Picked a Killer as My Wife

Chapter 4361: : Yuanjialuzhai (3)

The body of the black robe corpse refiner hit the cave wall so hard that his whole body was sunken into the cave wall.

Tang Xiaolong didn't stop his hand, and he fell several consecutive punches on the body of the black-robed corpse refiner. With every punch, the body of the black-robed corpse refiner would dent several inches into the cave wall.




Tang Xiaolong’s Kong Wu’s two powerful fists are like pounding garlic and pestle, and the black robe corpse refiner is like garlic under Tang Xiaolong’s fist. A dozen consecutive punches go down. The bones were all shattered, and the flesh and blood of the body except for the limbs were actually shattered into meat.

"Do not……"


The black robe corpse refiner did not close his eyes when he died.

He couldn't believe that his corpse-refining Taoist priest who had cultivated for a thousand years would be shattered by Tang Xiaolong, a black barbarian.

The black robe corpse refining priest...dead!

His body has turned into pieces of flesh, and he is always with the walls of the caves of the heavens, and will never be separated.

Outside the cave, hundreds of zombies were awakened by the black-robed corpse refiner. These zombies flocked to Li Tian and Situ Ningbing frantically!

"Li, leave it to me!" Situ Ningbing said.

As a powerful pressure fell from the sky, these exposed zombies were quickly pressed back into the water by the powerful pressure.

Situ Ningbing revolved Qingyun Qi Jue, and as the spiritual power in her body began to wander through the veins, a palm-sized purple lotus quickly appeared in Situ Ningbing's left palm.

The purple lotus was spinning quickly in Situ Ningbing's hand. With each rotation, the purple lotus in Situ Ningbing's hand would grow a bit bigger, and the purple arc on the lotus became more and more secretive.

The purple arc shining on Situ Ningbing's cheeks. At this time, Situ Ningbing's face did not fluctuate in the slightest, giving people a cold and glamorous feeling.

With a slight finger on Situ Ningbing's right hand, the lotus petals immediately floated away from the lotus, and dozens of petals carried purple arcs, as if flying into the water instantly.


The purple arc enters the water, like countless little snakes swimming, leading the purple petals to swiftly drill into the bodies of those zombies.

Situ Ningbing's Qingyun Qi Jue was far less domineering than Li Tian's Qingyun Qi Jue, but as a powerhouse at the venerable level, Situ Ningbing's Qingyun Qi Jue purple lotus attack power was not weak.

After the purple arc poured into the bodies of the zombies, it quickly destroyed the zombies' bodily functions. The bones, muscles, and skin were like paper burned with a match, disappearing at a speed visible to the naked eye.

It is necessary to know that this lotus flower of Situ Ningbing can release dozens of petals, and these dozens of petals instantly wiped out dozens of zombies.

For a while, the surface of the water seemed to be boiling, and the zombies that were hit by the lotus petals were quickly swallowed by the purple arc and disappeared into the water.

Situ Ningbing did not stop. Whenever there was only the last lotus petal in her hand, Situ Ningbing stopped attacking and began to continue to run the spiritual power in her body veins, so as to let the lotus petals float away in her hand. Get supplemented, and continue to attack those zombies!

This is a battle without suspense.

There is absolutely no solution in the earth world for a powerful person at the venerable level!

Not to mention these low-level little zombies, even hundreds of corpse refining priests have no resistance in front of the venerable.

A few minutes later, hundreds of zombies were all killed by Situ Ningbing's Qingyun Qi Jue without exception, and only a few dozen corpses that had not been refined into zombies by the black-robed corpse refining priests continued to float in the water.

Although these people died innocently, Li Tian is not a Virgin, and he is not obligated to send all these corpses to the ground. In the future, these matters can be handled by the fire.

Tang Xiaolong’s fist was covered with the blood of the black-robed corpse-refining Taoist priest and walked out, and he pulled a piece of rag to wipe the blood clean, throwing it away, and said with ease: "Little boss, we really changed. Strong, the corpse refiner didn't have the power to fight back in my hands, and I was beaten to death with a few punches!"

Since knowing that the corpse had escaped, Li Tian was also worried about the dead. He followed Tang Xiaolong into the cave behind the stone gate of the heavens, and used the heavenly spear to release the purple electric dragon to completely refine the corpse of the black-robed Taoist priest. It's nothing but rest assured.


The last time Li Tian and the others came to the Underground Palace of the Buddha Pagoda in Wangta Temple, their cultivation was still very weak, and in the end they only broke through three stone gates after a life of nine deaths.

Right now, Li Tian and the others still had five stone gates that did not break through. They were: Gandapo, Asura, Garuda, Kinnaruo, and Mahuragya.

Ganda Po: It is a **** who does not eat wine or meat, but only seeks fragrance as a nourishment. It is one of the gods of music that serves the emperor. It emits a strong fragrance. "Ganda Po" in Sanskrit means "changeable "Measured" means.

The aromas and music are vague and elusive.

Asura: It is an existence that has seven emotions and six desires, but is not a human being. This kind of existence is very aggressive and a kind of evil god.

Of course, Li Tian knows that many of the legendary gods on the earth have water. This water may be spontaneously injected by the people in historical legends, or it may be because the legendary time is long and gradually injected.

Take the small hot pot as an example. This guy is regarded as the **** of fire from Dongying, but the strength of this guy, Li Tian hahahahaha. And now Li Tian is also regarded as a **** by some people in Dongying Island Kingdom and China, but Li Tian's strength is also hahahaha.

According to Buddhist legends, Asura and Emperor Shitian are rivals, always fighting each other endlessly. Because it was the highest demon opposed to the gods, he was expelled from the heavens and lived in the caves of Milu Mountain, and he fought fiercely with the gods many times.

From this legend alone, this Asura is already awesome, but Li Tian doesn't know what extent this Emperor Shitian is, and what extent Asura can reach.

If you can't compare all your strengths on the same plane, you can brazenly blow.

Li Tian boldly estimated that this Asura is probably a master of the cultivator level, and it may not have reached the realm of venerable.

Garuda: The golden-winged bird **** who lives on the big trees on the four continents. His wings spread out over three million kilometers. In ancient Indian mythology, it is the mount of the great **** Vishnu.

For this description, Li Tian hehehe again.

The wings spread over three million square kilometers, and the land area of ​​China before the end of the world was only more than 9.6 million square kilometers, while India’s land area was only 2.98 million square kilometers.

what does this mean?

Unless these mythological stories in the mythology did not take place in the earth world, otherwise...this is awesome! Blowed!

"Now that our cultivation base has reached the realm of the venerable, we speeded up and each entered a stone gate. After we got out of the stone gate, we waited here for each other, and the last two stone gates we will come together!" Li Tian said.

"Okay, then I choose Ganda Po!" Situ Ningbing said.

"Hey, I want to see Ashura!" Tang Xiaolong said.

"Then I will choose Garuda!" Li Tian said.

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