Picked a Killer as My Wife

Chapter 7766: Longhang

Li Tian stepped back a bit and smiled: "It seems that you still have to release your body form?"

On the ground, the soldiers of both the Xianmeng and the True Dragon clan who were fighting originally stopped at this time. The light is too dazzling. If this light can have temperature, it will be like the sun, so dazzling light. They couldn't fight anymore, they could only stop their hands, and then looked up at the light above their heads.

It was impossible to imagine what kind of situation they were seeing at this time, how powerful these two people were, they were actually fighting at this time.

"Haha, it's Boss Fu's ontology, it's the ontology. Under such an ontology, we will definitely win!":

After the light dissipated, Li Tian also saw Fu Yunsheng's body, a black and blue dragon, with a fierce light shining in his huge eyes, he looked at Li Tian in front of him, and then opened his mouth to highlight a thunder and lightning!

The corner of Li Tian's mouth is slightly the same: "This is not good. You should have felt it before. My strength is such an attribute. For driving thunder and lightning, isn't it a matter of familiarity with the road?" After he finished speaking, he went straight. He raised his right hand and wanted to catch this thunder and lightning, but did not expect that the speed of this thunder and lightning was very slow at first, but at the moment when Li Tian took it lightly, the speed of thunder and lightning suddenly increased.


It was like being directly hit by a cannonball. The feeling that appeared instantly almost made Li Tian shed tears, but he still forcibly endured it as if nothing had happened.

Immediately afterwards, his body fell heavily to the ground.

"See, this is your so-called power. Do you really think that you can resist me for a short while? Does it mean that you are a real strong? I can tell you seriously now that you are not qualified enough. Well. This is the true power form of our true dragon clan. In this form, you can't defeat us, you know?"

"Interesting." Li Tian stood up slowly, the wound on his body was healing quickly. This was indeed something Li Tian had never thought of before. This kind of power would change in an instant, and such a change, so much so. Li Tian didn't expect it at all. It was too fast: "It is indeed a little bit interesting to be able to suddenly change the speed in the process, but you think that this kind of fighting method is interesting, but how many can you hit me? The second time? It’s just the first time I hit me without defense, but then? Will I think I can find such an opportunity later?"

"Since I can hit you this time, what will happen afterwards? Will it not be possible afterwards? I won't believe what you said, die here for me, I don't care who you are and what status you are , Today is the time for you to die here. A guy like you can't stay in this world." He roared, and then released a stronger current from his body.

At that moment, the sky was filled with dense electric currents, and even the air was filled with a burning smell.

On the ground, whether they are soldiers of the True Dragon clan or the Warriors of the Immortal Alliance, they all quickly disperse at this time. They don't want to be passers-by injured by such power. For them, such power is already It's not that they can easily resist it. They don't want to leave this place at this time, but they will be directly burnt at that time. This is no need to think!

"It seems that the battle between the two of them has entered a white-hot stage. This guy has even used such terrible methods. Obviously he knows that Li Tian in front of him is difficult to deal with. In the next process, he wants to It won't be so easy to defeat Li Tianke." Ni Feng was also a little excited at this moment, squinting at the sky.

The true dragon family, the existence in this rumor is so terrible. This is just an ordinary general among them. It is not a powerful master, but it is dealing with some of their fairy alliances. Powerful masters are already more than enough. In this way, when they fight against such a race in the future, they will inevitably have to bear a very heavy pressure.

Facing such a terrible opponent, I don't even know how much he has chance of winning.

"My Lady Queen, can Li Tian really withstand such an attack?"

"Of course."

"However, this guy's offense seems to be fierce, and his subordinates are worried..."

"There is nothing to worry about. If there is no way to defeat an opponent of this level, Li Tian is not Li Tian. This guy should also be using various methods to judge the combat effectiveness of the true dragon family. This is what he likes the most. Through battles to constantly obtain the opponent's battle data, these things can better help him complete the task." Nifeng said with a smile, don’t look at Li Tian now. Looks at a disadvantage, but the actual situation is not like this. What this guy likes most is collecting data.

Li Tian has always been like this to his opponent. Every time he will treat his opponent as a very difficult guy. Only in this way can he really find a way to solve this opponent. For Li Tian, ​​this It is the best way at the moment, and the most cautious way of fighting.

"Let’s stop talking about the big words. If it’s really that easy to kill me, why waste time here? The battle on the ground is not over yet. It’s the best choice for you to kill me earlier. , Isn’t it?” Li Tian smiled, and then raised the sword in his hand: “It just so happens that at this moment, I don’t have any intentions to continue wasting time like this. For opponents like you, I should solve it earlier. It’s easier for me."

"Don't look down on people, do you really think you are an invincible guy? Can you defeat me casually?"

"Is it like this? It doesn't really matter at all, does it?" Li Tian smiled, looked at Fu Yunsheng, and said, "Be prepared, but now I have never thought of continuing to investigate your battle here. With the data, the effect of your last point is gone!" The moment he finished speaking, the person started to move!

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