Picked a Killer as My Wife

Chapter 7320: Settle after Autumn

After all this is over, Li Tian can really relax. Compared with the previous situation, Li Tian is indeed much easier to handle. Regardless of the situation in the future, the world can no longer find an opponent. If you really start, even if you have turned the world upside down, absolutely no one can do anything to yourself.

This is the position of Li Tian in this world at this time. Without the barbaric god, he is already absolutely powerful.

On the ground, the army of the ghost world has also been cleaned up, and what is left is other places. This time the plan of the ghost world will definitely not choose to give up because of this.

"It's really successful. It seems that your strength has been greatly improved." Situ Ningbing came to Li Tian's side and said with some excitement.

Li Tian shook his head and said, "Things are not as simple as we thought. This power has indeed increased a lot, but I can't control it perfectly."

"Now, this place has become devastated, how should we control it?"

"The war with the ghost world is still their war, how can we intervene in it, just need to do what we should do, this is enough." The corner of his mouth rose slightly, but at this time Li Tian had An unspeakable calmness and calmness, the situation before him looks very complicated, but in Li Tian's eyes, it is far from as terrifying as he imagined.

The human beings here still have their own way to change everything and control everything. As long as they want, nothing here will change.

This is their strength, and this is what they can do.

"Minister Wang, you can see it too. This is the real power of ghosts. If their real purpose is to destroy you completely, in your opinion, how long can human beings last in this state? What?" He turned his head and looked at Wang Yunfeng beside him, believing that this guy also understood just as clearly as himself how terrifying the seriousness of this battle was.

Things are far more complicated than they thought.

"It is indeed our suddenness. I didn't expect that the ghost clan would be so terrible to this point."

"This is also a very normal thing. We don't know what the grievances between the ghost world and humans are. But the humans I see here alone require a lot of effort to become stronger. This is not a day or two, nor is it something that can be done casually. Many problems are more complex than we thought before." With a calm smile, Li Tian looked at Wang Yunfeng next to him and said: "This has also led to the fact that it is impossible for humans today to defeat the ghosts. Their strength still has to be stronger than you."

"It's not wrong. Compared to us, human beings are like parasites in this world. The meaning of their existence is to continuously destroy everything here, and constantly make other creatures unable to survive, if they can be completely extinct. If you drop it, it must be a good thing.” On the other side, the Ghost King said seriously, even without knowing when he got here.

Just like human beings on earth, they are constantly developing, but at the same time they are constantly shrinking the living space of other creatures, and constantly making everything go to extinction.

This may not be their intention, but it is something that is developing.

"You dare to come here, don't you worry that I will kill you?" Li Tian looked at the ghost king here and said.

"If your Excellency is really ready to wipe us out, even if I really return to the ghost world, I still can't escape from your hands. I know that you are so powerful that you can defeat the Void God and the Clean God. Super powerful master, a small character of our level is nothing in your eyes. I don’t think you have any idea about me. For you, these humans do all of this." The ghost king sees Li Tian said calmly, he now knew that the man in front of him would not easily attack them.

With such a terrifying strength, if they were really ready to do it, there would be no one in their world that could be Li Tian's opponent. If this is the case, why should they still struggle.

But at this time Li Tian did not choose to do this. Obviously he still respects the choice of this world very much. Whether it is humans or ghosts, they have their own right to survive in this world. It cannot be said because Li Tian comes from a higher level. On the first level of the world, their situation can change drastically. If this is the case, I believe Li Tian himself would not allow it.

He knew that he could not change too many questions at will.

He glanced at Wang Yunfeng next to him, then looked at the ghost king, and said: "Indeed, I will not take you too much, but at any rate I am a human being. If I watch them perish like this, in my heart It will also be very uncomfortable, not to mention that although you say it is under the guise of maintaining ecological balance, but it is not like this, I think you know it well, and there is no need for me to continue to talk to you here, right?"


"Since it's like this, many problems can actually be solved easily. I don't have to deal with you, but I will not give up on humans. Since today's war is about to begin, humans must be here. A certain price was paid in a war, but the final result depends on them.” After Li Tian finished speaking, he patted Wang Yunfeng’s shoulder and said, “I came to this world by coincidence. , I won’t change everything that happened here too much. I will give you a chance to change everything, but whether it can be done, it all depends on you.”

At this time, Wang Yunfeng's whole person was frozen in place, as if struck by lightning.

The expressions on his face are all confused.

In this way, it was obviously the same as suddenly knowing something, but his own brain couldn't accept so much content at once, so it became such a silly expression.

After he completely controlled everything, naturally he would not have the same feeling before.

Seeing that Wang Yunfeng beside him turned out to have such an expression, Li Tian here also smiled and shook his head, and did not continue to say anything.

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