Picked a Killer as My Wife

Chapter 9878: Disposal of the dead body

After processing the corpse of King Wan Gu, the goatee-bearded man looked around and saw no abnormal people appear, then he flew up and left.

His speed is very fast. In addition, Li Tian is driving the purple and black warship, and he deliberately reduces his speed. Therefore, soon, the goatee man once again caught up with the man who came out with him. A strong man in the realm of heaven and man with a scar face.

"How is it, what did you find?" After returning to his companion, the strong man in the heaven and human realm with goatee asked the strong man in the heaven and human realm with Scarface.

Hearing that, the strong man with the scar face Celestial Realm shook his head, and said to the strong man with the goatee in the Celestial Realm: "No special circumstances were discovered. Miss and Li Tian were in that ship and never came out. But it sounds strange."

When he said this, he stopped, with a trace of strangeness on his face, as if he was wondering something.

Hearing the words of his companion, the strong man in the realm of heaven and human with goatee asked curiously: "What's wrong, is something wrong?"

"Is such that."

A strong man with a scar face in the realm of heaven and human said: "I followed the young lady and the battle ship Li Tian was on, because I was worried that the young lady would be bullied by Li Tian in that ship, and then I went inside. I released some divine consciousness, and planned to take a look at the specific situation inside, but a strange thing happened. My divine consciousness was isolated from the outside of the warship, and there was no way to enter the warship at all! "

When he said this, his expression was very surprised. You must know that he is a strong man in the realm of heaven and human. That warship can actually isolate his divine consciousness, what kind of treasure should it be? !

"You, you, you have said that the lady is about to get married with Li Tian, ​​as long as it is not something that endangers the life of the lady, we don't need to worry about it. If you see something you shouldn't look at, will you be embarrassed?!"

A strong man in the realm of heaven and man with a goatee couldn't help shaking his head and complaining, but after complaining, he said strangely: "Are you sure you didn't find a mistake? Could it be Li Tian's own ability?"

"You mean his divine sense can offset my divine sense exploration?"

A strong man in the realm of heaven and human with a scar face, with a trace of silence on his face.

"Ha ha."

Seeing this expression from his companion, the face of the strong man in the heaven and human realm with goatee also showed a trace of contempt, knowing that he was wrong.

No matter how strong Li Tian's strength is, it is only the innate realm. You must know that there is a world of difference between the innate realm and the celestial realm, and nothing can be used to fill the gap.

Therefore, Li Tian's strength is definitely not strong enough to offset the exploration of the powers of the heaven and human realm.

Then the problem appeared on the warship Li Tian controlled.

"You mean, there is a problem with his warship?" asked the goatee in the Celestial Realm.

Hearing this, the strong man in the Celestial Realm with the scarred face nodded and said: "There is absolutely no mistake, the warship that Li Tian is driving has a problem, and it can be isolated from the exploration of the strong in the Celestial Realm!"


Upon hearing such a news, even a strong man with a goatee who had cultivated to a certain level in the Celestial Realm, still showed a trace of surprise on his face.

However, his personality is very stable. Although such things are heard from his companions, there should be no mistakes, but he still intends to investigate it himself to see if his companions say it. Like that.

Then, looking at the warship that Li Tian was driving in front of him, he pondered for a little while, and said in his heart that he was presumptuous, and then he started to move, directly releasing his own spiritual knowledge, towards that The warship probed the past.

Soon, his divine consciousness came to the top of the purple-black battleship to investigate.

And following his investigation, Li Tian, ​​who was in the Purple Black Battleship, heard a warning from Shenquan Sword: "Li Tian, ​​someone has been investigating. He is a master at the realm of heaven and human. Divine consciousness is different, this is the second strong man in the realm of heaven and human!"

"Another realm of heaven and humanity? Is this person's spiritual consciousness malicious?"

Li Tian talked and laughed with Zhang Jingjing, and then communicated with Shenquan Sword in secret.

"No, after his divine sense was cut off by the purple black warship, he stopped searching and took it back."

"Then it should not be our enemy."

Li Tian relaxed in his heart, and then roughly thought of who this person was.

It should be a strong man sent by Zhang Jingjing's father, right? But I didn't expect that this purple-black warship could be such a treasure that even the powers from the realm of heaven and human could be cut off.

Looking up at the top of the purple and black warship overhead, Li Tian was very happy in his heart.

The more powerful this purple-black warship is, the more it proves that his bold action was a very wise choice. It was also with that bold action that he would get such a precious thing!

"What's wrong, did you find anything strange?"

Zhang Jingjing saw that Li Tian suddenly raised her head and looked over her head, thinking that Li Tian had discovered something, and said in a puzzled manner, she also looked in the direction that Li Tian was looking, but saw nothing.

Li Tian retracted his gaze, shook his head with Zhang Jingjing, and said with a smile: "Hehe, nothing, did we just say where? By the way, it was the first time that the cat named Tiantian you raised gave birth to a litter of cubs. , What happened afterwards?"

"Ah, later, Tiantian's child was amazing..."

Zhang Jingjing was successfully distracted and explained the rest of the matter with Li Tian.

At the same time, the powerhouse of the heaven and human realm who had just probed the goatee of Li Tian's purple and black warship, this is also a feedback.

"It's really impossible to explore it. This warship is a good treasure. Do you know the origin of Li Tian?"

The goatee man in the realm of heaven and human, then asked his companion next to him.

With such a powerful spirit weapon, Li Tian's life experience may also be very powerful.

At least, he has never heard of that innate realm kid who can have such good things. It must be a child of a big family to have such a treasure, right?

The big family he thinks is more than just having one or two celestial realms in the family, it is not enough to be called a big family.

"The origin of Li Tian? I never knew that he was the same as the other Demon Slayers who came to participate in the convention. The city lord does not need to know his specific life experience, because the identity of the person who can participate in the martial arts contest is definitely not. The city lord is amazing." said the strong man in the world of heaven and human with a scar face.

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