Picked a Killer as My Wife

Chapter 4532: : A dismal life

The Nether Academy and Upper Academy had been turned upside down, but Li Tian didn't know it.

In the space of Void Yasha, Li Tian went to Windsor after waking up.

Li Tian wants to talk to Windsor.

Windsor is very polite to Li Tian, ​​and even cooks himself personally, making a sumptuous dinner for Li Tian.

But Windsor was determined and insisted on returning to the earth world.

This meal Li Tian ate was dull and tasteless!

Liu Yihui, an otaku, also came to eat.

This cargo was ruined by Li Tian.

No need to work, no need to make money, indulge in the Internet all day.

I don't like to practice or exercise. Now my body has gradually begun to feel good.

After seeing Li Tian, ​​Liu Yihui showed extreme enthusiasm, and even pestered Li Tian to tell the story of the dark forest.

"Didn't you like to watch the Internet before? Why did you start to care about my affairs?"

"Hehe, watching the Internet can no longer satisfy my strong desire for yy, and I have read a few books that are eunuchs and unfinished. I am strongly dissatisfied with the author who has no morals. Therefore, I decided to write it myself!"

Well, Li Tian has been completely defeated.

Although Li Tian has not written it before, he also knows that writing is definitely not easy.

It's like eating. Adult men can eat a few bowls of rice every day, but these bowls of rice from planting to harvesting and finally turning into rice is definitely not a simple sentence.

Of course, for those authors who have no morals, contempt must still be contemptuous!

Since Liu Yihui has such hobbies and can spend his life, Li Tian will not object!

Li Tian stayed in the space of Void Yasha and told Liu Yihui a few days!

These stories are legendary enough, from the city to the journey, from the journey to the end times, and from the end times to the fantasy!

If Liu Yihui could write these stories, it would definitely not be worse than what Liu Yihui saw!

In order to increase the cultivation of Liu Yihui and Windsor, Li Tian did not hesitate to give them some treasures he had exchanged for wine from the dark forest.

If these treasures that enhance spiritual power cultivation are used properly, it will be easy for Liu Yihui and Windsor to break into the realm of cultivation.

Li Tian can only help them so much. As for how much their cultivation base can grow, this is beyond Li Tian's grasp!

After staying in the space of Void Yasha for about four days, Li Tian walked out of the space.


For these powerful cultivators who have a life span of several thousand years and tens of thousands of years, four days are just a few seconds away.

The upper academy, after four days of fermentation, is now more lively.

The leaders of the upper academies regard the vicissitudes of life, the stars and the moon as the goddesses they want to guard, and they are eager to stand by these goddesses day and night.

It is a pity that the upper academy is not a middle or lower academy, and these women in the upper academy are not women in the lower academy either!

These boys who consider themselves to be leaders, let alone enter the girls' residence, they don't even have the qualifications to enter the first-class girls' residence.

They can only sigh.

The women in the upper academy can freely enter and exit the girls' residence, but they can't even find Li Tian in the fifth month, let alone them.

Of course, the most positive thing is the vicissitudes of life!

This woman is the first and only one to offer a reward!

And in these four days, with her entourage, she almost turned the entire first-class girl's residence upside down.

"Princess, no one has seen that person before, maybe this is just a prank by the elder Shuiyue!" Her entourage said.

The vicissitudes of life shook his head and said: "No! Didn’t you see that Elder Shuiyue also came to our residence area every day? You should know that on weekdays, these elders are all gods and dragons. It's been hundreds of years in this college, and has never seen an elder behave like this!"

"The little one really can't figure it out. Where is the disciple hiding?" said the entourage.

"Huh! It's better not to let me find him, otherwise, this princess will definitely **** this disciple first and then kill, then **** and then kill!" The vicissitudes of life said to herself dissatisfied.

"Princess, you are a princess, how can you be so unobtrusive, if Xing Chen Xiaoyue heard it, we should laugh at our Canghai Empire for lack of background!" said the entourage.

"Haha, this princess has such a true temperament, who would be hypocritical like her!" Cang Hai Sang Tian, ​​with a mocking expression on the corner of her mouth, paused, Cang Hai Sang Tian continued: "Don't think I don't know you! I'm afraid you have not been honest all these years. Is there any in the lower academy that you have thought of?"

"The princess must not make fun of it!" The entourage blushed, and said shyly.

"Hey, you are still free! You can also go hunting in the lower academies. As long as they are good-looking and strong male classmates, they may become your prey, but I, we..." Sang Tian sighed, thinking in her heart.

There are too many people who want to set up an archway as a bitch, especially the women of the upper academy.

But the vicissitudes of life do not want this.

Entering the Netherworld Academy is not a dream of vicissitudes of life, even if her current cultivation base has reached the eighth level of the venerable peak, she is still unhappy.

There are many imperial tools like the vicissitudes of life in this high-class academy.

If they can break through to the realm of the emperor, then their existence will bring great help to the empire and the state of the nobleman, and their status in the empire and the state of the nobleman will be quite lofty, and they can pass them. Live the way you want.

However, if they can't break through to the realm of the emperor, then their final result is to die in Nether Academy, and finally enter the back mountains of Nether Academy and become a handful of loess.

This is their bleak stranger, tragic fate!

Why are they not men?

Since the vicissitudes of life cannot resist, then they can only accept the arrangement of fate!

As for Li Tian, ​​the disciple who dared to break into the girl's residence, to her, it was a wave of waves in her peaceful fate.

Within a few seconds of entering the residence, the vicissitudes of life and her entourage felt a strange energy fluctuation in the air.

At this moment, huh!

Li Tian's figure appeared in front of the vicissitudes of life!

"Deng's disciple..." The vicissitudes of life screamed in excitement, but she only lasted for less than a second.

Immediately, two powerful coercion fell on Li Tian, ​​completely controlling Li Tian.


The vicissitudes of life and excitement are as if the female gangster who has been hungry for a long time met a legendary pervert. She ran to Li Tian and pulled out a ribbon from her, stretched out her hand to bind Li Tian, ​​and carried Li Tian to her. Run in the room.

"Xiao Zun, give you a three-month holiday! During these three months, don't bother me!"

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