“If you don’t want to turn all into zombies, open the floodgates.” Listening to the roar of zombies coming from all directions, Bai Chen said to Soichiro Takagi.

Before Soichiro Takashiro could react, someone quickly shook his head and shouted, “What?!” Open the floodgates and those monsters will come in and eat us! Are you trying to kill us? ”

Obviously, their fear of zombies was far greater than that of Bai Chen and the others.

After all, in their eyes, Bai Chen is no matter how powerful they are, they can’t be more powerful than firearms, even if they can dodge a few guns, what is the use? If you strafe with a machine gun, then it’s not the same end?

Moreover, there are only five of them. No matter how powerful five people are, how big a storm can they make?

In contrast, the irrational man-eating monsters outside are even more terrifying. Because they are more numerous, they are hundreds or thousands.

If humans are afraid of something they cannot understand, and this thing will hurt them, their fear will be magnified countless times.

However, the shouting man had no chance to say anything else, because an embroidery needle that reflected a golden cold light under the sunlight had pierced straight into the other party’s forehead, not very deep.

Humans and zombies are almost the same, once the brain is hit hard, it will burp, and this person is no exception.

When the East Undefeated burst into murder, those indignant guys came back to their senses.

Yes, zombies are certainly very terrifying, but Bai Chen can also kill! Both can threaten their lives, whether they advance or retreat, they will die.

After seeing that Dongfang Undefeated solved this guy, Bai Chen said again: “Since you don’t open it, then I’ll take matters into my own hands and break your door, then it’s none of my business.” ”

After those people from Gao Cheng’s family were stunned for a few seconds, they scoffed at Bai Chen’s words. This is a gate made of metal, not to mention the weight of tons, or even a few tons is not impossible!

We admit that you are very powerful, but if you want to break down this door by force, you don’t want to think about it unless thousands of people hit it together!

However, a shocking scene happened to them, and they saw Bai Chen’s figure suddenly disappear in place, and the whole person appeared in front of the gate in a blink of an eye.

His right arm clenched into a fist seal, and the Dao Dao green tendons were tightly wrapped around his arm like a winding dragon. The originally somewhat thin arm seemed to have swollen a full circle, and the muscle line was suddenly revealed.

On the fist, a blue-white energy film wrapped it, blooming with amazing destructive power.


I only listened to the big gate make a huge noise, and then “squeaked” and screamed, as if overwhelmed, a huge fist print appeared above the gate, and the center of the gate was directly dented by Bai Chen by one meter!

An invisible air stream swept out, sweeping up countless gravel. The cement floor that held the gate tightly in place appeared several deep cracks, and the width of the cracks became larger and deeper.

A few seconds later, the so-called impregnable gate crashed to the ground under Bai Chen’s punch! Rolled up countless flying ashes, frightening countless people who sat and watched the show.

Not to mention those jumping beam clowns, the movement of the gate falling to the ground was very loud, the sound was like detonating a high-explosive grenade, and more zombies in the same place heard the movement on this side and stumbled towards this side.

“We’re going to die, we’re going to die…”

Inside the house, the families of the unenterprising officials muttered desperately that even if they were strong and had weapons in their hands, they could not give them the slightest confidence.

Soichiro Takashiro was extremely disappointed with them, and a fierce coldness crossed the corner of his eyes. Just like Bai Chen said before, this kind of guy who only eats, drinks and has fun in his head is simply not worthy of surviving in the last days.

The only people who can stock up are those who dare to take up arms and deal with zombie attacks.

“All on guard, ready to kill at any time! Remember, their fatal wound is on the head, and the person with the gun must aim before hitting me! Takashiro roared with all his might, drew a sharp long knife, and waited for the battle.

Zombies, coming! And at once, it was hundreds! What shocked them was that there were more zombies coming in the distance, and their small base was surrounded by zombies!

Bai Chen’s face showed excitement and said softly: “There were too many zombies in the city center before, and I couldn’t kill them to my heart’s content. But this is not the city center, and there are tens of thousands of people at most, and some of them are playing. ”

Hearing his whisper, Soichiro Takashiro on the side was even more shocked, they actually broke through the city center!

There are tens of thousands of zombies in this small area, and there are hundreds of thousands of zombies in the more densely populated city center? Escaping from the mouths of hundreds of thousands of zombies, are they really human?

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