Picked a Killer as My Wife

Chapter 4513: : Peerless legs

Huge pain!

Pain deep into the bone marrow!

As the climbing height continued to rise, Li Tian felt this pain all over his body!

As soon as he stretched out his hand, Li Tian stretched out his hand to see that on his arm, the skin was actually cracked inch by inch, as if it were a long-drought land.

The difference is that this cracked skin is bloody, very scary.

This is just the appearance, it is Li Tian's bones that hurt at this time.

Li Tian felt that the bones of his whole body seemed to be crushed in a grinding pan. The huge squeezing force made Li Tian feel that the bones were constantly rustling, as if even the bone marrow was being squeezed out.

The more painful thing is the head, the nerves!

That's right, whether it was skin pain or bone marrow pain, Li Tian didn't have to bear this pain, but Li Tian felt that he was completely helpless because of the nerve pain.

It was as if invisible needles were constantly piercing his head from all directions, and then kept turning.

Li Tian can only grit his teeth and insist!

Li Tian climbed first, but his speed was not the fastest.

The Lord of the Earth Evil Heavenly Eagle and the Lord of the Heavenly Flame Lily seemed to be born masters of climbing. They came first and soon surpassed Li Tian.

Li Tian looked up and saw that these two domain masters were equally uncomfortable.

At this time, the skin on the arm of the master of the earth evil sky vulture domain had also turned outwards, looking equally terrified.

When the Tiangang Flame raccoon domain lord surpassed Li Tian, ​​Li Tian clearly heard a burst of bean-like noise in his body. It is conceivable that the Tiangang Flame raccoon domain lord also suffered huge pain at this time.

Compared with these two domain masters, the speed of the purple flame thunder bear domain master and the Yin Devil silver bull domain master are relatively slower, but not too slow, and the distance from Li Tian is only less than ten. Step distance.

These two domain masters seem to be stronger than Li Tian and the others, with thicker skin and thick skin. Up to now, they have not thought of the terrible Heavenly Eagle and Tiangangyan raccoon domain masters, nor are they as miserable as Li Tian.

The two domain masters did not rush, one left and the other right, they were ten steps away from Li Tian, ​​slowly climbing up.




Li Tian didn't dare to control the spiritual fluctuations in his veins, so he could only adjust his breathing constantly.

Unconsciously, Li Tian and others have climbed more than one kilometer distance!

As the height continued to rise, Li Tian felt that his body had reached its limit, and there was no inch of skin in his whole body that was intact.

More importantly, Li Tian felt his arms and legs trembling constantly!

This is not fear, but because the muscles are beating on their own under long-term extreme sports.

This is not the most dangerous. As long as Li Tian has a breath, Li Tian will not give up, Li Tian is still climbing up mechanically!

At the current distance, the other four domain masters and Li Tian are almost the same!

Their cultivation base is higher than Li Tian, ​​and their demigod power is weaker than Li Tian, ​​so they feel much better than Li Tian.

But it's just a little better.



The wind sounded in Li Tian's ears.

After climbing more than one kilometer in height, the wind on this holy peak mountain suddenly became fierce.

The wind is crying and howling, it feels like countless souls are crying in the wind.



A strong wind blew past and fell on Li Tian.

Li Tian immediately felt as if he had been hit with a whip, no, it was more painful than that, as if he had been cut several times with a steel knife.

Arms, body, legs, all have this feeling.

Li Tian felt his arm almost loosened.



Blood began to drip from Li Tian's arm, and several hot blood fell on Li Tian's face.

"This... the blood actually began to drip?" Li Tian couldn't help but panic in his heart.

Doesn't it mean that the power of the demigod doesn't cause harm to the body, it just stays in pain? Why is the blood beginning to drip now?

I don't know how far from this height is to half a mountainside. I won't lose too much blood and faint before climbing half a mountainside?

Li Tian's heart suddenly became unstable.

Shaking in his heart, Li Tian felt the pain all over his body more and more, and even his arm instantly lost strength.

"Damn! I absolutely can't have such an idea now, otherwise I will fall into this abyss!"

Li Tian comforted himself while allowing his arm to climb up mechanically!



Another strong wind blew.

Li Tian felt the attack of the strong wind again on his body.

The power of the wind is so strong that even Li Tian can feel that the wind has blown into his body skin, cutting off his skin.

For a moment, Li Tian felt that he had lost control of his arms and lost consciousness.

Suddenly, Li Tian's hands softened, and his body fell backward involuntarily!

"My day! My day! My day!"

"It can't be like this! Is it possible for me to survive this way?"

However, Li Tian's body fell without being affected by Li Tian's will, and Li Tian still fell down.

At the moment of falling, Li Tian thought of Void Yasha.

But no matter how Li Tian used his mind to communicate with Xukong Yasha, he did not respond at all.

The power of the demigod could cut off the communication between Li Tian and Xiaoyasha.

"Is Li Tian so finished?" Li Tian was not reconciled!

"Li Tian, ​​hurry up and catch me!" Li Tian heard a quick voice from below.

Is the domain master of Ziyan Thunder Bear!

The demigod power that these four domain masters bear is half weaker than Li Tian. Although they are also suffering, they are more energetic than Li Tian. At least so far, they have not withstood the attack of strong winds.


The two domain owners, Ziyan Thunder Bear and Yin Mo Yin Niu, are still behind me, as long as I can catch them, I won't fall!

"still have a chance!"

The surging spiritual power kept impacting in Li Tian's veins. The skin that Li Tian felt had been cut off finally recovered a trace of consciousness at this critical moment.


A powerful spiritual force descended from the sky, landed on Li Tian's body, and poured from all directions in Li Tian's body!

Seeing this strangeness, the bodies of the four domain masters were obviously startled.


"This kid was a blessing in disguise, but he broke through at this time?"

That's right, after this demi-god might have been tempered, Li Tian actually broke through to the sixth level of the Venerable!

Li Tian was too happy to be happy. When he fell more than ten meters, his body suddenly leaned forward in the air, reaching out and grabbing a leg.

A thick thigh!

Now Li Tian finally hugged a thigh!

Although this thigh is **** and not beautiful at all, Li Tian feels that this is the best thigh in the world!

"I fuck! I fuck! I fuck!" followed three swear words.

Those who are near Zhu are red and those who are near Mo are black. Following Li Tian, ​​these four guys also learned the dirty words Li Tian brought from the earth world.

"It hurts the old cow! Li Tian, ​​you little deflated calf, quickly let go, and crawl to the side, old cow, my leg will be broken by you!" Yin Mo Yin Niu's painful ghost crying howling wolf.

There is no positive energy picture in the movie, but Li Tian feels more real!

"Lao Niu, I love you to death, thank you for your thighs! Li Tian, ​​I am resurrected with blood!" Li Tian took a claw to the side and sent the legs of Yin Mo Yin Bull Territory Lord, and began to climb up quickly.


That's right, the pain is still there, but because Li Tian broke through to the early stage of Venerable Sixth level, Li Tian, ​​who has become accustomed to doubling the power of a demigod, immediately feels much more relaxed.

Domain Master Ziyan Thunder Bear is also climbing, but his line of sight is always following Li Tian.

"This guy is really surprising! He has not climbed to the mountainside yet, he has broken through! I really don't know how high your ultimate achievement is! Domain Lord? Existence beyond the Domain Lord? A demigod! Yes, This guy can definitely reach a demigod!"

"Even the demigods care about him so much!"

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