

Doflamingo also pressed Corazon, a powerful spell warrior, a power that Doflamingo wanted to have.

If Corazon can make him a spell warrior, then he doesn’t mind sharing his secrets with him.

Although this secret is enough to save his life, for Doflamingo, the power that is truly in his own hands is the most powerful.

“Exchange this secret with you with the secret of the spell warrior,” the corners of his mouth rose slightly, Corazon looked at Doflamingo.

“That’s right, exchange the secrets of the spell warrior with me for Corazon,” the corners of his mouth were full of smiles, and Doflamingo’s eyes were full of domineering.

He looked at Corazon with a smile on his face, he also wanted to be a spell warrior.

“Yes, I can share the secret of the spell warrior with you, but you will also share your secret with me,”

A flash of joy flashed in his eyes, and Corazon looked at Doflamingo.

“This is not a suitable place to exchange secrets, let’s change places together,”

Corazon shook his head and looked at the senior officials of the Doflamingo family, who motioned for Doflamingo to go with him to a place where you could exchange secrets.

“I know a place suitable for exchanging secrets between you and me, go and follow me,”

Doflamingo stood up quickly, and his heart was also full of eagerness at this time.

He wants to know what is the real secret of the spell warrior?

“What the hell is going on here?”

Torrebol and the others looked at the departing Doflamingo and Corazon with a confused look, what did the two brothers want? _

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