With Roger’s death, a new era began.

On the 2nd day of the execution day, the news that Roger left a large amount of treasure and died spread throughout the sea, the world fell into a boil, and the strong people of the new world surged in their minds and began to covet the territory left by One Piece, it can be said that the new world is now breaking out fierce battles every moment, countless people have died, and countless people have joined from other places.

The new world became more difficult to survive, the pirates in the first half of the great voyage rushed to the new world, a large number of civilians could no longer bear their greed, called a few relatives and friends, got a tattered fishing boat, hung an extremely crude pirate flag, and announced the establishment of a pirate group, eager to find their dreams.

One year, it only takes one year, and the sea will usher in a earth-shaking change!

This is known to all.

“Well, got it daddy, if Ases they really want to come, let them come! I waited for them at the entrance of the Great Route. After

a few minutes of conversation, Wagner hung up the phone worm in his hand, coming to give Roger a ride was naturally one of the purposes of his trip, but it was not the whole purpose, he didn’t know how many years he had been on String Moon Island, there was very little time to go out, as a free man, he should go to see new things in this sea, so he had the idea of starting from the so-called weakest sea and venturing to the new world.

For such a plan, Whitebeard was very much in favor, and Whitebeard also took such a risk all the way to such a position, Wagner wanted to venture alone, and he had no reason to object.

Of course, such a thing naturally cannot be hidden from others, and the entire giant squad can’t sit still after hearing about Wagner’s going out for an adventure, and they also want to see the vastness of this sea.

So, they boarded the exclusive car of the giant squad, the Los di Sparta, and headed for the East China Sea.


“So, that’s why you kid eats and drinks here in Lao Tzu?” A strong man with a hairstyle similar to a turkey butt was holding his arms at this time, looking at Wagner in front of him with an unhappy face.

“Roar, hahaha, don’t be so petty! Kurokas, we can be considered old acquaintances! Your old friend came to live in your shallow place for a few days, such a thing is not too much, right?

Wagner swallowed the steak in his mouth and said with a natural expression.

“So, that’s why you stayed for three days and ate a full 4 tons of Lao Tzu’s supplies?”

When he thought of his warehouse that was about to run out, the expression on Kulokas’s face was a little uncontrollable, and the devil knew what he had gone through! As a crew member of One Piece, he has obviously retired, and he already plans to spend his days here, idle, drink tea, and fish, such a life is simply a beautiful bubble, but God seems to be unaccustomed to him living so comfortably, specially sent this little devil named Wagner, these two days of life, not only tired heart, but also physically tired!

It took him 6 hours to cook the food for two people every day alone, and this kid’s appetite was simply terrifying, if it weren’t for the abundance of marine life nearby, his monthly ration would have been gone.

“Hmph! Cheeky imp! After eating, clean up the bowl for Lao Tzu! Looking at the gobbling Wagner, Kulokas only felt that if he stayed here any longer, he would immediately have a cerebral hemorrhage, since he couldn’t stop it, he endured it silently, helplessly, he picked up the fishing rod, lay down on his favorite beach chair on weekdays, and began to look for the evening supper.

Suddenly, the sea began to churn, and with the mirror-like sea surface breaking, a large and somewhat scary whale came out of the water!

“Hey! It’s Raab! Come and come, there are still a few pieces of leftover grilled whale meat here, you’re welcome, you’re welcome! Wagner picked up a steak about the size of him and threw it at Raab without distress, whose eyes lit up, opened his mouth, and swallowed the steak into his stomach with great enjoyment, and even let out a happy cry.

Kourokas: I endure !!

“What? You say there is a big scary ship that is rushing down from the top of Levi’s Hill?

Wagner stood up in surprise, and after looking at the huge guy and nodding, his face showed a hint of joy that could not be hidden.

“Roar, hahaha! Those guys are finally here! Quick, Lao Tzu has to go and meet them! Wagner

put one foot on the ground, his whole body rose from the sky like a cannonball, and he naturally sat on top of Rab’s head, who did not care, and dragged him very skillfully towards the foot of Mount Levi.

“Phew, this cheeky imp is finally gone!”

Kulokas breathed a sigh of relief visible to the naked eye, and he looked at the backs of Wagner and Raab who were fading away, and the expression on his face became extremely serious.

“Strong physique, deep background, top strength, ceiling-level overlord-colored domineering, and this even rarer ability to listen to the voice of all things, heh, coupled with that little ghost’s ridiculous dream, it seems that there may be something wrong with the news in the newspaper!”

A hint of solemnity appeared on Kulokas’s face, but it was finally replaced by a relieved smile, yes, even if it was as he thought, but what could it be? He was retired, he was not young, he didn’t want to care about the mess anymore, he just wanted to stay here and be happy until he died.

And under his beach chair, there is a yesterday’s newspaper pressed underneath, and the bold and large article title on it is extremely conspicuous

, “The death of One Piece, the biggest turmoil in a hundred years: the era of pirates begins!” 》

The biggest turmoil?

Perhaps it seems to be the case now.

But decades later, when that little ghost becomes an adult, what should everything be….

On the other side

, Wagner looked at his car, the Los di Spartan, slowly zoomed in in in his field of vision, and he could already see several figures on the splint, the lively Shelley, the excited Rujig, the expressionless but his eyes shining, and Prous, who always had that faint smile on his face.

“Hey! Everyone! Wagner

sat on Rab’s head and waved his hand excitedly, while the others apparently saw it and extended their hands in response.

“Brother Wagner!”

By the time the ship reached the foot of the mountain, Wagner was on the deck of the Los di Spartan, and before he could speak, Shelley had pounced.


Looking at Wagner Shelley, who looked at each other and smiled, Rujig despised it unpleasantly.

“Roar, hahaha! Everyone is here! Since that’s the case, set sail and get ready to set sail!

Wagner put Shelley on the latter’s exclusive seat, his right shoulder, and then said with a smile on his face, yes, ordinary people still have a trip that they can walk away, and as a pirate, they naturally have an adventure that they can walk away!

“This is, our adventure!”

(Volume 5, On the Eve of a New Era, end)

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