Picked a Killer as My Wife

Chapter 5118: Mirror Image

The mirror world and the secret world are almost the same.

In this mirror world, there are also mountains that are exactly the same as those in the secret realm.

In this mountain range, there is also a gate of ***, and the gate of *** has also been destroyed.

Li Tian has a feeling that his mirror image should be in this mountain range.

This feeling is amazing.

It is clear that Li Tian has no connection with his mirror image, but Li Tian is so sure.


A figure quickly flew over the mountains in the world of mirrors.

Li Tian's gaze swept around quickly, he was looking for his own mirror image.

After entering the world of the mirror world, Li Tian has seen the mirror images of several powerful men in succession.

Then?? Li Tian, ​​a slut, tried to attack the mirror image that had only the first level of the superdomain master.

Li Tian guessed that this mirror image should be the mirror image of a certain student or a certain faculty member of the Nether Academy, so he attacked without pressure.

Needless to say, the mirror image was useless to fight back, and was strangled by Li Tian almost instantly.

But when Li Tian turned and left, the mirror image that had been strangled was resurrected.

It's really **** like a dark thunder monster in the online game world, it can never be finished.

It is a pity that this fellow Chu Jiangnan didn't continue to follow Li Tian after he entered the world of the mirror world. Otherwise, Li Tian could also ask Chu Jiangnan for advice on how to completely kill the mirror image that did not lose to him.


"Why not? This is unreasonable! According to my urine?? Cough cough, no, according to my habits, my mirror image should be near this area!" Li Tian searched in the mountains. After a round, he did not find his mirror image, which made Li Tian feel depressed.

"Is it because I guessed wrong? It's paralyzed, the world of the mirror world is so big, if that grandson?? Ahem, if my mirror is hiding, where can I find that bastard? It's better not to let me find you , Otherwise I will screw your head off and kick the ball!" Li Tian said fiercely.


Tang Xiaolong finally came to the mirror world.

"Hey, little boss, here I am!"

Tang Xiaolong saw Li Tian suspended in midair and flew towards Li Tian excitedly.

However, Tang Xiaolong only flew less than fifty or sixty meters, and he suddenly realized a hint of danger.

"He is not the little boss!"

Tang Xiaolong suddenly had such an idea in his heart.

Looking at Li Tian in front of him, if he looks at him, the guy in front of him is almost exactly the same as Li Tian. Even if Li Tian is here, he might think that this guy is his mirror.

Could it be??

Tang Xiaolong suddenly realized that the guy in front of him was the mirror image of the little boss Li Tian.

"You are not the boss, you are the mirror!"

"It seems that you are not so stupid!" Mirror Li Tian looked at Tang Xiaolong with a grinning face.

"What are you doing here? The little boss must be looking for you everywhere!"

"Hey, let him find it, my goal is you??"

Tang Xiaolong suddenly felt a chill in the back of his head. At this moment, he seemed to be stared at by a fierce poisonous snake.


how is this possible?

Shouldn't the opponent of this mirror image be the little boss? Why are you staring at me?

Although the Li Tian mirror image in front of Tang Xiaolong is only a mirror image, this guy is also a real demigod powerhouse. If this guy wants to deal with Tang Xiaolong, Tang Xiaolong is definitely not his opponent.

"Does it feel weird and unexpected? Hey, you idiot who has not succeeded or failed, following Li Tian will only ruin Li Tian's big things. How many times have Li Tian been in danger because of you, you say this What's the use of you being alive? If that's the case, let me get rid of you sooner!" said Li Tian, ​​mirror image.

So far, few people have really studied thorough mirroring.

However, based on Chu Jiangnan's past experience and calculations, the mirror world is a mirror that will reveal the most evil and ugliest side in people's hearts.

For example, if a guy who was originally very kind, his mirror image in the world of the mirror world after entering the secret realm is evil, it is precisely because of this that after Chu Jiangnan swallows his mirror image, he will become more bloodthirsty. Enchanted.

Does that mean that if an evil person enters the mirror world, his mirror image in the mirror world is kind?

Ha ha!

If you have such thoughts, it can only show that you are really naive.

There is no evil, only evil!

Mirror Li Tian is not joking.

Tang Xiaolong had already felt the murderous aura from that guy.


Paralyzed, if you die in the hands of the mirror image of the little boss, you will be really wronged to die!

Tang Xiaolong wanted to understand instantly.

But?? Where can I escape?

It seems that Li Tian and Chu Jiangnan are the only ones who can prevent the mirror image of Li Tian, ​​who have reached the Demigod level!

"Damn it! Where can I find someone who can deal with this mirror image?" Tang Xiaolong was anxious.

The mirror image Li Tian is slowly approaching.

"I'm paralyzed. If it doesn't work, I will return to the secret world first, and wait until the little boss kills or swallows his mirror image before I come in."

However, Tang Xiaolong just had this idea in his mind, that Li Tian mirror image has blocked Tang Xiaolong's path.

"Do you still want to escape from here? You are still stupid! Do you think I will be as stupid as you and let you escape from me?" Mirror Li Tian sneered.


Tang Xiaolong's retreat was broken and he could only escape towards the mirror world.

Fortunately, teleportation in this world is not affected.


While Tang Xiaolong used teleport to leave, Tang Xiaolong's mirror image appeared here at the same time.

"He is my deity, so naturally I can only kill him!" Tang Xiaolong mirrored to Li Tian mirrored.

"Get out of the way, otherwise I will kill you!"

The murderous aura on Li Tian's mirror image was even stronger, and as the murderous aura on his body continued to rise, a giant prehistoric blue dragon appeared behind him.

That's right, it's the Great Blue Dragon!

It was almost exactly the same as the prehistoric blue dragon released by Li Tian, ​​and the same was true of the power repair base.

However, the dragon eye of this prehistoric blue dragon is crimson, full of blood, but there is no slight fluctuation of brilliance in the dragon eye of this prehistoric blue dragon, and there is no vitality.

Tang Xiaolong's mirror image did not back down because of this!

He didn't flinch in a single step, but a wicked smile appeared on his face.

"My deity is a trash, following Li Tian like a dog, picking up bones behind Li Tian to eat, but I won't! You are not qualified to use this kind of trick to intimidate Lao Tzu!" Tang Xiaolong Jing's spirit With a move, the diamond costume appeared on his body instantly.

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