Doflamingo held back the anger in his heart, and looked at Blackbeard sitting opposite him

, holding his precious red wine from time to time, and the red wine on the table was decreasing at a speed visible to the naked eye! Thinking of the small treasure in his cellar, and then thinking of the hundred bottles of red wine that he was going to give to Blackbeard! For a moment, Doflamingo even thought that the pheasant had escaped into his body! Otherwise, on such a hot day, how could his heart pull out the cold ......

"Brother Ming, what's wrong with you? I look at your expression, do you have something unspeakable?" Titch's cold greeting made Doflamingo almost fall off the chair, he wiped the cold sweat on his head, held back the anger in his heart, and said: "

Blah blah......h

"You're really kidding!By the way, we Dressrosa also has a great specialty!" Doflamingo flashed a flash of inspiration, "Our gladiatorial arena here is extremely hot! There are countless warriors in the gladiatorial arena! The battle scene is really exciting! I wonder if Mr.

Blackbeard is interested?" "Not interested!"

"That's great, why don't you ......" Doflamingo was stunned, Blackbeard, he didn't seem to be interested just now?

Why don't you show me around in a moment?" Tiqi looked at Doflamingo, his face full of amusement.

Doflamingo's face only improved a little at Titch's words, but he was slightly comforted by the fact that he had finally saved a few bottles ......of red wine from his treasured red wine

The banquet ended in such an embarrassing situation, and under Doflamingo's angina, Titch only took more than 200 bottles of red wine, which was actually not much, that is, 2/3 of his treasured ......

The heartbroken Doflamingo found a excuse and asked the family cadre Deringer to accompany Titch to the gladiatorial arena, and as soon as the two of them left, Doflamingo's ......roar resounded in the castle of the King's Highlands

"Mr. Blackbeard! This is the biggest gladiatorial arena in our Dressrosa Kingdom! Mr. Diamanti, the cadre of our Don Quixote family, is the strongest champion in this gladiatorial arena


!" "Wow! This young lady of the Don Quixote family is so beautiful! I have material for my dream tonight

!" "This long leg! is so exciting!"

"Ah! why?!Why is he a man!!My little sister is gone!!Bu Yao!!"

Destroy, I'm tired ......"

(the author's personal experience...... )


"Mr. Blackbeard, don't seem to be very interested......" De Ringer smiled awkwardly, and then

was kicked away by Titch!"Lao Tzu, I hate sissies the most!" "Titch said with a cold face: "Shut your mouth for me! Otherwise, Lao Tzu will throw you into the sea to feed the fish!"

Dringer was secretly angry in his heart, but with his strength, if he rushed forward, he would only be kicked to death by Titch! Faced with the threat to his life, he had to close his mouth and follow Titch ...... with a smile

The sky slowly darkened, the air became unusually heavy, and a hint of foreboding rose in Titch's heart......

"Oh hello hello...... Blackbeard little ghost, I'm so hard to find you!" A strong and very personal laugh rang out from the sky, and Tickie's pupils shrank and he looked up.

A mythical creature is entrenched in the sky, and the green dragon is in the sky. A pair of huge beast eyes stared at Titch deadly, and finally let out a strange laugh of "oh lo ho

"Beast Kaido!Why is he here?!" De Ringer couldn't help but exclaim, as a cadre of the Don Quixote family, he was naturally the biggest backer to know his young master, and the reputation of the Hundred Beast Kaido shook the whole sea, even their young master did not dare to provoke the majesty of the Hundred Beast Kaido

! "Bang!"

De Ringer flew out, spit out a large mouthful of blood in the air, rolled his eyes and fainted!

"Lao Tzu said, shut your mouth for me! Your voice is really unpleasant!" Tiqi punched Dehringer away, and then looked nervously at Kaido in the sky

! Why did Kaido come to me?

Tiki thought for a moment and got the answer! There is no doubt that Kaido's behavior was definitely to save Jack from the drought!

Although Kaido is extremely strange and tyrannical in many ways, Tiki has to admit that Kaido cherishes talents very much, likes to recruit combat power, and if he wants to be his subordinate, he is very welcome, and he never has too many powerful troops! He is easy-going and informal, and he is extremely tolerant of his subordinates

! Obviously, Kaido is indeed a very charming person, no wonder Jack is so loyal to him

! "Hahahaha! Kaido of the beast! We don't seem to have any grudges, right? Why did you come to me? Titch opened his eyes and said nonsense, in the face of the strongest creature, he naturally didn't dare to be careless

!"Hmph! You caught my proud subordinate Jack, Lao Tzu naturally has to find a way to save him!" Kaido snorted coldly, and a trace of impatience appeared in his eyes.

"Then you should go to our base camp! Drought Jack is locked up there, what's the use of you coming to me!"

"Are you stupid to be Lao Tzu? I heard that Whitebeard's old thing has regained his peak combat strength, isn't it pure fighting in the past? Don't think that Lao Tzu's size is easy to be deceived!" Kaido said as he should, without a trace of shame at all.

"Uh! that's true!" Titch didn't expect Kaido to answer so simply, since the coaxing was fruitless, then he had to think of other ways.

"Okay! I don't have that much time to mess with you! I know you honestly with me! After I get Jack out, I'll let you go! After all, I don't want to face an angry whitebeard!"

"Then what if I say no?"

"Oh? Then I'll see how much water you have in your 3.5 billion bounty!

Tiqi couldn't help but say, a scorching breath was condensed in Kaido's mouth, and in the next second, a thick beam of light smashed towards Tiqi's position

!"Hahahaha! Then let me see how capable you are as the strongest creature!" A hint of coldness flashed in Tiki's eyes, and he instantly entered a half-orc state

!"Kaido, fight!".

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