Picked a Killer as My Wife

Chapter 9276: Aftermath

"Because the follow-up of this incident is not as simple as you think... The Li family will probably have to continue to take action and help him out."

"The reason is very simple. Now the Li family is seriously injured. If no one helps, I am afraid that there will be a lot of disturbances. I think daughter, you don't want to see the Li family so turbulent, do you?"

"In this case, I am only helping for a while now, and the Li family is afraid it will be difficult to sustain it to recover."


Cao Qinghua said slowly.

This made Cao Ying's expression change.

Yes, although the incident of the Li family is over.

However, for such a big family, there are still many aftermaths.

Without the help of Cao Qinghua, it is estimated that it would really not be possible!


Cao Ying stretched her voice and said, "That's not what I meant! Father, you misunderstood!"


Cao Qinghua smiled and said, "Then give me a report at Shenyinmen!"

"Shen Yinmen..."

Cao Ying pondered a little and said, "Father, am I really suitable?"

"Why do you think you are inappropriate?"

Cao Qinghua replied: "You inherited your mother's blood. Although you have the blood of monsters and beasts, you can only use it as a trump card and will not hinder your cultivation...Although Dad is still young, the future world is unpredictable, and I will look for my own opportunities soon."

"Chance? Chance of heaven and man?"

Cao Ying stayed for a while.

Don't think that his dad, Cao Qinghua, is only the pinnacle of the sixth innate. In fact, apart from the shackles of heaven and man, there is really nothing that can stop him.

However, the realm of heaven and humanity is a tiger blocking the way for anyone, and it is almost impossible to cross over easily.

Therefore, if Cao Qinghua really wants to break into the realm of heaven and man in the future, he will inevitably go out to find his own good fortune.

At this thought, Cao Ying couldn't help being silent.

"Do you know the origin of Shenyinmen?"

Cao Qinghua continued to ask.

"Know a little bit, it seems to be founded by a pair of heavenly human beings, one is the **** sound gate, the other is god..."

At this point, Cao Ying's eyes lit up.

"In the old days, my father used to be in the hands of the descendants of the two predecessors. He got a Divine Sound Order and a Divine Sword Order. The Divine Sword Order was given to you, and the Divine Sword Order... I can try to sell it to him."

Cao Qinghua said with a smile.

"Sell? Daddy, what to sell, but it's too much to see!"

Cao Ying said coquettishly: "What do you think of giving it to him?"

"Send? Impossible! In order to get the two-sided token, the price I paid is not small, how can I give it to him... Of course, if Yinger, you go to Shenyinmen obediently, I can't consider it and sell it at a low price. He. Because if you send it directly, do you think he has a big chance of accepting it directly with his cautious personality?"

Cao Qinghua asked with a smile.

"I'm afraid it's not big..."

Cao Ying sighed.

Yes, Cao Ying knows Li Tian.

Li Tian is cautious, and if he really gave him something for no reason, he would refuse.

Therefore, I really want to give it to Li Tian, ​​and I have to think about the way, but I can't just say it and give it!

"About this matter, Dad has his own mind and knows well."

Cao Qinghua looked unpredictable.

Although Cao Ying wanted to ask about Cao Qinghua's strategy, Cao Qinghua kept silent, she also had nothing to say!

"Okay, I will go back and pack my bags now, it's just daddy, you must let him go to the Excalibur Gate! It must, it must be!"

Cao Ying said a lot, and made Cao Qinghua roll his eyes.

"Is there any fraud in what Dad said? Don't worry!"

With Cao Qinghua's assurance, Cao Ying let out a long sigh of relief and agreed to Cao Qinghua for the time being.

She didn't worry that her father would cheat herself.

Because I really lied to myself, the consequences are serious!

I believe Cao Qinghua knows exactly how serious it is.

At the same time, the Li family.


Li Tian also breathed a sigh of relief watching everything come to an end.

It's not that he didn't think about it, the other party probably prepared some back-hands.

However, he had already asked Cao Qinghua for help in advance.

Although it is possible to expose oneself, it's just that, even if it is exposed, it will be dangerous.

Compared with the Li Family's unreasonable disaster and the identification of his identity, Li Tian thinks this multiple-choice question is very simple.

"My God."

Li Yuan came.


Li Tian replied.

Although he was screaming dad, Li Tian was still a little uncomfortable.

After all, the situation was critical just now, and I didn't think much about it for a while.

Now that the matter is over, Li Tian is a little unnatural.

"Unexpectedly, your father and I escaped!"

Li Yuan laughed and said.

"I didn't expect it."

Li Tian said truthfully.

When he entered this game, he had already said that Li Yuan had fallen.

But then I found out that this is not the case!

Li Yuan did not fall, Li Yuan just hid, waiting for the opportunity.

The family competition is undoubtedly the best time!

Of course, Li Hong and the others are not fools, they are also waiting for Li Yuan to send them to the door!

As a result, it was almost the same as they thought. Li Yuanxuan is on the assault today!

Li Hong also knew that if Li Yuan hadn't died, he would definitely settle accounts with them today.

Li Hong is a cautious person.

He never thought he really had a chance to win.

He will treat it with caution before he actually takes it.

As a result, he did it right!

He prepared a lot of backhands, including the counter-kill after failure!

However, Li Hong still had a lot of things he didn't think of.

For example, Shenquan sword.

For example, Cao Qinghua.

All in all, too many accidents have caused Li Hong's layout to be in vain and ruined!

Although Li Yuan hadn't guessed all of them, he also thought of a few. He knew that now that it can end safely, Li Tian must have done a lot of effort.

As the owner and father, he must express his gratitude to Li Tian!

"Father, if you want to thank me a lot, then you can avoid it... You and I are father and son. Some things do not need to be said, and I am also a member of the Li family. What is it?"

Li Tian said with a smile.

"Well, then I won't thank you very much, but you have cultivated to the innate realm, so the position of the young master can be fixed. You are the next patriarch of the Li family."

Li Yuan said directly.

Li Tian was stunned. He hadn't expected that Li Yuan's speech had so great a turn that he would immediately turn to the matter of becoming the young master of the family.

However, the problem is that Li Tian has no idea of ​​taking over the Li family at all!

One of the reasons he made the move was to protect himself!

If it were not for self-protection, how could Li Tian expose so much of his own strength!

It's just Li Tian's reason, Li Yuan doesn't listen at all!

He just decided on one thing...Li Tian has grown up, so it's time to consider taking over the family.

Regardless of Li Tian's meaning, he made his own decision.

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