Picked a Killer as My Wife

Chapter 5504: Shura Hall

He glanced at Yunyi in front of him, and then at the Shuiyuezong disciples behind him.

His gaze fell on Ruyue, thinking of the cold and soft feeling of Ruyue's little hands before. At this time, he couldn't help but put a faint smile on his face and said, "I think you should know what I said before. What's the problem, you will rely on yourself to protect yourself after I'm not here. If you can survive here, you will become a very powerful weapon against the precepts hall in the future."

Ruyue looked at Li Tian and didn't know what to say.

In the next second, Li Tian directly activated the void transition and disappeared in front of them.

Yun He was dressed coarsely, and at this time he didn't have much strength to continue speaking: "I...have not much strength anymore."

"I know, don't worry, I will complete our previous goal." Yun Yi nodded, holding Yun He's hand.

"This kid, is it really okay to just let him go like this?" Yun Jing looked at Yun Yi worriedly. Li Tian was like a variable. After knowing what they were doing here, he let him He left like this. If Li Tian exposes the Xuan Yin Temple, what should the problem do?

"Do we have any other choice? Although I don't know who this kid learned from the space movement method, but he has been fighting for so long, I can't find any flaws, every time I When he is about to defeat this kid, he will directly activate this skill and instantly distance himself from me. Even if he is crushed on strength, there is no way he can't touch this guy." Yun Yi glanced at Yun Ji. At this time, it was also helpless.

Of course, he knew that leaving Li Tian was definitely not a good choice, but there was no way that they could kill Li Tian.

This void leap is simply a very annoying thing for them, constantly opening up the space in front of them, no one knows where Li Tian will suddenly appear behind you, and most importantly, when this skill is activated I can't feel any energy fluctuations at all, just like walking out of a door directly, without any feeling at all.

Yun Yi wanted to kill Li Tian very much. This kid caused him a lot of trouble, but it was a pity that there was no way at all.

"Oh, if this kid is really successful, what should we do?"

"I don't know, I just hope that the lord can hold on. I knew that Murong Ziqing, a witch who deceived the people, should have been killed. Now it is fine. Although she has been kept in the forbidden area, she has been Knowing everything well, and also secretly controlling these things, it has brought us a lot of trouble." Yun Yi sighed and shrugged his shoulders.

Yun He grabbed his hand and coughed: "Hold on... Live."

His eyes closed slowly, and then he swallowed his last breath.

At this time, Yunyi stood up and looked at the Shuiyuezong disciple in front of him: "I know what the kid said just now. You have some doubts, and some people may believe them. These are all to me. It doesn’t matter. You choose to believe that he is your business, but I only want to do my own business. Now that we have reached the eighteenth level of hell, it’s basically impossible to look back. If you don’t want to believe My words, you can leave now, as long as you promise not to say everything you said before, I can let you leave."

The disciples of Shuiyue Sect looked at each other, and they didn't know what to do.

At this time, a Shuiyuezong disciple stood up and said, "Elder, I'm really sorry...I...I don't want to continue fighting in this dangerous place."

Yun Yi nodded, with a gentle smile on his face: "This is normal, you are still very young, and you have a good future in the future. There is no need to waste your life in such a dangerous place. I can understand you now. Feelings, who else is thinking this way, can all speak out at this time, as long as you speak out, I can let you leave here."

There was nothing wrong with seeing the first person, and several others soon came forward.

Even a few people from the Commandment Hall stepped forward.

Yun Yi put Yunhe's body aside and glanced at Yun Ji with a faint smile on his mouth.

It seems that what Li Tian said before was not useless. These disciples of Shuiyuezong still chose to believe that guy's words, and now their status is also embarrassing.

At least twenty people came out this time, among them were Shuiyuezong, and of course there were also discipline halls.

Looking at these two dozen people, Yun Yi nodded and said, "Well, you can leave here now, but you didn't leave in this way."

As Yun Yi's voice fell, Yun Ji suddenly drew his sword and shot with lightning speed.

Several people were all trapped, and seeing Yun Ji rushing over, they seemed to know something.

As the blood came out, their faces were all filled with incomprehensible expressions, and then they fell to the ground forever with fear.

At this time, Yun Yi turned his gaze on the remaining people: "Which one of you still wants to leave here? You can stand up, you can leave here, of course your soul is leaving here."

Everyone looked at each other, only then did they know what Yun Yi had said before, but wanted to make the team believe that all the people in it were dead.

"You need to know what our current situation is. Anyone who doubts us may cause us to die tragically here. In order to avoid such a thing from happening, I can only get rid of such a black sheep. I hope you don’t mind this. Things." Yun Hui said with a smile, looking at the remaining people.

Although this statement sounds interesting, who is really willing to believe it?


Li Tian didn't know, because of one of his own choices, so many things happened.

In the next few hours, he finally passed the secret path and came to the place behind the twelve layers of hell.

A very magnificent building, Shura Hall.

As long as he can pass through the Asura Hall, he can directly enter the Xuan Yin Hall behind, but looking at the Asura Hall in front of him, his mood is still quite a bit nervous. After all, the pressure that ghosts and witches put on him is still great. .

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