Picked a Killer as My Wife

Chapter 5742: Uncover the truth

"I don't understand what your purpose is for doing this, what is going on in Nanhuang, what is going on at the Commandment Hall."

"You know too little, but the only thing I can tell you now is that everything we do now is for our future tasks. For this so-called task, everyone must be in In this incident, I did my best to accomplish my goal." Looking at Li Tian with a face full of doubt, he stepped forward and patted the young man on the shoulder: "As for this action, it was actually a long time ago. We have already made preparations, hundreds of years ago, we already knew that you were coming to the God Realm."


"You may not know what you are carrying on your shoulders, but we do, so we need to cultivate you slowly, and at the same time, we need to use your strength to help us eliminate some things that we cannot eliminate. ."

"The Discipline Hall?"

"Indeed, although the original idea of ​​the precepts hall is very beautiful, in order to make Shuiyuezong a truly orderly sect, but with the passage of time, no matter how good things are, they will slowly fade away. , All that was revealed was disgusting filth.” When Fu Disheng said this, an expression of boredom appeared on his face: “So before that, Shuiyuezong wanted to make the Discipline Hall disappear. It’s a pity that there were many things at the time, which prevented us from using the precepts hall."

"This is really a big game that I don’t know in what words to describe. I really didn’t expect you to start thinking about things after this hundreds of years ago. Don’t you ever think that if I didn’t What should you do when you appear in the God Realm?"

"If you did not appear in the God Realm, we naturally have our way, but we know very well that you, a young man, will definitely appear in the God Realm. This is the law of causality. No matter how powerful it is, no one It may change all of this." He looked at Li Tian with an unpredictable smile: "You may not know it yet, your own destiny is not under your control at all."

Fu Disheng stood up and looked at the Wonderful City in front of him: "Like everyone here, they all naively think that they are their own masters, and can all of them be controlled by themselves?"

"Of course it cannot be like this. They seem to be free, but in fact they are also bound by everything. The rules and regulations on them make their destiny different from everyone's, and also make their destiny. There is no way to be controlled by oneself." Fu Disheng snorted: "It's like a commandment hall. When their aura is set, no matter how beautiful they were at the beginning, they will eventually disappear between the world and the earth."

Although what Fu Disheng said was rather mysterious and Li Tian didn't understand it, he knew a little bit that he had already been exposed to many people.

However, these people in the line of New Moon City seemed to be different from those of other **** emperors.

When I was in Luoyang City, I was chased by many people, and there were also many inside stories.

But things like this have never happened in New Moon City. From this point of view, the Big Dipper God Emperor seems to be completely different from the God Emperors they knew before, and this one seems to be a little bit more. meaning.

"You little guy doesn't know a lot now, so you will feel very angry and confused. This is a normal thing. After you really understand the truth, I believe you will understand our painstaking efforts. ."

"The only thing I know now is that in order to reach cooperation with Nanhuang and let the people of Nanhuang cooperate with your actions, you promised them to give Yuntian a chance to kill me. You can't help during this period of time. , Isn't it like this?" Li Tian asked Fu Disheng coldly.

Fu Disheng was still smiling before, but the moment he finished saying this, his figure paused, and he said in a very serious tone: "I have already told you, you are still young, and you don’t know the inside story of many things. I know, so it’s just as if today’s things have never happened before. This is a good choice for many people."

"But I can't forget that I was deceived by others, so I might hate you in my heart. Don't you worry about this anger and become even more out of control afterwards?" Li Tian's expression was still so indifferent, looking at Fu Di Sheng: "If it weren't for your design, Chu Jiangnan wouldn't have died here because of this. Can I count this hatred on you?"

"If you did not choose to come to Tianqi City, but gave up the opportunity to save Ningbing, then there will not be so many things happening now, and naturally there will not be so many people who will look at you. You can still be a simpler and simpler self, but unfortunately, this kind of thing did not happen, so all of this is destined, since you have chosen to come here, you have to pay some price "Fu Disheng said seriously: "I don't like to say the same thing a second time. I rarely talk so much at all, but you are the first. Of course, this is the first time, and also the last time."

Fu Disheng's eyes were indifferent, and Li Tian had a feeling of falling on ice in that moment.

Only then did I realize that the gap between himself and the man in front of him was so huge, even just a small look might increase the pressure on Li Tian's whole person.

This is the power of God Emperor level powerhouse.

"Well, you stay here honestly now and don't leave. My people will protect you here. You don't need to intervene in other things. You have done enough today." Di Sheng waved his hand, and several soldiers from Tianqi City stepped forward, encircling Li Tian and protecting Li Tian.

At this time, the ups and downs of Tianqi City were all controlled by them, and Li Tian naturally did not worry about what danger he would encounter.

Seeing Fu Disheng leaving his back, his fists clenched, but in the end he still sat on the ground helplessly, just as Fu Disheng said, everything is causal, if he didn’t decide to come to Tianqi City , So much later will not happen.

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