The banquet did not end because of Whitebeard’s temptation and Xia Yu’s rejection.

During the banquet, Xia Yu had a great time chatting with the captains. However, Xia Yu didn’t really like chatting with these slightly serious guys. Although they would make some cold jokes from time to time, these guys were far less interesting than the cadres of the red-haired pirate group.

When we were having a banquet with the leaders of the Red-Haired Pirates in Demon Valley Town, whether it was Rakiru or Jesus, other officers or even Shanks, everyone had their own humorous side, especially Raki That damn fat guy Lu just doesn’t want to be too funny. Even Ben Beckman, a rigid and serious guy, almost vomited two kilograms of blood from Xia Yu after he got drunk.

Although the captains of the Whitebeard Pirates also welcomed the arrival of Xia Yu, a traveler, some captains left just as they were having fun, which was simply boring.

Of course, these captains did not leave because they could not chat with Xia Yu, but they did have something to do. For example, Bista, in the middle of the banquet, something happened to a member of his division. As the captain, of course he had to go to the outer ship to deal with it!

As for Sachi, the captain of the fourth team, he is very busy. Who calls him the part-time chef of the Whitebeard Pirates? After he finished his work as a chef and briefly chatted with Xia Yu, he said goodbye and left because he had to go out for a routine inspection.

Gradually, as the captains and crew members left the originally lively banquet, Marco, Jozi and a few scattered crew members were left on the deck.

Of course Whitebeard will not be absent.

As the soul of this pirate group, he would almost never leave the Moby-Dick unless something important happened, let alone a banquet!

“Gu la la la… Today is such a happy day. ”

Seeing that Marco and others were the only ones left on the deck, Whitebeard immediately picked up the wine jar, raised his head and drank a lot, and then said very boldly, “Happy! Gu la la la…”

Seeing that Whitebeard had been drinking since before the banquet started, and looking at the bottle and oxygen tube on his body, Xia Yu, who was already half drunk, couldn’t help but twitch the corner of his mouth. This guy is on top. When the war broke out, his strength was so weak. It must not only be because of his age, but more likely because of his greed for alcohol! Now he can drink like this with a hanging bottle

and an oxygen tube. It is conceivable that his body is slightly What a ghost he was like when he was better!

Although many people in the pirate world are fond of drinking, especially the drunkards in the red-haired pirate group, when he was in Demon Valley Town, Xia Yu actually saw Lakiru Jesus After the banquet, they actually practiced in the dark and windy night! It is not difficult to see that although these guys are good at drinking, they never forget to practice! Then there is

Garp, an old fool who drinks, but never practices. Don’t stop. This is why Garp has always remained at the top, while Whitebeard, the strongest man in the world, is physically weak!

Of course, there is another biggest reason. Many Devil Fruit users in this world have almost no ability after gaining abilities. He doesn’t pay much attention to the practice of physical skills.

Under such circum

[ Read more novels by visiting our website: Knight Novels ] stances, as he grows older, his physical strength will inevitably gradually decline.

Of course, although many people with fruit abilities rarely engage in substantive practice, they use fighting skills to fight. This is the most effective way, but it is also the most dangerous. If there is no pig’s foot aura, you may lose your life in a battle. Therefore, regardless of whether you are a devil fruit ability user or not, you cannot

practice Stop. Even Xia Yu, who is an expert in the system and a traveler who wanders the great sea routes, will review and understand his abilities in his spare time. As for Whitebeard, his idea is very simple. Although

he As a pirate, he is not interested in fighting for hegemony or treasure. What he wants is the life he has now, building a big family and drinking when he has nothing to do, taking naps when he is bored, and doing everything possible when patrolling the territory. Let those pirates who wander on the sea and can’t find their way take them as their sons. Therefore, it is almost impossible for him to practice anything! After all, even

if he doesn’t practice now, no one can claim the title of the strongest man in the world. shake。

“Xia Yu, kid, I’ve been paying attention to you! ”

After putting down the wine jar, White Beard looked at Xia Yu intently and laughed boldly, “Especially the newspaper where you interviewed Garp, I have always treasured it. ”

As he said that, Whitebeard immediately took out the newspaper with the text version of Xia Yu’s interview video from the stack of newspapers beside him and threw it in front of Xia Yu, “Come on, come on, take advantage of the wine and tell me about Kapp. How did he react when you were interviewed? Isn’t it interesting, la la la…”

Looking at the newspaper that White Beard threw in front of him, Xia Yu blinked blankly, then looked up at White Beard, and said evilly, “Of course it’s interesting, However, it would be more interesting if you, old man, came to be interviewed by me!”

“Gu la la la, I have exactly what I mean! ”

Whitebeard moved his body and looked at Xia Yu with interest, “Come on, kid, let me feel how Garp and the others felt when they were being interviewed!”

“How dare you. ”

Xia Yu, who never expected White Beard to agree immediately, couldn’t help but was slightly stunned. Fortunately, he had already received the maximum reward of 200,000 yuan at that time. Otherwise, knowing that White Beard was also willing to accept his interview, he would definitely have lost his mind. They all regretted it.

Now that he has received a reward of 200,000 travel points, interviews and the like are irrelevant. However, since Whitebeard is so enthusiastic, Xia Yu certainly can’t sweep away his elegance, right? After a slight pause, Xia

Yu He turned around and sat facing the white beard, and said seriously, “You have to think about it, old man, my question is very tricky. Of course, you can choose to answer, or not answer now! After all, I don’t have much interest in interviews or anything like that anymore!”

“Gu la la la… Just ask whatever you want! As long as you are willing to be my son, as long as you are closely related to me, I will definitely satisfy your curiosity! !”


Xia Yu blinked blankly, then simply cupped his hands and said, “Goodbye!”


There’s more to come! _Feilu

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