Picked a Killer as My Wife

Chapter 4959: : Kill enough at once

The beast boy quickly snatched back a space battleship!

It's just that the big fish escaped, leaving only the small fish and shrimps. This space battleship is really small!

You ask how young Li Tian is?

If the space battleship of the spirit clan in the past was an ocean-going tanker, the space battleship that Beast Boy snatched back was a canoe!

This is also the beast boy's eyesight and quick hands, if you don't want to go later, even this small space battleship will escape!

Fortunately, even the smallest space battleship can hold Li Tian and others.

It's just a bit crowded after entering!

The squeeze is a bit squeezed, it is also the Sea-Monster tribe squeezing together.

Dozens of Sea-Monster tribes are squeezed into a small space, the picture is really picturesque!

"Whose the fuck's tentacles are in my nostrils?"

"Fuck, that guy's pliers caught my tintin?"

"Who touches my ass? It tickles me, I want to fart!"

"You **** dare to fart? Believe it or not Li Tian threw you out!"

Dozens of Sea-Monster tribes were noisy, but the guy who wanted to fart rather squeezed the fart out of his mouth!


This sour...

Fortunately, Li Tian, ​​Beast Boy, Situ Ningbing, Liu Jimeng, Ye Meijing, Meat Ball, Firewood, and other super domain masters who are above the realm, no one dares to approach them. They still have enough space for activities. .

It's just that this... heavy taste has already begun to permeate the space.

The strong like Li Tian can only hold their breath immediately!

Damn, fortunately, these powerhouses can take a long time without breathing, otherwise Li Tianzhen might throw that guy out!

The horsetail gun and bull head sword are in the cockpit!

They can use the cloud map to track the space battleships of their spirit race!

Fortunately, there is such a magical thing as the cloud map. Otherwise, it would be too difficult to find a space battleship in the endless dark metal world!

"Just in front, it seems that our space fighter has just been snatched and there is not much time!" The ponytail spear looked at the light spot of the weapon spirit space battleship that appeared on the cloud map he was wearing, and said with some excitement.

"Speed ​​up, catch up! Damn, it's really annoying to dare to **** the space battleship of our Spirit Race!" Niutoujian said with a bit of anger in his heart, but gradually Niutoujian's face became heavy. Get up, "I'm going...it seems something is wrong, why is the distance getting farther and farther?"

"I am afraid that the space battleship of our Spirit Race has begun to accelerate, but the speed of the space battleship we snatched back cannot reach such a speed!"

"What to do? Do you want to tell Master Li Tian about them?"

"Are you stupid? Master Li Tian's heart is concerned about Tang Xiaolong and other strong men who entered the metal world with him. If he were to let him know, he would definitely think about looking for his people first, and then our tools The spirit race is really going to be annihilated!"

"But, is this really good? If Master Li Tian knew about it, would you blame us!"

"Probably not? Li Tian has been separated from his brother for more than 20 years, so I don't care if I wait longer!"

The Bull Head Sword and the Horsetail Gun looked at each other, and then they decided happily!

Space battleships were flying in the endless darkness, but at this time, the direction they were flying was farther and farther away from where Tang Xiaolong and You Yinrou were located!


Li Tian didn't know that the space battleship flew in the opposite direction of Tang Xiaolong.

After returning to the space battleship, Li Tian began to close his eyes and rest.

At the same time, Li Tian has a dual purpose.

While practicing, he was communicating with the soul in Hong Zhan!

Hong Zhan's shamelessness has surpassed the limit that Li Tian could endure.

So Li Tian wants to refine Hong Zhan as soon as possible!

However, if you want to refine Hong Zhan, you can't avoid the soul in Hong Zhan.

Li Tian wanted to communicate with the soul in Hong Zhan, to see if there were other ways to make this soul come out of Hong Zhan.

In this way, he can avoid hurting this soul who is kind to him in the process of refining Hong Zhan.

"No! I don't know what the reason is. My soul has been imprisoned in Hong Zhan. If you want to refine Hong Zhan, you will also refine my soul!" Hong Zhan. Said the soul.

"Who are you? Why are you imprisoned in Hong Zhan?"

Li Tian is so curious about this soul now!

He felt that he might know this soul, and this soul might also know him.

Of course, there are not a few people who died in Li Tian's red behead, and Li Tian knew each other.

However, this soul has no malice, but will take the initiative to help Li Tian, ​​which makes Li Tian have to consider this soul.

From this point of view, Li Tian is a kind person!

That soul was silent for a moment!

"I don't know very well. My soul was already in Hong Zhan when I awakened! It's just...I vaguely remember that the owner of Hong Zhan was Li Tian! And Li Tian..."

At this time, there was a cry of pain from the soul in Hong Zhan!

"Are you OK……"

"Do you want it?"

Li Tian's mind communicated with the soul in Hong Zhan, but the soul never answered Li Tian!

Li Tian's mood suddenly turned bad.

He began to worry about whether this soul had been hurt, but he was helpless again!

"Red Slash...!"

Li Tian stood up abruptly, with anger on his face, walking back and forth in the narrow space of the space battleship.

The strong men of the Sea-Monster tribe felt Li Tian's anger, and squeezed together again, looking at Li Tian with a little horror.

"Li, Hong Zhan..." Situ Ningbing asked.

Knowing his words and deeds scared Situ Ningbing and the others, Li Tian adjusted his breathing and sat down again.

"It's okay! It's the soul in Hong Zhan..."

Situ Ningbing and others all knew that there was a human soul in Li Tian's Red Slash, and they had guessed who this soul was, but there were too many dead souls killed by Li Tianhong, and they were not sure.

However, Situ Ningbing and others are still more inclined that this dead soul is Tang Feifei's soul.

It seems that only this explanation is the most reasonable!

It is precisely because of this that Li Tian wanted to confirm it several times.

However, haste is not enough. Who is this soul has not yet been confirmed, but the soul seems to have been hurt!

This is not what Li Tian wanted to see!

"Meatball, you go ask Bull Head Sword, how long will it take to catch up with the **** of the Space Battleship of the Snatcher Spirit Race?"

Li Tian was upset, the best way at this time was to find these **** to vent their anger.

Meatball just stood up, at this moment, the cockpit door of this small space battleship opened, and the Bull Head Sword hurriedly ran out of it.

"Master Li Tian, ​​the space battleship of our Spirit Race has finally stopped, and we will be able to catch up immediately!"

"Okay! Don't interfere with any of you, let me kill enough at once!"

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