Cursed by Tony, Stan was stunned by anger and sobered up, quietly looked at Tony in front of him, and said coldly: “Tony, you will regret this decision today, it will be!” ”

After speaking, he directly threw his hand, did not even say goodbye, turned around and left.

“You shouldn’t be so angry with him, he is the second shareholder of your group, if you offend him, it is likely to bring great trouble to your group.” Looking at Stan’s angry back, Lieutenant Colonel Roddy said.

“It doesn’t matter.”

Tony shrugged, these days the experience has really changed him a lot, in the past he may still value the company’s share points very much, eager to make money all the time, make a lot of money.

But after being captured by the Ten Commandments Gang, he experienced several crises on the front line of life and death, and was severely tortured by the people of the Ten Commandments Gang, basically suffering all his life.

In general, he is tired of it.

The entire plot of Iron Man began to become unrecognizable.

In the original work, Stan knew the role of the Ark reactor in Tony’s mouth, and his attitude directly changed by 180 degrees.

But now, the relationship between the two has produced a slight crack, especially after the incident of disagreement just now, this rift is getting bigger and deeper.

“Sorry to make you laugh.”

Tony smiled and said to Karp and Mihawk.

He didn’t take the contradiction in his eyes at all, or he didn’t think Stan would do him much harm at all.

“He wants to kill you.”

Mihawk coldly spat out a sentence, which startled several people present.

Tony frowned, an inexplicable irritation rose in his heart, he seemed to faintly feel that Mihawk was not joking, and asked solemnly: “Who?” ”

“The man just now.”

Although Mihawk’s voice was not loud and his words were very few, Tony and Lieutenant Colonel Roddy could hear them clearly. As for the person in his mouth, needless to say, it was naturally Stan who had a big fight with Tony and left the scene angrily.

Pepper shook her head and said with some amusement: “This gentleman with a knife on his back, Stan is Tony’s uncle, he has a very good relationship with Tony’s father, and you will be arrested and jailed for slandering others like this.” ”

In fact, she has always thought that Mihawk and Karp, two weirdos, are very unreliable. Maybe it’s two psychopaths, or veteran liars, who just happened to save Tony.

For Stan, Pepper thinks he still knows better, after all, the other party is the second major shareholder of their Stark Industries Group.

In her eyes, although Stan is a little more ambitious, he usually takes care of Tony. After Tony’s father died, Stark Industries survived on Stan alone.

It wasn’t until nearly a decade ago, when Tony, a playboy, woke up and took over Stark Industries, that Stan went from CEO to deputy executive.

However, Pepper overlooks an extremely important point.

Ambition is actually the most dangerous, it can make people trample on all laws, and even ignore family friendship and love.

Pepper didn’t believe Mihawk’s words, but Tony hesitated.

He had seen Mihawk’s strength, and he slashed out, and the power was even more powerful than ordinary missiles. Is it possible for a strong person like this to joke at will?

“Mihawk, are you sure?” Tony’s IQ and EQ are not low, on the contrary, they are very high, he asked solemnly.


Getting Mihawk’s reply, Tony’s fists slowly clenched and ordered Pepper next to him: “Pepper, go and help me check Stan’s recent whereabouts of funds to see if any funds have flowed into the Middle East.” ”

“Tony, are you credulous of him like that?”

Pepper looked at Tony a little incredulously. Stark.

Tony didn’t explain anything too much, looked at the high-rise buildings outside the window, and said faintly: “You will understand later!” ”

“Okay, I’ll check it!” Pepper snorted softly, not an ordinary dissatisfaction with Tony’s various strange decisions today.

As he passed by Mihawk, Pepper whispered a threat in his ear: “If I can’t find any clues, then I will sue you for defamation and keep you in jail for a while.” ”

For Pepper’s hot personality, Tony awkwardly said to Mihawk: “Ahem, her personality is like that, but she is definitely for my good, I hope you don’t mind.” By the way, can you do me a favor? A small, very small favor. ”


“Brother Mihawk, your cold nature really embarrasses me… Well, I say. This thing on my chest, there is a thread in it, and it almost short-circuits when it touches the metal ring. I want to ask you to help me get a new one. It’s that simple. ”

More than an hour later, inside Tony’s luxurious villa, there was a miserable howl.

That voice was Tony’s scream.

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