“Gah? Have it? ”

Karp tilted his head and wondered.

His attention just now was focused on those advanced thermal weapons, and he didn’t pay attention to what the group of people from the Ten Commandments Gang were talking about.

Mihawk is a little helpless, and with teammates like Karp, I really don’t know if it’s luck or misfortune. Although this guy’s strength is very terrifying, sometimes, he just likes to go out without brains.

Nodding, he said in a reassuring tone: “Yes.” ”

“So what are we waiting for? Hurry up and get people out! Karp shouted, about to go up and forcibly save people.

Fortunately, Mihawk on the side was quick in his eyes, and quickly stopped this unconscious naval hero vice admiral, and helplessly explained: “Vice Admiral Karp, if we rush over like this, the other party will kill that Tony in a hurry.” As a result, neither of us could complete that task. Have you forgotten the punishment you need to accept when you fail a mission? ”

Mihawk didn’t say that the punishment was okay, and as soon as he said it, Karp couldn’t help but shiver, because the punishment mechanism set up by Bai Chen was too frustrating.

Eat a ton of feces? Surrounded by a hundred shemale wheel X? And deprive the whole body of the power to stay in this world forever?

Whether it was any of the three punishments, he didn’t want to accept it, he would rather die than accept such a unconscionable punishment!

Immediately, he did not dare to be rashly impulsive, and asked Mihawk: “Mihawk little ghost, then what good way do you have to be able to unconsciously put that Tony. Stark rescued? ”

To Karp’s question, Mihawk didn’t know how to answer. Although his personality is more calm and calm, it does not mean that he is a wise being, and he is more inclined to kendo than wisdom.

All in all, he couldn’t think of any good way.

Finally, Karp, who still caught pirates and caught experience, spoke: “Maybe we can quietly follow them, and then we can find each other’s lair, and after finding the guy named Tony, we will break out directly.” ”

Although Mihawk still felt that this method was a little too reckless, for now, he couldn’t think of a better way.

After seeing that Mihawk had no opinion, Karp immediately pulled him and chased him towards the Ten Rings Gang’s distant route.

The people of the Ten Commandments drove cars and were very fast on the Gobi Desert, but Karp was not a vegetarian. The “shaving” in the Navy Type Six is under his full exertion, and I am afraid that even the fighters will not be able to catch up with him.

The figures of the two seemed to teleport, flickering one after another, and it didn’t take long to keep up with the Ten Rings Gang convoy in front.

Since the two of them were hanging from a distance away, the gang members of the Ten Commandments Gang did not notice them, but drove towards the hidden base with laughter.

When they saw a very hidden complex of small buildings, Karp and Mihawk glanced at each other, each finding a place to hide, and looked into the distance with the help of inhuman vision.


The base of the Ten Commandments Gang.

Several members of the Ten Rings gang carried Tony off the stretcher and shouted sweatingly, “Doctor, where is the doctor?” We need doctors! The head said, if we can’t save this arms tycoon, we all have to bury him! ”

Their shouts immediately made several doctors run out, and quickly took Tony to a small room, which was again to stop bleeding and anti-inflammatory drugs.

The most shocking thing is that these so-called doctors actually forgot to hit the anesthetic, directly disemboweled Tony, and pulled out several shrapnel in his body, which was like extracting teeth.

People can’t help but wonder if these second-stunned doctors are dentists.

And Tony has long been woken up by severe pain, sweating his crazy howl, being treated by others without anesthetics, the feeling of disemboweling and breaking his stomach, Genima is refreshing! ! !

A tall middle-aged man wearing black round-rimmed glasses had a very grim face: “There is a piece of shrapnel that is too close to the heart, and if you pull it out rashly, there is a 90% chance that it will break the heart.” ”

After that, he went non-stop to prepare a lot of tools. For example, a magnet the size of a palm, and two wires, plus a battery, and so on.

He was very skilled in creating a strange shape and stuffed a round magnet into Tony’s chest, and the severe pain made his eyes widen and his consciousness became more and more blurred.

A stunned doctor quickly took a rag and covered Tony’s mouth and nose. In a few seconds, Tony, who was struggling madly, gradually regained his composure, and the whole person passed out.

Needless to say, this thing must be similar to Meng Khan medicine.

If Tony knew that this group of bastards had this kind of thing but only used it now, he would definitely kick his legs directly and die suddenly.

This Nima, did not die in the hands of this group of stunned doctors, can only say that Tony’s protagonist aura is too fraudulent, to the point of almost death.

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